Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 210: One Family Returns

When Lin Yuhan arrived at Qin's house, Lin Yuhan was still sleeping, so Qin Sijie parked the car in the garage and gently carried her out.

The house was brightly lit, knowing that Lin Yuhan was coming today, the butler prepared the meals early.Just waiting for the return of the two masters, they have just entered the house now.

"Mr. Qin, the food is ready..." The butler saw Qin Sijie coming in and hurried up to greet him, and lowered his voice when he saw the person in his arms.

Xiaoyu, who heard the sound of parking early, ran downstairs and shouted, "Is mom back yet?"

"Hush!" Qin Sijie gestured to him.Only then did he realize that his mother had fallen asleep, and asked his father in a low voice, "Do you want to wake up mom for dinner?"

He shook his head and said no, Qin Sijie wanted Lin Yuhan to take a good rest, he must be very tired in France these days.

Qin Sijie first carried Lin Yuhan upstairs to the master bedroom, and then came down to have dinner with Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu seemed very happy during the meal, because his mother finally lived with them again.

God knows how uncomfortable he was a few days ago. Those people said that he was a child without a mother, because only his father went to the parents' association, and sometimes his father didn't come, only an assistant uncle he didn't know.

But now it is different, mother can accompany him every day, draw pictures and read books with him.He has a lot to share with his mother, how much he misses her these days.

Lin Yuhan didn't wake up until eight o'clock in the evening, and when she saw the decoration on the ceiling, she couldn't remember where she was for a while.

here it is?She lay there thinking for a long time before she realized that this was the Qin family's room, so?Lin Yuhan turned his head and found that Qin Sijie was sitting next to him, reading documents with a warm yellow light on.

Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but burst into bubbles of happiness. What could be happier than waking up to see the person she loves by her side?

"Are you awake?" Qin Sijie asked as if he had noticed her gaze.

Lin Yuhan nodded under the quilt, thinking that he didn't seem to be able to see, so he said, "Well, I'm a little hungry."

"I'll cook you something to eat." Qin Sijie was about to get out of bed.

Lin Yuhan stopped him and said that he would just eat some ready-made bread.

"That can't be done, how can my designer Lin just come back and eat those things?" Qin Sijie said affectionately.

His appearance made Lin Yuhan laugh. It seems that Qin Sijie has really changed a lot in the past few years.

He who used to be indifferent and unreasonable has learned to joke with people in an intimate tone.If his friends were here, they would be amazed at the change in him, marveling at the disappearance of the once indifferent man.

Just do it, Qin Sijie decided to cook by himself.

A handful of vermicelli, two eggs, a handful of green vegetables, chopped green onion, coriander, sesame oil and a few other ingredients, all combined together is a perfect bowl of egg noodles.

Qin Sijie recalled the steps of cooking in his mind, the first step he needed to put on an apron, and then what?Do scrambled eggs put the egg first or the oil first?

The usually all-powerful CEO fell into confusion. He could read documents, watch the stock market, and do a series of things, but he couldn't understand the recipes alone.

What is the method of a little salt and oil?What's wrong with the guy who made the recipe, why can't he say exactly how much it needs?What is the right amount of water, and how does he know what the right amount is?
The dignified president of the Qin family is a little crazy, cooking is really troublesome.For a moment he wanted to give up, but when he saw him sitting in the restaurant waiting, he spurned his thoughts again.

Lin Yuhan, who was sitting there waiting, was full of anticipation on his face, looking forward to the meal cooked by his lover.It was the first time for him to eat rice cooked by Qin Sijie after so long, and he didn't know how it tasted.

What kind of man is a man who can't cook for his lover!He made a decision in his heart.

For the rest of the day, he struggled with something in the kitchen.After tossing and tossing for more than an hour, a bowl of edible egg noodles finally came out of the pot. He was afraid that Lin Yuhan would be too anxious to wait, so he took it out.

Lin Yuhan picked up the chopsticks and took a bite. Looking at Qin Sijie's expectant eyes, she said, "It's delicious." She picked up the bowl and took a big mouthful of soup.

In fact, the noodles were a bit overcooked, the soup was a bit salty, the appearance was mediocre, and the taste was not very good.But looking at Qin Sijie's expectant look, she still said it was delicious.Because her lover made it for her, how many people in this world can taste the food cooked by President Qin.

Lin Yuhan was the first and only one.

After eating, the two looked at the stars on the terrace again. Lin Yuhan leaned her head gently on his shoulder, sharing this moment of tranquility with him.

The next morning, Lin Yuhan got up and put on her makeup to go to Feiyu to go to work. Qin Sijie hugged her from behind.

"Are you going today?" His deep voice rang in her ears.

Lin Yuhan nodded, she didn't want to be told that she didn't even go to work when she was famous.Qin Sijie was a little dissatisfied, why should she be an assistant to Ling Xuanyi.

The two walked downstairs together, breakfast was already set on the table, Xiaoyu sat obediently by the side and waited for the two of them.

"Morning, Mom." Seeing her child, Lin Yuhan, half-hearted, he still looks so cute and well-behaved.

Lin Yuhan patted his head and said, "Morning Xiaoyu." The three sat at the table and had breakfast together. The morning sun shone on the three of them, forming a beautiful scene.

Mischievous gold powder danced on their shoulders, casting a layer of golden halo on everyone.The housekeeper couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this beautiful scene. How long has it been since he saw their family sitting together?

He likes Lin Yuhan very much, her eyes exude a soft light, she is definitely not the bad woman that outsiders say.And she was much better than Zhao Tingting, and he had no objection to her being with Qin Sijie.I just don't know why Mrs. Qin objected so much, but the housekeeper couldn't understand it.

After eating, Xiaoyu had to go to school first, and the two sent Xiaoyu to school together. "Mom, I'm leaving." Xiaoyu stood at the door with his schoolbag on his back and said back, he had to look a few more times in case his mother disappeared again when he turned around.

Qin Sijie felt a little helpless, since the child had a mother, he would not have a father. "Okay, let's go. Mom will make you whatever you want to eat tonight." Lin Yuhan said with a light smile.

Only then did Xiaoyu leave with peace of mind and went to school happily.I was thinking about what delicious food my mother would give me tonight, and when my mother would come back. There were many things in my little head, and I was looking forward to the school.

Qin Sijie told Lin Yuhan about this, making Lin Yuhan laugh and shake his head again and again.This child is really, how could she run away at such a big age? He was a little too worried.While laughing, Lin Yuhan felt a little distressed, and it was all because she was always running around that made the child feel so uneasy.

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