Country Y airport.

Just after getting off the plane, several men in black suits came forward. They stood respectfully in front of An Yuqi, and the leader at the front made a gesture of invitation, "Miss Jiang, the prince asked us to pick you up at the airport. Please come with us."

Nodding, An Yuqi followed the man in black anxiously, "Where is the prince? How is my mother?"

A few men in black quickly opened a path, and the leader pointed out An Yuqi's direction, "The prince is waiting for you in the hospital."

Walking forward very anxiously, An Yuqi was still full of doubts, she took out her mobile phone and called home, but no one answered, she frowned and asked the leader in front.

"Why haven't I seen any news about my mother's car accident in this period of time, and there doesn't seem to be any news about a car accident recently. Are you sure something happened to my mother now?"

Hearing this sentence, the leader turned around. He had no expression on his face, but his eyes were a little dodgy. "Well, the prince just told us to take you to the hospital. I don't know much about other things."

Seeing the leader like this, An Yuqi knew that she couldn't ask any questions. She sighed, rubbed her hair irritably, and called the prince, "Okay, then I'll ask myself."

Soon, the call was connected, and An Yuqi asked directly, "Hello, Prince, which hospital is my mother in? I'll come right now."

However, the prince answered irrelevantly, "Didn't the people I sent pick you up?"

An Yuqi was a little annoyed when she didn't hear the answer she wanted, and her tone became unhappy, "I got it, but I have the right to know the truth."

As if aware of An Yuqi's anger, the prince's voice became extremely gentle, "Of course, my dear, I will tell you everything when you get to the hospital, I love you, so please believe me , I will not harm you."

Reaching out to not hit the smiling face, An Yuqi's tone softened, "Okay, then my mother is fine, she is not in good health."

Immediately, the prince's rich voice came from the phone, sounding a little bit of joy, "Don't worry, I've found the best medical team, everything will be fine, come quickly, I'll go see the attending doctor Look, wait for you."

With no time to think about it, An Yuqi politely thanked her and hung up the phone, "Thank you, goodbye."

After getting off.

Looking at the unfamiliar villa in front of her, An Yuqi frowned, turned around and asked the man in black next to her with a cold face, "Didn't you mean to go to the hospital? Where is this place? I want to see my parents."

Seeing that An Yuqi was angry, the man in black smiled politely, and pointed to a luxurious man walking in the distance, "Miss, don't worry, look, the prince has come out to greet you."

Looking in the direction of the man in black's finger, the displeasure on An Yuqi's face became more obvious. She frowned, and walked forward with her bag, "Hello, Your Highness, I think I need to Know the truth."

Seeing An Yuqi, the prince's face was full of smiles, he also quickened his pace, stood in front of her, he made a noble salute, bowed his head and kissed the back of her hand, and then spoke slowly.

"Don't worry, Auntie is fine, I just miss you, let's go in, I have prepared a change of clothes and dessert for you."

Realizing that she was being fooled, An Yuqi with an angry face, withdrew her hand, turned around coldly, "I'm sorry, if my mother isn't here, I can only leave, goodbye."

"Wait!" Immediately, the prince came forward, he stretched out his hand to block her way, and he was no longer polite, but took on a threatening tone, "Miss Jiang, you are my fiance now, we will meet soon It's going to be a wedding, so I'm afraid it's inappropriate to leave at this time."

Hearing this, An Yuqi glared at the prince angrily. She gritted her teeth, clenched her fists tightly, and asked coldly, "What do you mean? Are you going to stop me?"

Nodding his head, the prince took a step forward and gently stroked the broken hair on An Yuqi's forehead. He curled his mouth and smiled faintly, "Indeed, I don't want you to leave, let me tell you the truth, your mother There was no accident, it was just a cover."

As soon as she opened the hand in front of her, An Yuqi's eyes were full of doubts, her face was sullen and angry, she turned and strode outside, but was hugged tightly by the prince, she was worried and anxious. Shout, "Are you lying to me? Why? You're too much, I'm leaving now, let me go."

"I can't let you go, I'm sorry." As he spoke, the prince shook his head and waved to the back, "Come on, bring Madam into the house, so I can take care of you."

Immediately, a few female bodyguards came up from behind, they supported An Yuqi, and carried her into the hall.

Trapped tightly, An Yuqi struggled and shouted with all her strength, "You are imprisoned, you are breaking the law, please let me go, help me, you madman, I want to call the police and arrest you .”

But, after all, she was only alone, and no matter how strong she was, she couldn't defeat a few professional bodyguards. In the end, she was sent to the room and locked the door from the outside.

Looking around this unfamiliar environment, An Yuqi had nowhere to turn for help. She banged on the door vigorously, but no one responded. She threw the things in the room on the ground one by one, venting her resentment and unwillingness, "Prince, let me go!" Me, or I'll smash all your things."

However, the prince left with only a few words, "It's okay, Miss Jiang likes it, I can send some in for your entertainment."

