On the way back, the two ran into Williams.

As soon as he saw the person sitting in the car over there, Williams couldn't be calm anymore.

He directly asked the driver to stop in the middle of the road. This road is wide, even if two cars pass by together, there is no pressure.

But Williams just stopped in the middle like this, which is a bit abnormal.

"This is?" Yang Lei was a little surprised, and couldn't help but look at the people sitting in the car over there.

The people in the car seemed to have noticed that someone was paying attention to them, and quickly rolled down the windows.

Only now did Wilhelm Nana notice that the person sitting over there turned out to be Williams, who unexpectedly found this place.

When Yang Lei saw the person sitting in the back seat over there, he couldn't help connecting him with Wilhelm Nana. Seeing the expression of Wilhelm Nana over there, he knew what was going on.

However, after Wilhelmina reacted, she stepped on the accelerator directly, bypassing Williams over there and leaving.

Seeing this, Yang Lei didn't hesitate, and followed in the footsteps of Wilhelmina over there.

Anyway, even if the two of them leave, Williams over there will continue to catch up.

Sure enough, Williams' men followed suit.

Finally, several people met at Yang Lei's home.

It's not that Yang Lei doesn't know Williams' identity, so it's not easy to do something to him.

When Williams saw Yang Lei, he didn't show any regret at all, and even went to attack him directly, "Yang Lei, is it Yang Lei?"

"Yes." Seeing Williams' expression, Yang Lei knew what might happen next.

"Do you know who Nana is? You even hid her in your own home?" Williams' attitude was very firm, and he didn't intend to give in at all.

But Yang Lei didn't show weakness at all, "First of all, I didn't ask for this, but my daughter entered my company's conference room by herself."

"I have every reason to suspect that she is someone sent by my business enemy, so it's not impossible to keep her at this time, right?"

"Business enemies?" Williams hadn't considered these at all before.

"Yes, Shao Liheng?" Yang Lei paused after saying the name, just to see Williams' reaction over there.

His expression clearly showed that he must know Shao Liheng.

Not only that, he might even be very familiar with Shao Liheng.

"Look, you hesitated, which means that this possibility does not exist." Yang Lei directly grasped this emotion of Williams, "So, I keep her by my side at this time, Isn't it unreasonable?"

Wilhelm Nana has been listening by the side. Although she didn't say anything, Wilhelm Nana still heard the three words "Shao Liheng".

So when the two men talked, they were talking about him.

"Really?" But in Williams' view, since his daughter has been locked up at home for such a long time, it is unjustifiable. "But if I can prove that Nana has nothing to do with him?" What about the relationship?"

"What are you going to do? Can you let me pick Nana up?" Williams asked.

Yang Lei wasn't worried about this question at all, he already knew the answer when he raced with Wilhelm Nana just now.

As long as there is something that attracts her here, this woman will not leave so easily.

"Then you have to ask her if you want to leave." Yang Lei looked at Wilhelmina over there.

Now, Wilhelmana seemed to have to say something.

She knew very well that if she just left with Williams like this, she would probably marry Omsen over there after returning, and what was waiting for her would be a not so free life.

Not only that, she didn't even have the chance to race like this again.

So, Wilhelmana shook her head, "I won't go."

Williams was very surprised to get such an answer, and was even a little too angry for a moment to say, "You!"

"I" Wilhelmana didn't want to continue to contradict Williams.

Looking at Yang Lei's expression over there, he was even more smug, as if everything that happened now was under his control.

After Williams left here, he contacted Shao Liheng.

"Shao Liheng, isn't my daughter with you?" Williams' tone was somewhat accusatory.

Shao Liheng quickly denied, "You should know where Nana is at this time better than me, right?"

To be honest, Wilhelm Nana is a hot potato, no matter what, Shao Liheng is unwilling to let this potato fall into his hands again.

"You know that too?" Williams snorted coldly, "Nana is with that Yang Lei, and even went racing."

Before this, Shao Liheng had no idea that Wilhelm Nana still had such a hobby.

"Really? So, let her have a good time." To put it mildly, now Shao Liheng can stand and talk without back pain, but with his illness, he still wants to say what he wants to say.

"Shao Liheng, don't you know why Nana approaches you again and again?" Looking at Williams, Shao Liheng was indeed a bit unkind at this time.

"Really?" But Shao Liheng didn't think so, "Then do you think that after Nana returns home, she will be happy if she marries Oumsen?"

I have to say that after asking this question, Williams over there was at a loss for words.

"I don't think so." After Shao Liheng left such a sentence, he hung up the phone directly.

Williams thought about it for a long time. It's not that he doesn't know the answer to this question, but he has been deceiving himself.

For him, as long as Wilhelm Nana is not with Shao Liheng, everything else is fine.

However, this does not seem to be the case.

At the same time, Omsen over there also called.

In the past few days, he has not given up on looking for Wilhelmina, but he has not gotten a definite answer.

"How is it? Is there any news about Nana?" Omsen was still in a hurry, so he decided to ask Williams here, hoping that he was so powerful that he could know the news one step earlier than him.

"Omsen." Williams said, "Why didn't you get any news about Nana?"

He could tell that Williams was blaming him.

"I am incompetent." Omsen had to admit that this time he did not do a good job.

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