During the three days in France, Lin Yuhan met a lot of people, including heirs from famous families and celebrities in the fashion industry. The arrival of these people one after another made her overwhelmed.

On the day of departure, Evan came to the airport to see her off, his face was full of sadness.Evan had a hunch that he might never see Lin Yuhan again. Some people saw Lin Yuhan once is enough. Goodbye is luck, and the third time will not appear.

Lin Yuhan could guess what he was thinking, but she didn't want to say it out loud.The two said goodbye in a normal manner, and Lin Yuhan boarded the plane back to China, she knew that there were more important things waiting for her after that.

She hasn't arrived yet, and news about her is already flying everywhere.

Some people picked up her previous experience in the Lin family, saying that she is the return of Cinderella;

The last statement was ridiculed by many parties. What does this person think of a world-class competition?Can that kind of competition be won by plagiarism?

The full name of the "JDC" contest is "Jewelry design competition
", was initiated by five well-known design masters, with the aim of discovering candidates with design talents from all over the world. There are countless contestants every year, but very few of them make it to the final selection.

In the competition, many contestants are selected in different regions, and finally 30 people are selected to enter the finals.In the end, the works of these 30 people will be publicly voted on the Internet, and the final count will be based on the selection of the judges and the score of the ballot.

Some people maliciously speculated that Lin Yuhan asked someone to collect votes and points, but this statement was immediately rejected.The website of the competition is designed by a special person, and there is absolutely no possibility of suspicion of scoring points.

Now there are different opinions, and everyone is looking forward to Lin Yuhan's return.

As soon as the plane landed, Lin Yuhan turned on her mobile phone and saw a message from Qin Sijie: Don't rush to take the normal passage when you arrive later, take the VIP passage next to it.

She was wondering why, when she heard a scream from Xiaoli who turned on the phone.

"Boss Lin, look at this..." She took a look at her phone, and all her information was picked up and put on the Internet.Because she was born so suddenly, many people were curious about who she was, so this came out.

Assistant Li thought: It's over, it's finally exposed.He has been paying close attention to the domestic news for the past few days. Qin Sijie forbade him to tell Lin Yuhan all this, so he obediently shut up and said nothing.

Qin Sijie is busy suppressing the news in China, letting people release a lot of positive news about her in order to suppress the negative news.No matter how much these things were written, the netizens' curiosity about Lin Yuhan's experience could not be overcome. In the end, he asked the first hacker he knew to hack into all systems and delete the slander and rumors about Lin Yuhan.

For some reason, he subconsciously didn't want Lin Yuhan to see all of this.He's hurt enough about this, it can't go any further.If he can't even help her with the news, what kind of man is she?

Lin Yuhan also finished reading all kinds of reports in the past few days, her face turned slightly pale, and her hands trembled uncontrollably.

Assistant Li walked up to him and said, "Don't worry, Ms. Lin, Mr. Qin has already solved it for you. Next, you just need to follow me to the other side of the road. The media are waiting to block you here. "

Assistant Li told her Qin Sijie's arrangement, but Lin Yuhan shook his head and said, "No need, some things need to be explained clearly."

After she finished speaking, she dragged her luggage to the common passageway and waited to get out of the airport. The reporters surrounded her as soon as she got outside.

"May I ask Miss Lin how she feels about this award? Is your plagiarism true?"

"May I ask Ms. Lin to admit that you have relied on other people to achieve today's achievements?"

The voices of the reporters buzzed in her ears, and the constant flickering of spotlights made her unable to open her eyes.

Everyone fell silent the moment she cleared her throat and said, "First of all, please allow me to counter that I am a person who relies on other people to achieve my achievements. I myself studied at the Bauhaus design school and knows some design It should be. I have never had anything about plagiarism, and there will never be any in the future.”

"As for someone talking about some bad photos of me, I can only tell you that if you continue to slander, I will take necessary legal measures. After all, those photos were maliciously taken by someone without my knowledge. Take a picture, now that person has been arrested."

Qin Sijie was waiting at the exit of another passageway at the airport, but when Assistant Li told him that Lin Yuhan was already negotiating with the media, he gradually clenched his hands.

Soon someone showed him the video of Lin Yuhan's conversation with the media at the airport. Seeing Lin Yuhan calmly expressing the hurt he had suffered, his heart couldn't help but ache.

How much perseverance she had to have to tell these things slowly, and she said it without changing her face.

Lin Shuo, who was filming, also knew about this, and his agent brought him an ipad to show him today's headlines.As expected, it was Lin Yuhan's video at the airport. The click rate and search volume have turned red, indicating that many people are paying attention.

Seeing the manager's worried look, Lin Shuo said, "Don't worry, she will take care of it, if not, there will be another one." He was referring to Qin Sijie, and Lin Shuo knew that this domineering man would definitely shot.

Not long after, the security guards drove away the reporters. Lin Yuhan stood there and breathed a sigh of relief, and finally finished her thinking.

Qin Sijie also walked through the crowd and came to her. He was a little angry: "Why don't you do what I say? What if those people misinterpret what you said again without reason?"

He was a little anxious and spoke quickly, Lin Yuhan was dazed by his series of questions.

"Si Jie, don't you think you're all right now?" She smiled at Qin Sijie.

Qin Sijie lost his temper by her smile, so he could only pull her and say, "Then let's go home, shall we?"

"Go home?" Seeing Lin Yuhan hesitated, Qin Sijie told her that her mother had left for a trip and would not be coming back for the time being, and would talk to her again when she came back.

Lin Yuhan was relieved after hearing what he said, and followed him obediently.Halfway through the walk, he remembered that Xiao Li was still at the airport. Qin Sijie looked at her helplessly and said, "Didn't everyone send Xiao Li a car to take her home just now?"

By the way, that's right.She was a little tired and couldn't even remember what happened just now.Lin Yuhan smiled at him, then slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep on the seat.

Looking at the black and blue eyes of her eyes, Qin Sijie felt a little distressed. She must not have had a good rest these days.While waiting for the traffic light, he gently covered Lin Yu with a coat, sleep well, he said something from the bottom of his heart, and then placed a light kiss on her forehead.

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