After sending An Yuqi away, Ye Qiongyu gritted his teeth as he watched the car going away. Then, he turned around and walked in front of Wang Yajun with a cold face. He kicked the trash can flying in front of her. , glaring at her, like a bloodthirsty demon king, staring at the red eye circles, speaking every word.

"Wang Yajun, this is the last fight. If there is a next time, I will definitely not let the Wang family and you go."

Having been stimulated by the previous scene, Wang Yajun spit out a mouthful of blood. Wang Yajun's face turned pale, and she fell to the ground. Hearing Ye Qiongyu's words, she looked up at the person in front of her as if she had gained some strength. He clenched his fists, "Brother Ye, don't forget that you and I are already engaged."

Bending down, Ye Qiongyu glared angrily, his clear face was stained with frost, he grabbed Wang Yajun's slender neck, but Yu Qi was a little careless, "I said, I want to dissolve the marriage relationship, Since you are in such a hurry, let's do it now."

Instead of being frightened by the restraint of the neck, Wang Yajun grabbed Ye Qiongyu's wrist, and shouted excitedly, "Brother Ye, you can't do this to me, I love you."

Let go of his hand, Ye Qiongyu stood up straight, took out a tissue from his pocket, wiped his hands, then threw it into the trash can, then straightened his clothes, turned around, and dropped two words, "cheap."

Immediately got scared from the ground, Wang Yajun followed Ye Qiongyu's footsteps step by step, and didn't care about her star aura, even the stains on her skirt. After catching up with Ye Qiongyu, she drooped her head, cautiously explanation of.

"Brother Ye, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean to hurt Sister An. She is my best friend. I don't want her to live in ignorance. Sister An can't remember it. You are in pain too, aren't you? ?"

The lie was so beautifully told that she didn't even blush at all.

Hearing these words, Ye Qiongyu stopped his movements. He looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief. The frost between his brows and eyes condensed like frost flowers. He shook off his hands like It's like throwing out any dirty things.

"Wang Yajun, I didn't see that, you are getting more and more disgusting now, go away."

Sitting on the ground, Wang Yajun wrinkled her small face and looked at Ye Qiongyu in despair. She shouted at Ye Qiongyu's back without giving up, "Ye Qiongyu, An Yuqi is not as simple as you seem on the surface. , your child was killed on purpose by her."

It's a pity that Ye Qiongyu has gone far away, and he didn't want to listen to her vicious words, but after he left, Ye Qiongyu turned on his phone and sent a WeChat message to Han Cheng: Find out what Wang Yajun is doing recently?And the action of the Wang family.

Yip's Villa.

On the edge of the cliff, An Yuqi was hanging on a tree branch. She lowered her head and looked down. It turned out to be an abyss. Subconsciously, she rubbed her belly, but a pain came over her. She looked at the red liquid that gradually flowed out from the middle of her thigh. He yelled in despair.

"Save my child, child."

But there was no one here, and no one came to rescue her. She was extremely desperate. She watched the blood drip down her thighs. Jumping up and down, she slowly closed her eyes and went to die calmly.

"Ye Qiongyu, in the next life, see you later."

However, when she fell from the cliff and roared, she did not die, but fell into the sea. She took a breath and started to save herself with the last will. She gradually opened her eyes and looked at the endless sea, "It seems , God left me, there is still hope, I want to live."

Just as she was gaining strength, she wanted to leave, but before she was happy, a shark gradually approached her behind her. Smelling the bloody smell on her body, it became excited and bit An Yuqi's leg, steadfastly Soon, the legs were separated from the body, and she yelled in pain, "Help, don't, don't eat me."

Looking at the person in front of him, the pillow towel was soaked, and with tears and sweat on his face, Ye Qiongyu washed a towel from the bathroom and wiped An Yuqi's cheeks carefully, he patted her shoulder lightly , trying to reassure her, "Yuqi, don't be afraid, I'm here."

However, An Yuqi didn't hear Ye Qiongyu's comfort at this meeting. Her body was being bitten by sharks, and she was in extreme pain. She watched her body turn into pieces, dyeing the entire sea area red, but she laughed , Helplessly laughed twice.

"Is this death? Is this my retribution? But why do you want me to live?"

Seeing that An Yuqi's face was gradually calming down, Ye Qiongyu let go of his tightly clenched hands, he closed the curtain, turned around and kissed An Yuqi's forehead, and walked out.

In the dream, An Yuqi was still floating on the coast, her body was in severe pain, but her consciousness was extremely clear, she had no strength at all, and only saw large patches of red, she calmed down, no longer afraid.

And that shark suddenly gave up biting her, turned around and swam away, but after two seconds, it appeared from behind and swallowed An Yuqi whole in one gulp.


Shouting subconsciously, An Yuqi suddenly opened her eyes, she looked at the ceiling, took a few breaths of air and sat up, the towel on her head fell off, she frowned and looked at it. She didn't pick it up, she calmed down for a while, leaned on the bed, tapped her head, and muttered to herself angrily.

