Immediately, An Yuqi hugged Ye Qiongyu's arm very excitedly, smiled sweetly, and she was like two people with the An Yuqi in front, "Sleep? That's good, that's good, we're going too go to sleep."

Finally coaxing An Yuqi to fall asleep, Ye Qiongyu cautiously left the room with his mobile phone, he pressed Lin Zong's number, "Hey, Lin Zong, where are you? Come to my house."

Soon, Lin Zong's worried voice came from the phone, "What's wrong? It's so late, what happened, are you okay?"

Glancing at the door of the room, Ye Qiongyu walked down the stairs, and said in a cold tone, "I want to see your people in 10 minutes, otherwise, you will know the consequences."

Lin Zong's anxious voice came from the other side of the phone, "I hate it, you're threatening me again, tell me."

Successfully curling the corners of his lips, Ye Qiongyu briefly described what happened just now.

"An Yuqi is self-harming now, and her memory is also a little confused. Sometimes she knows me, sometimes she doesn't, but she always remembers that child."

Hearing this, Lin Zong became anxious. He bounced off the sofa excitedly, and shouted worriedly, "Could it be because of the child's memory disorder? This situation is very bad. I'll be here soon. By the way, you must not provoke her again."

"Well, I see,"

After hanging up the phone, Ye Qiongyu walked to the sofa, sat down, closed his eyes, crossed his legs, and sighed a long time.

But this silence didn't last long, when there was a sound of a large object falling from upstairs, Ye Qiongyu suddenly opened his eyes, glanced anxiously at the second floor, and quickly ran to the second floor, he three Taking two steps, he opened the door of the room.

An Yuqi stood barefoot on the ground in front of the window, her hair was disheveled in the wind, and she held a flower pot in her hand.

The moment she saw Ye Qiongyu, she threw it directly at him. Fortunately, she was relatively weak and her strength was relatively weak. The flower pot fell one meter in front of Ye Qiongyu and broke, but she was still very happy. Yelling at Ye Qiongyu excitedly.

"Go away, you killed my child, I will kill you."

Although he already knew that An Yuqi was stimulated, Ye Qiongyu still couldn't believe it. He looked at An Yuqi with a distressed face, and quickly walked over to hug her, "Yuqi, it's okay, you misread, I'm your husband, not a bad guy."

In the next second, An Yuqi pushed Ye Qiongyu away with all her strength, with great anger on her face and red eye circles, she punched and kicked Ye Qiongyu, "No, you are not, you You are a murderer, I want you to die, and you have to be buried with my child."

Although the pain from his body was not light, the pain in his heart was even more uncomfortable. Ye Qiongyu watched An Yuqi's mischief quietly, but did not stop him. He looked at her distressedly and comforted her, "Yuqi, If you are tired, take a rest."

However, An Yuqi was as excited as if she had taken a puffing agent. Seeing that this kind of squabbling did not hurt Ye Qiongyu, she grinned and walked in front of him, hugged his arm, and bit hard. down.

The moment the teeth pierced through the skin, Ye Qiongyu took a painful breath, he hugged An Yuqi motionlessly, waiting for her to be quiet, but the cold sweat fell off his face one by one, he Touching her hair, "Yuqi, it's done."

Finally, An Yuqi let go of Ye Qiongyu, leaving a shocking wound on his arm, bloodshot, An Yuqi looked at the wound, crouched on the ground with her head in her hands and shouted, "I'm sorry , I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to."

But when Ye Qiongyu squatted down to hug her, she pushed Ye Qiongyu down excitedly. She lay on top of him, patted his face indiscriminately, and vented her resentment, "I hate you so much, He's still so young, why don't you let him go? Why?"

Just about to get up, Ye Qiongyu saw Lin Zong coming in from the door. He put his hand to his lips and made a silent gesture. Ye Qiongyu nodded and fell back to sleep on the ground.

Immediately, Lin Zong walked over quickly, and poured the tranquilizer in An Yuqi's body. He shrugged, looked at Ye Qiongyu in a panic and smiled, "Brother Ye, I can't tell."

In an instant, An Yuqi calmed down, Ye Qiongyu ignored Lin Zong, stretched out his hand to support An Yuqi's head, hugged her horizontally and put her on the bed, he bent down to stroke her hair, and kissed her forehead, "Yuqi, I will definitely cure you."

"Tsk tsk." Lin Zong came over and patted Ye Qiongyu's shoulder, jokingly, "Brother Ye, let's go out first."

Nodding, Ye Qiongyu turned to look at Lin Zong, and followed his footsteps, "What's wrong with her?"

"Go out and I will tell you in detail."

After speaking, Ye Qiongyu carefully closed the door.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Ye Qiongyu subconsciously touched the place next to him. It was cold. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the empty side. His heart tightened and he jumped off the bed. A kick in the living room woke up Lin Zong who was still sleeping.

"Quick, An Yuqi is gone, help me find it."

At this time, the aunt who was cooking also came in, she looked at the anxious Ye Qiongyu, "Master, what's wrong?"

Turning his head, Ye Qiongyu looked at his aunt, and pointed outside anxiously, "Aunt Li, hurry up, Madam is gone, let the housekeeper and Xiao Li come and help us find it."

Hearing Ye Qiongyu's words, the aunt immediately nodded and ran out, "Okay, young master."

Several people dispersed and searched all the rooms in the villa. They gathered in the living room, all of them looked downcast. Ye Qiongyu put his hands on his waist, and kicked over the trash can with a corner of his face full of anger. "I still don't believe it, keep looking, even the ends of the earth will find it for me."