Out of breath, An Yuqi had no choice but to remember that there was still a mobile phone in the bag and wanted to ask for help, but after searching around, she found that the bag was taken away by the bodyguards when she came in.

An indescribable sense of frustration and anger came to her heart, she knocked the china on the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, she wiped it casually with her cuff, and shouted heart-piercingly, "Get lost, Get out of here."

Three days later.

Hearing the sound of the door knocking, An Yuqi didn't even open her eyes, she subconsciously picked up a vase on the table and threw it over, with a cold tone, "Get out, I won't eat."

But this time the person who delivered the food did not leave, but walked up to An Yuqi with the food, "Miss Jiang, your body will not be able to take it like this."

Feeling that the voice was familiar, An Yuqi opened her eyes suddenly. She looked at the man in front of her, and knocked the plate on the table with a sneer, "When will you let me go?"

However, the man was not angry. He waved his hand, and the servant standing at the door brought in another serving. He brought a bowl of soup and put it in front of An Yuqi, and said softly, "Miss Jiang, when will you agree?" Marry me, when will I set you free."

The golden hair set off the beauty of the whole person under the sun. Although he is a man, his facial features are fascinating.

However, An Yuqi didn't appreciate it, she knocked over the soup in his hand, turned her head away with a cold face, and answered very resolutely.

"You'd better stop thinking about it. I have someone I love, and I can think of everything. I don't believe in Jiang. My name is An Yuqi. I will never marry you in my life."

Sighing helplessly, the man shrugged his shoulders, took out a mobile phone and put it in front of An Yuqi, he smiled softly like a spring breeze.

"Well, this is your mobile phone and I'll give it back to you. In fact, I already know about those things about you in China, but I don't care at all. I really like you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. You will be my queen from now on, and I will give you supreme honor and honor."

Glancing at the mobile phone on the table, An Yuqi picked it up and put it in her pocket, but her tone was still cold, "I don't need your love, I don't love you, I don't love you at all, the person I love is named Ye. "

Hearing this, the man stood up slowly, looked at An Yuqi's face, curled the corners of his mouth, and smiled evilly.

"It's called Ye Qiongyu. It is true that I admire him very much, but I will not take a step back in this matter of yours. By the way, if I use your company to bet, will he Are you coming to take it back?"

Hearing these words, panic flashed across An Yuqi's eyes, she stood up anxiously, and met the man's eyes tightly, "What are you going to do?"

Bending down, the man's eyebrows were full of affection, he licked his lips, and opened his mouth very seriously.

"I only want you. From the moment you saved me, I couldn't help falling in love with you. I thought about giving you freedom, but I found that without you, I am not happy at all. I can't do it." arrive."

Turning her head away, An Yuqi stopped looking at that seductive face. She bit her lip and explained word by word, "It is my doctor's bounden duty to save you, but not to love you. Those who love you, please let me go back."

"Why, you still want to leave, I can give you anything, why don't you stay?"

After finishing speaking, the man took two steps back in frustration, and turned his head to look at the magpie outside the window.

"No!" An Yuqi also became excited, she looked at the man's back, clenched her fists, and shouted in a broken voice, "I really don't love you, don't force me to do things I don't like, That's not love, that's kidnapping."

After calming down for a while, the man turned around, straightened his clothes, turned his head and walked out with a cold face and a disappointed face, "Since you are obsessed with obsession, I don't need to say anything, you should think about it here, I See you again tomorrow."

Seeing that the man was about to walk out, An Yuqi called out hesitantly, "Prince, you—"

Stopping, the man clenched his fists and didn't look back, but his tone was extremely firm and indifferent, "Unless you promise me, otherwise, I won't let you go."

As soon as he finished speaking, he left without looking back, and naturally the door was locked again.

The next day.

An Yuqi in the room once again knocked over the wipes on the table. She hadn't eaten for several days and she was a little weak. She lay quietly on the bed, staring at the patterns on the ceiling, her eyes were slack hollow.

"Jingle Bell--"

Suddenly the mobile phone in her pocket vibrated, An Yuqi quickly took out the mobile phone and took a look, it turned out to be Jiang Chenxi, she was a little annoyed, pressed the position of her temple, hung up the phone, turned around again, sighed One sentence, "It's really a wave of ups and downs, and another wave rises again."

However, the phone kept ringing. An Yuqi sighed, picked up the phone and pressed the answer button, "Hey, Dean Jiang, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

Soon, Jiang Chenxi's anxious and worried voice came from the phone, "Yuqi, where have you been? I haven't come to work for several days, I'm a little worried."

If he found out, it would be useless, and he would worry out of thin air. If those people in the hospital found out, hey, it would be difficult.

Thinking of this, An Yuqi coughed softly, "I'm fine, I just went home."

The voice on the phone was also relaxed, but the tone was very gentle and sounded very comfortable, "It's good that you're fine, when will you come back, I have something to tell you in front of your face."

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