Qin Sijie sent Lin Yuhan downstairs to the company, and after a few more instructions, he went to work at Qin's in peace.All he said was to have a good lunch at noon, and to call him if there was anything to do.They were all very ordinary things, but Lin Yuhan could hear the deep concern in them.

If a man is willing to take the trouble to tell you some trivial things every day, it means that he likes you and is willing to integrate you into his life.

In Feiyu, Lin Yuhan found that many people were watching her quietly.

"Look, Lin Yuhan is here. I thought she wouldn't come, after all, everyone has been ripped off."

"Why don't you come? This is her third uncle's company. She can't say that the wind is the rain."

All these discussions fell into her ears, but she didn't care. How could she live if she cared about these little things all day long.

She was sitting on the table outside Ling Xuanyi's office as usual, ready to start today's work.In fact, it is really nothing to her to win an award. How to continue this career is the most important thing to her.

Ling Xuanyi was a little surprised to see her still sitting here, and asked her: "Mr. Song didn't tell you that you are already the director of Feiyu's design department. Are you going to the new office directly today?"

Now it's Lin Yuhan's turn to be puzzled, why did he become the design director after winning an award?
Seeing her still confused, Ling Xuanyi explained to her that Mr. Song had taken a fancy to her design talent and fashion perception from the very beginning, and originally planned to promote her as the design director after the results came out.

Lin Yuhan had no choice but to accept this arrangement, and prepared to pack up and go to the new office.By the way, the new office is just across from Ling Xuanyi.Seeing this arrangement, Lin Yuhan was a little helpless, she actually didn't want to face Ling Xuanyi face to face again, he was really scary.For a while, it will be like this for a while, and the change is so great that it is unacceptable.

"Mr. Song hopes that the two of us can communicate more and try to design the new spring and summer styles together." He added.

Well, Mr. Song really has a good plan.

It has to be said that Mr. Song still has his own ability to secure the top position in the Feiyu Group Design Company.He is very good at seeing people and clearly knows what everyone wants, and his ability to bring a rebellious person like Ling Xuanyi under his banner is evident.

Xiao Su seemed very happy, now she didn't have to be separated from Sister Lin, and she could go to dinner together at noon with a call.

Lin Yuhan walked into the new office, feeling a little strange.In just one year, she changed several offices, and she didn't stay in each office for a long time, and she left for various reasons.

This time she will definitely not let such a thing happen again, since she decided to do design, she will do it well.

She took out the drawing paper that had been in her bag all along, ready to start today's work.

I heard that Gao Zifeng was engaged to Miss Yu's family. The wedding banquet was scheduled for three months later, and the invitation had already been sent to her.Lin Yuhan thought that Gao Zifeng didn't want to see her again, but unexpectedly invited her to his wedding.

And she will not disappoint Gao Zifeng, she will use her own design to present him with a perfect wedding gift.

This time the design is called "A Star Surrounding the Sun," and it includes a necklace and a pair of rings, which she will give to the newlyweds.

Lin Yuhan didn't know the passage of time, and accidentally looked up and saw a person standing in front of the desk, startled. "Xiao Su, why are you here?" she asked.

Su Beiyuan said helplessly, "Sister Lin, it's past twelve o'clock, let's go eat." She looked at her watch and realized that so much time had passed, but she didn't realize it.

The two went to eat at a nearby French pancake house together, and Xiao Su looked hesitant to speak while sitting there waiting for the food.Lin Yuhan felt a little strange and couldn't help asking.

"Actually, it's nothing." Xiao Su hesitated to say it, and she said after getting affirmation: "Mr. Ling is a little strange recently."

She said that Ling Xuanyi insisted on going to eat the Thai curry with her when he got off work the day before yesterday, and after eating, he forced her to buy some clothes on the grounds that he smelled bad.

The store I went to was not an ordinary store, but one that Xiao Su wouldn't go in just because of the name.Moreover, Ling Xuanyi gave her a necklace because he broke up with his girlfriend, and if he couldn't give it away, he gave it to her.

Lin Yuhan was amazed by this series of reasons, how did Ling Xuanyi think of these?Where did he get his girlfriend from? The person he is currently pursuing is the girl in front of her.

It seems that Ling Xuanyi hasn't confessed his feelings yet, Lin Yuhan never thought that she would be a matchmaker when she came here.

Seeing Su Beiyuan's tangled face, she thought about it and still didn't say anything, let them handle their affairs by themselves.

The two had just finished their meal when Xiao Su received a call from Ling Xuanyi: "Su Beiyuan, where are you?" Xiao Su heard his impatient tone and thought her boss was about to get angry again, so she quickly reported her location.

"Then come back quickly, I have something to tell you." After giving the order, Ling Xuanyi hung up the phone, feeling a little uneasy.He pushed off all the work in the afternoon just to go out with that person, wondering if she would like it.

Xiao Su trotted all the way to his office, panting, "What's wrong with Mr. Ling?" She thought it was something wrong with the copywriting in the morning, and she was so scared to death that her boss would get angry and scold her.

Ling Xuanyi glanced at her and said, "It's okay, I called you back because I want you to accompany me to a place."

Um?Su Beiyuan was very confused.

When the two of them stood at the gate of the amusement park, Su Beiyuan became even more confused. They didn't understand why Ling Xuanyi came to such a place.The explanation he gave was that he wanted to design a clothing with the theme of "children's interest", and he needed to come here to find his feeling.

Well, if the boss's design is delayed, Su Beiyuan will not accept it.She was very excited when she came to the amusement park, she hadn't been here for a long time.The last time she came was before her parents divorced, she had a good time that time, and she never came again after her parents divorced.

When it comes to amusement parks, what I have to say is childlike hairpins. Su Beiyuan bought a cat hairpin for her and Ling Xuanyi to wear on their heads.Seeing Ling Xuanyi wearing a cute hairpin with a serious face, she couldn't help laughing out loud. She looks good no matter what.

The two took roller coasters, pirate ships, water rafting and other exciting projects together.Ling Xuanyi was tired and sat on the bench by the side of the road and didn't want to move. He insisted on not leaving, saying that he was too tired.

Seeing him, Su Beiyuan gradually became bolder, thinking that he was not his serious and angry boss, but an ordinary big boy.

"Wait, I'll be back in a while." After speaking, she ran after the ice cream truck all the way to buy ice cream for the two of them.Ling Xuanyi wanted to stop her and say that he didn't like that kind of food, but he had already run away.

After a while, a piece of chocolate ice cream was stretched out in front of him, "Here." Su Beiyuan smiled brightly, and the sun shone from behind her, Ling Xuanyi knew that he would not be able to get out of the world with this woman.

Even if she doesn't know what she wants, he will keep hinting at her all the time.Ling Xuanyi didn't want to put so much pressure on her, but only hoped that she could accept herself seriously.

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