Seeing Wang Yajun approaching with a knife, Xiao Lin quickly backed away, staring at Wang Yajun who was almost crazy, "Miss, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Guess." Wang Yajun bent down, stared closely at Xiao Lin in front of her, patted her face with a knife, and her facial features became hideous, "Xiao Lin, I didn't realize before that you look quite handsome, it's a pity, it's a pity."

Looking at the crazy woman in front of him in fear, Xiao Lin backed back again and again, until finally there was no way to retreat. She leaned against the wall, her whole body trembling slightly, she squatted on the ground with her knees in her arms, begging for mercy repeatedly.

"Miss, I have been taking care of you in the Wang family since I was a child. You, don't kill me. I won't do anything to you. Please let me go. I just came of age this year. I have a younger brother to support. I -"

Seeing that Xiaolin was trembling badly, Wang Yajun grinned, stood up, stretched out her hand, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, it won't hurt, don't worry, we grew up together, I don't care What will happen to you, get up."

Even though she was smiling, the evil in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

Staring at the outstretched hand for a long time, Xiao Lin wiped away tears, and slowly stood up against the wall, but because she was afraid that her whole body was still trembling slightly, she carefully put her hand on Wang Yajun's hand, "Thank you, Miss, I, then I will go."

"Wait a minute." Immediately, Wang Yajun walked over, and she walked in front of her, took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off her face, with a faint smile on her lips, "Xiaolin, look, you Your face is dirty, go wash it off."

"Thank you, thank you miss, no need, I'll wash it when I get home, I, I'll go first." After speaking, Xiao Lin shook off Wang Yajun's hand and ran outside in a hurry.

But in the next second, Wang Yajun raised his eyebrows, quietly stretched out his legs, and placed them at Xiao Lin's feet.

Ben was in a hurry to leave, but Xiao Lin didn't notice her feet, she immediately fell to the ground, she didn't dare to turn her head, and crawled forward desperately, "Miss, don't, murder is against the law."

"Really?" After finishing speaking, Wang Yajun walked over and stepped on Xiao Lin's palm. She looked down at Xiao Lin from above, laughed ferociously twice, bent down slowly and cut Xiao Lin's face with a knife.

"Ah, help!" In an instant, the blood on the face overflowed. Because of the pain, Xiao Lin quickly covered the injured half of his face with the other hand. With deep fear in her eyes, she looked at Wang Yajun, He kept begging for mercy, "Miss, I was wrong, please, just let me go."

"Well, let me think about it." Then Wang Yajun laughed again, and she became even crazier. She quickly slashed Xiao Lin's other half of the face, "Look, it's a lot more symmetrical now. It was better before, don't you think?"

"Ah, my face, my face." Suffering from the pain, Xiao Lin struggled to push Wang Yajun away, and she ran forward desperately, screaming for help, "Miss, is there anyone? Help, Miss is crazy, she is going to kill someone."

However, because she was too anxious, she was thrown by the fruit under her feet, and her head hit the corner of the table, and blood flowed out in an instant. She was terrified, backed up again and again, curled up, "Miss, don't come here."

Satisfied with this scene, Wang Yajun walked forward step by step, but she accidentally tripped over Xiao Lin's foot, and she fell down. Coincidentally, the knife in her hand happened to be inserted into Xiao Lin's body. heart.

As if he didn't believe he had been stabbed, Xiao Lin opened his eyes wide and looked at Wang Yajun in front of him. His face gradually lost color and his pupils gradually enlarged. He held the knife on his chest unwillingly and murmured, "I , it hurts, it hurts, help—”

Wang Yajun, who just wanted to play at first, panicked when she saw Xiao Lin who was gradually losing her breath in front of her. She immediately stood up, looked at the blood on her hand, and stepped back several times. The whole person became crazy and broke down. holding head and yelling.

"It's not me, it's not me, I didn't mean it, sorry, sorry."

After a long time, she calmed down a little. She quickly walked in front of Xiao Lin, stretched out her hand to test her breath, and made sure that she was not breathing, so she took two steps back suddenly in fright.

She clutched her chest and calmed down for two seconds, took off the knife on Xiao Lin's chest, wiped Xiao Lin's clothes, and threw it to the ground in a breakdown, "Xiao Lin, I was wrong, I'm sorry."

But then, she suddenly seemed to be a different person. She walked over to pick up the knife, staring at it for a long time, she looked up to the sky and laughed twice, and rushed to Xiao Lin with the knife , stabbing her dead body violently, like losing his mind.

After stabbing for a long time, she got tired of it, so she cut off Xiao Lin's arm, held it in her hand, and stabbed Xiao Lin's eyes a few times with the knife, and smiled, looking extremely weird, "Xiao Lin, I'll take off your arm and blind your eyes, and you won't come back to me."

This scene is really penetrating. A beautiful woman guards a disastrously defeated corpse, and she smiles strangely. She desperately stabs the corpse in front of her with a knife, and shouts in a broken voice, "I'm going to kill you!" , kill you, kill all of you."

After a while, she stood up with her scarlet eyes staring, laughed wantonly, held a knife in her hand, opened the door, walked out, and kept muttering, "I'm going to kill you, kill you!" for you."

