Now that she had such thoughts, Wilhelmana drove out of here without any hesitation.

The garage was some distance away from the gate, and when Yang Lei came to his senses, he hurriedly notified the guard over there.

"Stop her for me, I didn't let her leave here." At the same time, Yang Lei started to run quickly.

It seems that Wilhelmana seemed to have some purpose just now.

Now, fortunately, it was at his home, otherwise Wilhelm Nana might have gotten in the car and gone to another place.

"Wilianna?" Yang Lei shouted her name.

At this time, Wilhelmana was even more anxious when she saw the people standing at the door, and even couldn't help but slammed the accelerator several times. After all, she still couldn't just rush up like this. people.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way." Wilhelmina honked several times.

The reason why this group of people are like this must be because Yang Lei over there has noticed something, so he immediately notified someone to stop her at the door.

She was at her wit's end, and it seemed that her method was in vain again.

Not long after, Yang Lei came over, without any hesitation, he directly dragged Wilhelm Nana out of the car.

"Are you going to drive back to Suy's place if I don't stop you?"

What Yang Lei said was indeed correct, but Wilhelmina would never admit it.

"No, I just want to go out for a walk." To be honest, she has been here every day for the past few days, and it is not too much to say that she wants to go out to have fun at this time.

Just pulling Wilhelm Nana all the way, Yang Lei took her back home again, "Don't forget that you broke into the meeting room."

"I haven't said when you will be able to leave." Yang Lei directly lowered his face.

Seeing Yang Lei like this, Wilhelm Nana didn't feel any fear at all.

Her biggest feeling now is that she wants to touch the steering wheel again. It was only for such a short time just now, and it was really not enjoyable enough.

Not only that, she even felt that the accelerator pedal of Yang Lei's car just now was very good.

"Really?" Wilhelmana began to seduce step by step.

"Why, do you think you can leave?" Yang Lei looked at Wilhelm Nana as if he was a little dissatisfied.

Wilhelmana shook her head, "I know I can't speak for you."

"Why don't we come to the game, let's have a real game?" Wilhelmana gestured and stood up at the same time.

"What?" Yang Lei couldn't help being a little interested.

"Racing car?" Wilhelm Nana raised her eyebrows. Yang Lei must have seen the way she was driving just now, so she must know that her driving skills are not bad, "If you don't agree, then I will treat you as you Are you afraid to compare with me?"

"I think I've won without a fight." Wilhelm Nana had already said that, why did Yang Lei disagree.

He nodded, "Just compare, how do you compare?"

"Shouldn't I ask you this?" Wilhelmana was not familiar with the surrounding road conditions at all. As for where to go racing, how could she know, "Is there any place around here?"

Yang Lei instantly understood what Wilhelmina meant, "Yes, there is a road around here, there must be no cars at this time."

"We can go there and compete," Yang Lei motioned for the butler to come over, "What about you? Or the car just now?"

Wilhelmina nodded, "Didn't I touch it just now and think it's pretty good?"

Yang Lei was in a good mood when talking about the things he was interested in, and he was also very energetic when talking about this matter at this time.

"Since you have already touched it before, then you can't just find an excuse to say that you are not familiar with it." Yang Lei had to get vaccinated first.

Wilhelmina nodded, "Don't worry, I'm definitely not this kind of person."

In fact, Wilhelmana is very confident in her driving skills.

When I was in Europe, although I had many playmates, their driving skills were still slightly inferior to hers.

Therefore, Wilhelmina is very confident at this time.

Yang Lei deliberately chose the one that he drove the most smoothly, and the two drove the car to that road together.

"Here is the starting point." Yang Lei slammed the accelerator a few times, and the engine made a provocative sound, "Did you see that over there? The end of this road is the beach."

"When the time comes, whoever gets there first will win." Yang Lei explained the rules.

Wilhelmina nodded, "Yes, how long will the whole process take?"

Yang Lei thought for a while, "About seven kilometers?"

To be honest, he also has no specific data.

"Yes." Wilhelmana turned her head away, indicating that she was ready.

"Then, let's start?" Yang Lei and Wilhelm Nana counted down together, "3, 2, 1!"

"Go!" The two stepped on the accelerator at the same time.

It's been a long time since Wilhelm Nana drove this fast. The road is the same as Yang Lei said, and there are almost no other cars.

So it's great to drive a car.

Wilhelmina even cried out involuntarily.

Yang Lei could feel that Wilhelmina over there was always accelerating, and he was not to be outdone.

The two of them were almost in the same line all the way, occasionally Wilhelm Nana was in front, and occasionally Yang Lei was in front.

This road is not a straight road, and there are several curves in it, so these curves are the time for two people to compete.

Wilhelm Nana did not handle these few bends well earlier, and fell behind Yang Lei over there.

But once she felt it, she took the opportunity to surpass it.

Yang Lei was very surprised at the beginning, obviously he had driven this road a thousand and eighty times, how could he not handle the curve as well as Wilhelm Nana at this time.

He couldn't help turning his head to look, but saw Wilhelmina's serious expression over there.

After driving this way, the two of them are almost surpassing each other.

The best few hundred meters is a straight road, and Wilhelmina and Yang Lei are almost advancing on the same line.

At the end, the two of them did not decide a winner.

Yang Lei stretched himself after driving the car, as if he hadn't had such a good time for a long time.

"Not bad." Yang Lei got out of the car and walked to Wilhelm Nana's side, "I thought you would lose to me."

Wilhelmina curled her lips and smiled, "Who are you looking down on? If I'm not familiar with this road, or I must have won."

Yang Lei didn't dare to deny it, after all, his original advantages were all overtaken by Wilhelm Nana later.

However, Yang Lei had a lot of fun, he hadn't driven such a cool car for a long time.

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