roses and lilies

Chapter 103 Appreciation

Qin Ye asked the client: "Is there a room type with a larger area in the model room?"

"The house type with three bedrooms and two living rooms is nearly 150 square meters." The customer has visited it six times and is very familiar with the house type there.

"Well, just buy this!" Qin Ye said confidently.

"Professor Qin! I have no idea! Is there any room for appreciation in this house? Is it easy to rent after I buy it? I only have this little savings, and I always feel a little uneasy!" The client said sincerely.

"Well, okay! You don't have to buy it! No one is forcing you to buy it. If you feel inappropriate, you don't have to buy it. This is your right. I have no right to interfere, so please do it!" Qin Ye treated The customer is sincere and very attentive. She feels that the customer has some distrust of her.There is no need to force it. In Qinye's dictionary, there is no such thing as accommodating customers, whether it is insuring customers or encouraging them to invest.It's a benefit to customers.Her role is to help clients save assets.

Although Professor Qin didn't talk much, there was sincerity in his words, and the client couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.He hurriedly said to Professor Qin: "I will go to the sales office now and pay the rent! I believe in you!"

Qin Ye looked at the customer's ashamed expression, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, I won't tell you if I'm not sure. The amount of information is large, and it must be more professional than the customer. We study and ponder the content of financial management every day. We will not let the customer's assets be lost in vain.

From an asset point of view, let’s put it bluntly!That is, the richer the richer, the base of funds determines the probability of investment success.Most of the customers are working-class people like you, and there is nothing comparable with those rich people.

From the perspective of the stock market, those big dealers, especially the traders who trade stocks for the company, cost tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions.Just think about it, they poured a huge amount of money into the stock market, and we retail investors saw that the stock index was booming, so we also invested our own funds in it.Although these retail investors have little money, they have a large number, and there will be more when they gather.

The task of the dealer is to absorb funds from retail investors. After the stock price rises, the dealer runs away in due course.Poor retail investors are always half a beat behind the dealer, commonly known as the old catch up, but they can never catch up.

What we need to do is to help my clients ensure the safety of their property, and enable them to preserve and increase their value through appropriate investments.This is also our duty.

There are financial planner firms in foreign countries, which are developed as an industry.A good financial planner needs to be hired with a high salary.China has not paid special attention to this area, and it can be said that it has not yet developed to that extent.As a life insurance practitioner, we need to gradually transition to a financial planner, and eventually we must also be in line with international standards. This requires us to start from now, think more about problems from the perspective of customers, and help customers solve their confusion in the financial management process.Re-establish the confidence of customers in us, regain the lost market, and slowly change the view of insurance and even insurance salesmen.To enable customers to think that insurance is a good thing from a psychological level, and it is an indispensable thing for everyone and every family.Through our little fire, it spreads this advanced concept like a prairie fire. "Qin Ye expressed her thoughts impassionedly. Her thoughts have already infected many people, and the avant-garde and progress in them are self-evident.

Facts once again proved that Qin Ye's judgment was extremely accurate.Just two months.Good news keeps coming, and the northern part of the city is about to usher in great development and prosperity.

Sitting in the small conference room of the office suite, the head of the forest district is looking at the sand table model of the future planning of the northern region with great interest.There are rows of high-rise buildings and trees, which have the effect of Central Park in the United States.Large playgrounds, shopping centers, and star hotels are surrounded by lush greenery.The cultural environment is particularly eye-catching. The Grand Theater is surrounded by gurgling lakes, and on the periphery are history museums, natural museums, libraries, art galleries, science and technology museums, etc. that represent the city's humanistic spirit. These venues tightly surround the Linhu Grand Theater. In the center, the overall effect is like a blooming flower, adorning this beautiful city.This ecologically livable new urban area is quietly taking shape.

Every time he sees the sand table model, Lin District feels extremely excited.Once the new urban area is completed, it will be very beneficial to enhance the overall image of Linjiang District.He dreams of developing this city into a national first-tier city.Countless days and nights, he racked his brains to discuss countermeasures with the secretary, the relevant leaders of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, and experts from the authoritative expert group. There have been countless meetings, large and small.

Finally, the sand table model was determined, and he knew that this goal of struggle had been formed.It seems to have seen the end of the dream finally come true.He is confident about the future of the city.

The biggest feature of his work is that he conceives and plans in advance, and thinks through the overall layout, detail nodes, and even every link in advance.

Be courageous in doing things.Think carefully about every question in advance.List the difficulties and obstacles in advance, discuss countermeasures, and overcome them one by one.Once the plan is confirmed, it will follow the established policy and ideas step by step.Never give up halfway.

This sand table model made in advance was carefully conceived and produced by him and the think tank. It was full of countless meetings of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and district leaders, discussions and demonstrations and in-depth discussions by authoritative economic and urban planning experts. It was decided, and a secretary made a report to the city, and it was made after research and approval by the city leaders.

City leaders described the area as a great blueprint.It draws on the construction concept of Central Park in the United States.Make full use of the beautiful surrounding scenery and the natural environment with numerous nurseries, the air is fresh and the scenery is pleasant.It is planned to introduce a large-scale comprehensive entertainment and leisure center integrating eating, drinking, and entertainment in this area, and the dual subway lines in the urban area of ​​Dajiang District will also be extended.Libraries, playgrounds, art galleries, grand theaters, science and technology museums, natural museums, and history museums will all be built in this area.And this place is positioned as the administrative subsidiary center of the district.Star-rated hotels were built accordingly from this area.For a time, green water and green mountains are the construction concept of Jinshan Yinshan, which has been quickly praised.Developers from all walks of life hope to acquire this piece of land one after another, and it is expected to build a beautiful Renju suitable for humanistic living.

For a time, the land and property prices here rose wildly.This desolate community has already become hot, and it has tripled in just a few months, and the houses bought by customers have increased by nearly 300 million.Still rising continuously.

The client came to Qin Ye gratefully, knelt down on his knees, and kowtowed "Boom, boom".The knocking was louder than last time, but the mood was completely different!What is mixed with joy is gratitude!

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