In the end, she was very angry and decided not to see Dr. Jason for treatment. As long as it is a world-renowned brain doctor, as long as she can cure her disease, she is willing to try it.

Lin Moshi seemed to cooperate with her, and immediately contacted other brain doctors.

Finally, Lin Moshi took her to a nursing home in a small town.

This is a very beautiful town, and there are large expanses of beautiful flower seas here. Ning Qingqing chose the nursing home she was willing to come here because she was optimistic about these beautiful flower seas.

She felt that even if she came for medical treatment, she should make her life more refined.

After arranging for her, Lin Moshi sat in front of her hospital bed and looked at his phone.

The corner of his mouth suddenly hooked up, as if very proud.

"Mo Shi, is there anything interesting?" Seeing him secretly laughing, Ning Qingqing asked curiously.

Lin Moshi hesitated for a moment, but still handed her the phone.

Ning Qingqing took a look, and suddenly felt a little stuffy in her heart.

There are some news reports on the phone, and the No. 1 in the hot search list is the decadent picture of Li Xiaohan getting drunk late at night in a bar.

She still had some impression of this man, the man who wanted to kill her.

Seeing him decadent, logically speaking, she should feel very happy, but for some reason, looking at him with her mobile phone at this time, she actually felt a strange feeling of faint pain in her heart.

When Ning Qingqing returned the phone to Lin Mo, her expression remained unchanged.

"What's the matter, Qingqing, are you unhappy?" Seeing that Ning Qingqing returned the phone to herself without saying anything, Lin Moshi asked deliberately.

In fact, Ning Qingqing's reaction was very obvious, she didn't change much after seeing Li Xiaohan drinking heavily.

But he was still worried, he just wanted to hear Ning Qingqing say it himself.

"What's there to be unhappy about? It's just an irrelevant person. What does his business have to do with me?" Ning Qingqing smiled faintly, turned and walked away.

Lin Moshi was ecstatic when he saw Ning Qingqing's reaction.

This is what he wanted. One day, when Ning Qingqing saw Li Xiaohan, it was like looking at a stranger.

"Qingqing, I know that a Chinese restaurant has recently opened near here, do you want to try it?" Lin Moshi suggested because he was in a good mood.

"Don't you like going out to eat? Besides, the taste here is really much different from ours. I'm not used to it yet!" Ning Qingqing said with a smile.

They have lived here since they came here half a year ago.

The location here is remote, but the environment is very good, and the nursing home here is not bad. Ning Qingqing has already received several treatments here.

Although the effect is not obvious, now Ning Qingqing is not in a hurry to think about the past, such a comfortable life has changed her a lot.

In order to facilitate the treatment of Ning Qingqing, Lin Moshi rented a house near the nursing home, a two-story villa, and the two of them lived here all the time.

Although the environment and pace of life here are very in line with Ning Qingqing's vision, she is satisfied in all aspects, but there is one thing that she finds most difficult to accept, and that is the taste of the locals.

Everything about the dripping soup made it hard for her to swallow.

With no other choice, Ning Qingqing had no choice but to start cooking by herself.

After these days of training, Ning Qingqing's skills have been tempered very well, and she can cook all kinds of home-cooked dishes with ease, and the taste is comparable to that of a chef.

"I told you, this time it's a Chinese restaurant!" Lin Moshi winked at her and smiled lovingly.

Ning Qingqing raised her eyebrows, Chinese restaurant?

This made her a little interested. If it really tastes good, then she won't have to prepare three meals a day by herself in the future.

"Okay!" Ning Qingqing echoed.

The two were about to go out, but it was windy outside, Ning Qingqing took a scarf to wrap around her hair and face.

The two of them went out together and walked slowly along the path.

There is a sea of ​​flowers on both sides of this path. At this time, the purple lavender is in full swing, swinging with the wind, which is really beautiful.

"By the way, I don't have any butter at home. I'll go buy some..." Lin Moshi pointed to a small shop not far away.

Ning Qingqing nodded, "Then I'll wait for you here!"

Lin Moshi hurried to the store.

Ning Qingqing took advantage of this peaceful moment to appreciate the beautiful scenery around her.

A gust of wind blew, and the scarf on Ning Qingqing's head was suddenly blown away, and the entire scarf was blown off her head.

Ning Qingqing raised her head subconsciously, grabbing the corner of the floating scarf with both hands.

Her long, smooth hair was flying in the air, and the white veil covered her head like a veil in a wedding dress, and her beautiful profile was just printed in the evening sunset.


Not far away, a yellow-skinned, about 50-year-old man hastily picked up the camera, and kept the perfect and harmonious beauty of the composition and light and shadow in his camera.