"How come you don't remember anything? It's so clear and terrifying in the dream. Fortunately, it's just a dream."

After calming down for a while, An Yuqi came down from the bed. She stood on the second floor and looked at Ye Qiongyu who was busy downstairs. She seemed to have received a little comfort. With a loud voice, "Qiong Yu."

Hearing the sound, Ye Qiongyu turned around and looked at An Yuqi with a gentle smile. He held up the spatula in his hand, "We can finish eating in 2 minutes."

Walking downstairs, An Yuqi went to the kitchen and hugged Ye Qiongyu from behind. She leaned on his back, and her mood eased. She poked her head to look at him who was busy, and her tone became much better, "Mmm , What delicious food did you cook, why didn’t I know you could cook.”

Turning his head, Ye Qiongyu hugged An Yuqi, touched her forehead, and pampered her with a kiss on the cheek, then pointed to the plate not far away, "Your favorite food is scrambled eggs with tomatoes. "

"What?" Frowning, An Yuqi poked her head and looked over, looking at the red piece on the plate, her face turned cold instantly, she clenched her fists, trembling, and strode to the plate , picked up the plate, and slammed it down on the ground, "I don't like to eat."

Seeing An Yuqi's sudden attack, Ye Qiongyu frowned, walked over and pulled An Yuqi's arm, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you? Suddenly?"

Throwing away his hand, An Yuqi took two steps back, her eyes were red, her face was extremely painful, she punched the door, and shouted heart-piercingly, "Ye Qiongyu, you Tell me, what happened to our child?"

Seeing An Yuqi collapsed, Ye Qiongyu suppressed his anger. He walked to her side, hugged her trembling, and gently patted her on the back to comfort him, "Don't think about it, you are still young, and we will definitely have more love in the future." A lot of kids."

However, An Yuqi was even more devastated. She pushed Ye Qiongyu away, stepped back suddenly, and didn't care at all when she stepped on the debris. Be quiet for a while."

How could Ye Qiongyu rest assured in this appearance? He looked at An Yuqi's back with a distressed face, and followed her. Can you live well in the future? Don't believe Wang Yaqi's words, she did it on purpose."

Gradually An Yuqi calmed down, she lay in Ye Qiongyu's arms, holding his neck, with tears on her face, "I know, but I can't control myself, I feel so uncomfortable."

Immediately, she pointed to the position of her heart, raised her head and looked at Ye Qiongyu seriously, "Ye Qiongyu, I seem to have lost a small piece here, really, I feel suffocated, I can't breathe."

Put An Yuqi on the sofa, Ye Qiongyu took out the medicine bag from the drawer, he held her hand, "I know, Yuqi, don't worry, I'm here, I'll treat your wound first, you lie down for a while meeting."

It's rare that Ye Qiongyu is so careful and gentle. Looking at the man in front of her, An Yuqi gradually relaxed. She took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling, "You're right, Ye Qiongyu, we have to start well."

Wang's villa.

When she got home, Wang Yajun seemed to have lost her soul. She walked to the living room barefoot, and lay down on the sofa dejectedly, "Xiao Linzi, pour me a glass of water."

Hearing the sound, Xiao Lin immediately came out of the kitchen. She quickly put a glass of water in front of Wang Yajun, looked at her cautiously, "Miss, it's done."

After picking up the quilt, Wang Yajun took a sip and spit it out. With a look of anger on her face, she poured the water in the cup on Xiao Lin, "You're going to scald me to death."

"Ah!" With a scream, Xiao Lin covered half of her face. Fortunately, the water was not too hot, and her face was just a little red. She took two steps back in fear, her whole body trembling slightly, " Miss, I'll change it for you right now."

Throwing the cup on the table, Wang Yajun put his arms around his chest and urged in a cold tone, "Hurry up!"

Immediately, Xiao Lin ran to the kitchen and brought out another glass of water, and put it in Wang Yajun's hand, "Miss, it won't be hot this time."

After taking a sip, Wang Yajun spat it out again, and splashed it on Xiao Lin's body again. She bounced off the sofa this time, and shouted in displeasure, "Garbage, it's too cold, is that what you do? ?”

Immediately, she threw all the things on the coffee table in front of her to the ground, and shouted heart-piercingly, "Get out of here, get out of here."

Unknown, Xiao Lin watched Wang Yajun's operation, and was too scared to make a sound. She immediately turned her head and walked out, but accidentally bumped into the plate on the ground, and fell down with the knife on the plate, and the fruit. She bit it. On the lips, she apologized again and again, "I'm sorry, miss, I'm leaving now."

But Wang Yajun didn't know why, she curled her mouth and smiled strangely, she took two steps forward, walked in front of Xiao Lin, picked up the fruit knife, weighed it in her hand, "No, slow down Come on, don't go."

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