Wilhelm Nana still stayed at Yang Lei's house.

It is comfortable to live here with Yang Lei every day, without so many constraints at all.

However, since Williams came last time, Wilhelm Nana seemed to have noticed that Yang Lei over there had become more cautious.

Even in the past few days, talking has become significantly less.

That being the case, Wilhelmina is also a man with her tail between her legs.

No matter what Yang Lei said, she would think about it.

He even called Yang Lei's racing car over there again, but he didn't give any response.

However, Yang Lei was always thinking of getting something out of Wilhelmana's mouth.

After all, according to Williams, Wilhelmina seems to have some use, and it must have something to do with Shao Liheng.

This time, Yang Lei deliberately went home for dinner.

Sitting at the dinner table, he talked to Wilhelmana again, "Did your father continue to look for you these days?"

Wilhelmana shook her head without hesitation, there was really no need to hide this matter.

"It's probably because I'm too happy to think about leaving, so just ignore it."

Yang Lei couldn't help laughing. Seeing that Wilhelm Nana seemed unprepared at this time, he continued to ask, "So, where is Shao Liheng? Did he contact you?"

Wilhelmina hadn't heard much of this name for a long time.

Now that I heard it suddenly, it was even more uncomfortable.

"What? Look at your appearance?" Yang Lei felt that he seemed to be able to get some useful information.

However, how could Wilhelm Nana be a fuel-efficient lamp? Of course, she knew that Yang Lei was talking nonsense.

"I don't even have his contact information." Wilhelmana did not lie.

"What about Suy? Since we all ate together, it means that our relationship is okay, right?"

Wilhelmana still shook her head without hesitation, "I'm living here with you all the time? Don't you know what I do every day?"

It is true, after all, Wilhelmina has always been under his nose.

Yang Lei finally understood that he had no way to get any useful news from Wilhelmina this time.

"Okay, what you said is not wrong." Yang Lei sighed helplessly, it seemed that he wanted to know something from Wilhelmana this time, and it seemed that it was more difficult than reaching the sky .

After the meal, Yang Lei received a message from Bai Yanxin.

"What did you say?" After so long, I hadn't paid much attention to Bai Yanxin, and I couldn't believe it when I suddenly received such news, "Are you sure?"

The housekeeper nodded, "It's absolutely true, Miss Bai said it herself."

"And the family doctor has already said that he is quite seriously ill."

At this moment, Yang Lei realized that something was wrong and rushed back immediately.

"Huh?" Wilhelm Nana was sitting in the living room, seeing Yang Lei in such a hurry, she couldn't help being a little surprised.

In this way, Yang Lei must have encountered some troubles, which is why he became what he is now.

That being the case, she, Wilhelmina, didn't have the need to stop him and ask him what happened.

When Yang Lei rushed to Bai Yanxin's place, his heart almost jumped out of anxiety.

"Yanxin?" Yang Lei called her name over and over again.

When she walked into the room, she saw Bai Yanxin over there lying on the bed and eating fruit.

"No, aren't you feeling unwell?" Seeing Bai Yanxin's appearance, Yang Lei couldn't tell what was wrong with her, "What did the doctor say is wrong?"

Yang Lei stretched out his hand and touched Bai Yanxin's forehead.

It seems that it has been a long time since I have had such contact with Yang Lei, Bai Yanxin is still a little shy at this moment, and even smiles shyly.

"No." Bai Yanxin knew that she couldn't hide it anymore, "I am"

"What is it?" Yang Lei didn't know how to describe his mood for a while, seeing Bai Yanxin's look like nothing happened, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

But when he thought that he seemed to be tricked by her, he couldn't become calm again.

"Actually, I did it on purpose." Bai Yanxin was afraid that Yang Lei over there would leave if he knew the truth, so she reached out and grabbed him, "I released the news."

"Yang Lei, I just feel that I haven't been with you well for a long time." Bai Yanxin acted coquettishly, seeing her like this, Yang Lei couldn't vent the anger in his heart anymore.

"Okay, I see, I don't blame you." Yang Lei patted Bai Yanxin's head.

"Just stay with me more." Bai Yanxin continued coquettishly, "I didn't do it on purpose."

Forget it, the original anger in Yang Lei's heart was completely eliminated.

"Okay, I'll accompany you." How to put it, I really haven't been with Bai Yanxin very well these days.

That being the case, Yang Lei should stay here and accompany her for a while.

At the same time, on Wilhelmina's side, after she heard that Yang Lei had left, she began to think of Huatou.

At this time, should I make good use of the present time?

Although this house is full of Yang Lei's people, it is impossible for them to follow him all the time.

Wilhelmana went back to the room first, in order to distract the servants over there.

After staying in the room for a long time, Wilhelmina finally couldn't bear it anymore and definitely went out.

Fortunately, no one saw her, so she was able to sneak into Yang Lei's study smoothly.

On weekdays, I have seen Yang Lei come here, but I have never entered here once.

Occasionally, Yang Lei also discussed business affairs with her in another room.

So at this time, when Wilhelmina entered here, she was very strange.

There are a large collection of books inside, and there are several murals on the walls.

Wilhelm Nana couldn't help lamenting Yang Lei's aesthetics. She thought Yang Lei was just a nouveau riche, but unexpectedly she had some taste.

She knew that this was not the time for her to do these things, so she had to get down to business quickly.

Walking to the edge of the table over there, Wilhelmana opened the drawer and began to look through it.

I don't know if Yang Lei will put some secret things in this kind of place.

Although her Chinese is not very good, she can still understand the contents of these documents.

After flipping through it, Wilhelmina didn't seem to see anything useful at all.

Could it be that Yang Lei didn't put anything useful in it at all?

Seeing the time passing by, she had to leave here quickly.

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