Ning Qingqing tidied up her scarf, and Lin Moshi walked over.

"Qingqing, let's go!" He patted the convenience bag, which means the butter has been bought.

Ning Qingqing smiled and hurried over.

Huang Lida looked down at the photos just taken and was very satisfied with them.

This is the most perfect photo he has ever taken.

He raised his head to take a few more photos, but suddenly found that the woman who was standing in the sea of ​​flowers just now had disappeared.

It's like appearing out of nowhere, leaving a beautiful silhouette, and then disappearing immediately, leaving people with endless regret.

Ning Qingqing and Lin Moshi walked into the Chinese restaurant together.

It's a very small house, the shop is not big, and there are three tables inside. Although it is simple, the layout is very warm and tidy, which makes people feel like home.

It was time for dinner, but there were no customers in the restaurant.

Except for their table.

"What do you two want to eat?" The proprietress is a middle-aged woman who looks like she is in her 40s.

She spoke fluent Chinese, which surprised Ning Qingqing, and immediately chatted with her.

After this questioning, Ning Qingqing and Lin Moshi knew that the Chinese restaurant was opened by the hostess to pass the time.

"My husband is a photographer. He travels all over the world every year, collecting stories and finding creative inspiration for himself. I also follow him around the world. I have traveled more than half of the world in these years." The hostesses are Ning Qingqing and Lin Lin. In Moshi, brew the chrysanthemum tea made by yourself. "He likes it here very much. He said that he has never seen such a flourishing sea of ​​flowers. He must take more pictures during the flowering period..."

Ning Qingqing couldn't help sighing, it's no wonder that the hostess has such an elegant temperament, walking around, gaining more knowledge, broadening her horizons, seeing all over the world, she is naturally detached and indifferent.

"I also like this sea of ​​flowers..." Ning Qingqing chatted happily with the hostess.

Lin Moshi went to the bathroom.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked in, carrying a large backpack and various shooting equipment in his hands. Needless to say, this was the husband of the hostess.

Seeing Ning Qingqing sitting here, he was taken aback for a moment, and instantly became happy.

"You're here!" He said happily, Ning Qingqing was startled by his familiarity.

The hostess also blamed, "It frightened our guests!"

Huang Lida hastily took out the photos he just snapped and showed Ning Qingqing excitedly.

"Look, this picture composition, this color matching, and this light and shadow... More is too much, less is not enough. This is the most perfect photo I have taken!"

Ning Qingqing didn't expect that she would be photographed so beautifully, and only then did she know why photography is an art.

But when Huang Lida asked Ning Qingqing to be his model to take a group of photos in the sea of ​​flowers, Ning Qingqing politely refused.

"My boyfriend doesn't like me showing up too much, and I don't like that feeling either. I just want to live a low-key life!" Ning Qingqing said with a smile.

Although Huang Lida was disappointed, he absolutely respected other people's choices.

After Lin Moshi came out of the bathroom, they had already changed the subject and chatted about interesting experiences around the world.

The hostess personally cooks and prepares home-cooked dishes for them, which taste very good.

The hostess jokingly said that if you travel all over the world, you have to do it yourself, otherwise, you will never have the taste you want.

Ning Qingqing laughed, what she said was right.

After having a very happy dinner, Ning Qingqing and Lin Moshi went back.

"This couple is really nice. I like them both in terms of personality and how they behave in the world." Ning Qingqing said with a smile.

Lin Moshi was not very interested.

"Qingqing, avoid contact with them in the future!"

"Why?" Ning Qingqing looked at him in surprise. She had finally made friends here, and she wanted to walk around more while they didn't leave, and ask the hostess for cooking tips.

After all, it is not easy to meet people of the same race in this distant foreign country.

"I don't like it... I will be disappointed. After all, they will leave..." Lin Moshi said, in fact, these are his excuses. When he learned that the male owner was a photographer, he began to worry. The master will take pictures of Ning Qingqing.

In case Li Yanhan sees her photo leaked out, I'm afraid his good days will come to an end.

Therefore, he had to find a way to separate Ning Qingqing from the couple, so that they could not meet again.

"So what? We can still be friends!" Ning Qingqing said naturally.

She really liked this couple from the bottom of her heart.

"I can't do it if I say no!" Lin Moshi was rarely so arrogant and unreasonable, his expression became gloomy, and he was indeed angry.

Ning Qingqing was stunned, what happened to him?
All the way in silence, Lin Moshi also knew that his overreaction would make Ning Qingqing feel uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry Qingqing, I was too impulsive just now!" He apologized to Ning Qingqing, Ning Qingqing just smiled faintly.

"It's okay!" she said generously.

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