Immediately, several people dispersed and continued to search outside the room, but they did not see any figure for a long time.

Finally, when Lin Zong was walking behind the villa, he suddenly saw a figure in the corner of the garden. He was startled, and he took two steps back holding his chest. Yu Qi, he hurried out and shouted at Ye Qiongyu.

"Brother Ye, my sister-in-law found her in the garden, come here quickly."

Soon, Ye Qiongyu ran over. He looked at the little man in the corner, and his heart was about to break. He took two steps in three steps, walked over, squatted next to An Yuqi, and whispered She asked, "Yuqi, what are you doing here, let's go back to the room."

"I'm sorry, Qiongyu, I, I didn't mean to make you worry." After finishing speaking, An Yuqi slowly raised her head, she hugged her knees, and looked at Ye Qiongyu pitifully, "I'm afraid, I dare not stay in the room."

Putting his arms around An Yuqi's shoulders, Ye Qiongyu shook his head, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said with a distressed face: "It's okay, I don't blame you, it's fine if you're okay, if anything happens in the future, you Tell me, okay, let's go back."

Unlike last night's intensity, An Yuqi's mood gradually stabilized. She nodded and stood up slowly, "Well, let's go."

Immediately, Ye Qiongyu also stood up, he supported An Yuqi's arm, and led her to walk forward slowly, "From now on, no matter where you go, take me with you."

Back in the living room, the others gradually left, and An Yuqi also stabilized. She glanced at Ye Qiongyu next to her, picked up the glass and took a sip of water, "I'm sorry, is your arm better?"

Putting down his sleeves quickly, Ye Qiongyu smiled and shook his head with the corners of his mouth curled up, "It's okay, it's a small thing."

Facing Ye Qiongyu's eyes, An Yuqi touched his injured arm distressedly, and frowned, "Are you really okay? Then Qiongyu, go to the company quickly, I'm the one who delayed you so late today. "

Shaking his head, Ye Qiongyu put down his phone, turned around to look at An Yuqi, and covered her hand, "It's okay, I'll be with you today."

Smiling, An Yuqi put down the cup in her hand, and touched his cheek mischievously, "I don't need you to accompany me, you are the president, if you don't go, how can the staff work hard for you, I have something to do called you."

"Is it really okay?" Seeing An Yuqi nodded seriously, Ye Qiongyu stood up, "Then I'm going to the company, you stay at home, and if you have anything to do, just go to Auntie."

Seeing Ye Qiongyu's inseparable back, An Yuqi waved her hand and stood up, "Well, let's go."

However, Ye Qiongyu, who had reached the door, came back suddenly, took An Yuqi's hand, and poked his head, "Then give me a kiss, and I'll leave after kissing."

"No." Pushing away Ye Qiongyu, An Yuqi took a step back with a smile, "If you don't leave, I'll chase you away with a broom."

Smiling and hugging An Yuqi's waist, Ye Qiongyu tapped the tip of her nose with his finger, "Are you willing?"

The ambiguous mood was just right, and An Yuqi's mood also improved, she giggled, and kissed Ye Qiongyu's cheek, "Okay, go quickly, it's really late, if you compare If you are magnanimous, let my assistant accompany me when you have time."

"You're so good. For the sake of your good performance, I'll tell Han Cheng that I'm leaving and I need to call."

After finishing speaking, Ye Qiongyu reluctantly let go of An Yuqi, and kissed her on the forehead before leaving.

After Ye Qiongyu left, An Yuqi lay on the sofa, staring blankly at the ceiling, her whole body was like a deflated ball.

At this time, the mobile phone on the table buzzed. She withdrew her emotions, sat up, took a look at the mobile phone, and pressed the answer button, "Hi, hello, what's the matter?"

A man's voice came from the phone, deep and rich, with an elegant demeanor, neither fast nor slow, "Miss Jiang, I am your fiance, Prince, something happened to your mother, you have to come back quickly."

Hearing this, An Yuqi immediately bounced off the sofa, her hands trembled, and she shouted excitedly, "What? What's wrong with my mother?"

Soon, the man on the other end of the phone explained the reason, and his tone was a little anxious, "She was worried about you and wanted to come to China to see you, but there was a sudden car accident, and she is now in the hospital."

With some doubts in her heart, An Yuqi frowned and asked puzzledly, but her hands quickly put on her shoes, "Why didn't my mother tell me that she would come to see me? Where is my father? How is he?" gone?"

The man on the other side of the phone kept urging in a calm voice, sounding anxious, but the surroundings were abnormally quiet, "Your father is fine, he is staying with your mother in the hospital, I have already booked a ticket for you, you can come directly to the airport good."

Before she had time to think about it, An Yuqi clenched her fists and ran to the second floor with her mobile phone in her arms, "Okay, I'll be right there, thank you for taking care of my family."

Immediately, the man's voice on the phone became much gentler, with some familiar concern, "We're going to become family members, and it's all due. Be careful on the road, goodbye."

However, An Yuqi was not very happy when she heard this sentence. She frowned tightly, with some worry in her eyes, she quickened her steps, quickly flipped out her documents, and went outside without any luggage. Go, when she walked to the door, she met her aunt, and she didn't have time to say hello, so she just nodded.

Seeing An Yuqi's anxious expression, the auntie asked suspiciously, "Ma'am, where are you going?"

"Airport." After speaking, An Yuqi opened the door and left quickly.

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