After walking two steps, she saw Aunt Wang approaching. She giggled, walked over with a knife, pinched Aunt Wang's neck, twisted her neck ferociously, and threatened, "I'm going to kill you."

Frightened by the maddened Wang Yajun, Aunt Wang couldn't speak. She screamed and struggled in fear.

When the knife was about to stab Aunt Wang's chest, Wang Linchang walked over quickly. He frowned, pulled Wang Yajun away, stretched out his hand and slapped Wang Yajun hard on the face , roared with great anger:

"Wang Yajun, are you fucking crazy? You just ruined yourself like this, watching An Yuqi live with the man you love, Xinfu, are you willing?"

This slap seemed to wake Wang Yajun up, she slowly turned her head to look at Wang Linchang, her eyes were terribly dull, and she muttered to herself, "Willing? I'm not, I'm going to kill An Yuqi, now just go."

Saying that, she let go of Aunt Wang and walked outside.

Seeing Wang Yajun's appearance, Wang Linzhang clutched his chest with some heartache. He sighed, and quickly walked in front of Wang Yajun. He grabbed her wrist and threw her to the ground with a calm voice.

"An Yuqi has Ye Qiongyu by her side. What are you? If you dare to go there at a time like this, be more sober. It's fine to go crazy in your own home. Don't go out and embarrass me. It hasn't been cleaned up inside. Get the hell out of here."

Sitting on the ground, Wang Yajun broke down and shouted, "Then what should I do, she is back, Brother Ye doesn't want me anymore, what should I do."

Looking at his daughter with heartache, Wang Linchang sighed, bent down and hugged Wang Yajun, and patted her on the back to comfort her.

"It's okay. Since An Yuqi has recovered her memory, she will find us soon. For your future, use your cousin as a scapegoat."

"You mean her?" Afterwards, she raised her head to look at Wang Linchang, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably, she collapsed and hugged her trembling body, "Dad, you have to help me, I only have you. "

In this way, he looked like a spoiled child coaxing and beating someone for candy.

Hugging the trembling Wang Yajun, Wang Linchang's eyes flashed brightly, "Don't worry, I'm only your daughter, hey, it's all bad luck."

Slowly raising her head, Wang Yajun looked at Wang Linchang pitifully, and pointed to the room, "What about Xiaolin in there, she died, I killed her."

Wiping Wang Yajun's tears, Wang Linchang helped her to stand up, "Did anyone see it?"

Shaking his head slightly, Wang Yajun looked at the half-closed door, with an imperceptible expression in his eyes, "No, I'm alone."

Patting Wang Yajun's back, Wang Linchang frowned, rubbed his short hair, took a deep breath, his eyes became fierce, and he clenched his fists and rattled.

"You are Mrs. Ye in the future. No one will find out about you. I will deal with this matter. Go up and rest for a while. In the future, you have to work hard on your own. Dad is old, and Mrs. Wang still needs to work hard." It depends on you to carry forward."

Yip's Villa.

The moonlight was exceptionally beautiful, An Yuqi opened her eyes suddenly, she turned her head and glanced at the moon outside the window, then slowly got off the bed, like a puppet with a broken string, and walked to the bathroom step by step.

She turned on the faucet, washed her face twice with cold water, looked at herself in the mirror, sighed heavily, and asked herself, "What should I do?"

A sense of loss gradually surged in her heart and invaded her whole body. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she gradually became terrified, and there was a broken doll lying on her head, which was bright red. She was terrified , punched the mirror, and yelled loudly.

"Don't come, don't come."

But the fear still didn't disappear but became more intense. She looked at the dilapidated mirror, picked up a piece from the ground in despair, and subconsciously stroked it towards her wrist, blood flowed out instantly.

But as if she couldn't feel the pain, she sat on the bathtub, stared blankly at the front, and muttered to herself, "My child, my child, my mother is here to find you."

After a while, Ye Qiongyu kicked open the door and rushed in. He looked at the injured An Yuqi with a distressed expression on his face. He immediately walked over and pulled off a piece of cloth from his clothes to help An Yuqi stop blood, "Yuqi, what are you doing? Why don't you hurt yourself?"

However, An Yuqi didn't seem to know Ye Qiongyu anymore. She turned her head slowly, looked at the man in front of her, pushed him away, and shouted excitedly, "Who are you? Why did you show up at my house? What did you do to me?" I'm going."

Looking at the lover in front of him in confusion, Ye Qiongyu was heartbroken. He stepped forward and hugged the trembling An Yuqi, patted her on the back to comfort her, "Yuqi, it's okay, I'm Ye Qiongyu , your husband, let's get out of here, I'll bandage you up."

Hearing these words, An Yuqi gently pushed Ye Qiongyu away, she stared at Ye Qiongyu's face for a while, then thumped her on the head, and then suddenly realized, "Yes, you are My husband Ye Qiongyu, by the way, Qiongyu, where did our child go? How come I haven't seen him."

"Child?" Frowning, Ye Qiongyu looked at An Yuqi suspiciously. He rubbed his face a little annoyed. He calmed down a bit, then held An Yuqi's arm again, and prevaricated indiscriminately, "Well, child It's time to sleep, let's go to sleep too."

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