Lin Moshi's fist clenched and then loosened, but he clenched it again soon.

"What's the matter with you?" After walking a few steps, Ning Qingqing looked at him in surprise and asked when she found Lin Moshi was still standing there.

"No, no, this is not right at all!" Lin Moshi suddenly roared, staring at Ning Qingqing with gloomy eyes, which startled her.

He rushed over suddenly and grabbed Ning Qingqing's shoulder.

"You are my girlfriend, I am your boyfriend, not someone who doesn't matter to you! I treated you like that just now, you should be angry, you should lose your temper with me, instead of smiling and saying it's okay! That kind of It doesn't feel right at all!" Lin Moshi roared angrily.

"Qingqing, don't be so polite to me, okay, that will make me feel that I am a dispensable person to you, and you don't care about me, so don't be so alienated to me..." Looking at Ning Qingqing's widened eyes, Lin Moshi regretted yelling at her.

He reached out to hug her, but Ning Qingqing subconsciously took a step back.

Ever since she was with Lin Moshi, she had never been intimate with him, not even a hug.

At this time, Lin Moshi wanted to get close to her, but she also resisted.

Lin Moshi's heart suddenly sank again.

"I'm just... not ready yet..." Ning Qingqing said with some embarrassment.

Indeed, thinking about the couples she usually sees, she and Lin Moshi really don't want to be couples, they are too polite.

"Not ready? Heh!" Lin Moshi sneered, his face was full of sadness, "How long do you have to prepare, we have been together for half a year, but even holding hands is a luxury for me, Qingqing, you Tell me, am I your boyfriend? I'm not even as good as an ordinary friend!"

Lin Moshi is gentle and elegant, and has never sweared in front of Ning Qingqing. Although he is not a gentleman in his bones, Lin Moshi has done a lot to make Ning Qingqing fall in love with him again and live with her forever. The big change is only for one Ning Qingqing.

But now he suddenly realized that it was too difficult, for him, it was really too difficult to get this woman's heart!

He didn't know when water dripped through stone, and when she could warm her heart.

At this moment, it seems that it is nowhere in sight!
"Mo Shi, don't be like this..."

Ning Qingqing was a little scared, she had never seen Lin Moshi like this before.

"I'm in a messy mood. I want to be alone. Go back!" Lin Moshi clenched his fists. The irritable factors in his body had already started to make trouble. He felt that he could no longer control them. Now, he needed to find Find a place to vent, otherwise, he feels that he will go crazy and do a lot of things he shouldn't do.

For example, hurt Ning Qingqing!

He turned around and strode away, leaving Ning Qingqing standing alone on the path, watching his back as he left.

Could it be that she really did too much?

What should she do, she really doesn't want to have any intimate behavior with him, she doesn't know why, she rejects him from the bottom of her heart.

In fact, calm down and think about it, she doesn't only reject Lin Moshi, it seems that she rejects all men.

This realization shocked her. Where is the root cause? Maybe it's because of that man named Li Xiaohan!
It was his hurt to her, the viciousness he always wanted to put her to death, that made her feel that a man is an unreliable creature.

Even if she was with Lin Moshi every day, and Lin Moshi treated her very well, she couldn't let it go and became closer to him.

It is so, it must be so.

Maybe in the future, she should treat Lin Moshi better.

Ning Qingqing looked at the place where Lin Moshi's figure disappeared and sighed, and could only go home alone.

However, Lin Moshi ran to the only bar in this small town. Just like bars in other places, it was filled with many young men and women. They crazily writhed their youthful bodies amidst the heavy metal music. , venting excess energy.

Lin Moshi ordered a lot of wine, he was not interested in dancing with others, he kept drinking his own wine, and after drinking the hot baijiu, what appeared in front of his eyes was Ning Qingqing's innocent face.

My heart suddenly burned like a fire, and my desire grew wildly.

"Hey handsome guy, are you alone?" A few local young girls came over and surrounded Lin Mo, making gestures around him one by one.

What these girls are here for is obvious at a glance.

Although it is beautiful here, it is backward after all. The girls came out early to break into the society, and the pretty ones naturally started this kind of youth meal that was easy to get money and easy.

Lin Moshi was a foreigner, but he was very handsome, and had already been targeted by these girls. At this time, he surrounded him like flies, hoping that he could be selected by Lin Moshi.

The corner of Lin Moshi's mouth twitched into a smile, and he picked out one of these girls who looked fairly innocent.

The girl proudly came to Lin Moshi's side and smiled flatteringly at him.

Lin Moshi was drinking, and the girl was helping him pour the wine.

Soon, Lin Moshi got drunk and took the girl to a hotel not far away.

The girl is very proactive. She has been in such occasions for a long time and knows that Lin Moshi is a rich man. If she behaves well tonight, she can get a large bounty.

She helped Lin Moshi to the bed and began to undress him.

Lin Moshi pulled her violently and pressed her under him...

Ning Qingqing looked at the completely dark sky outside, and couldn't help feeling worried.

It was very late, but Lin Moshi hadn't come back yet, so there must be nothing wrong with him.

Ning Qingqing thought for a while, picked up the phone again and called him.

But the voice from the phone made her disappointed again——

His cell phone was still out of reach.

Ning Qingqing didn't understand why Lin Moshi cared so much about that couple, it was just a little thing, but why he was so angry.

It's so late, where will Lin Moshi go?
While she was worrying, there was a knock on the door, she hurried over and looked through the peephole, and it was Lin Moshi standing outside the door.

"Mo Shi, you're finally back..." Ning Qingqing hurriedly opened the door, and a strong smell of alcohol came to her face, causing her to frown immediately.

Lin Moshi seemed to have lost all his strength, and threw himself on Ning Qingqing as soon as he walked in.

Ning Qingqing was almost thrown down by him, and hurriedly supported the cabinet beside her to stabilize her figure.

"Why do you drink so much alcohol? It's not good for your health..." she said, trying to help him to his bedroom.

Lin Moshi grabbed her hand, looked at her with a pair of scarlet drunken eyes, "Qingqing, are you caring about me, do you still care about me?"

"Of course... I care about you!" In any case, the two of them can be regarded as dependent on each other now.

She is not a cold-blooded and ruthless person, so she will naturally care.

"Then tell me, how much do you care about me..." He moved closer to her, and the smell of wine hit her cheeks and got into her nose, Ning Qingqing frowned again.

"Stop talking about this, I'll help you go to the bedroom to sleep first..." Ning Qingqing walked towards the bedroom while supporting Lin Moshi.

Lin Moshi didn't resist, and let her send him into the bedroom.

When she managed to help him to the side of the bed and put him on the bed, just as she was about to straighten up, she was grabbed by Lin Moshi, and she threw herself on top of him.

"I'm sorry!" Ning Qingqing thought it was her own problem, apologizing and trying to get up from him. Since she lost her memory, she has never been so close to a man.

"Qingqing!" Lin Moshi called her softly, exerting force on his hands, not wanting to let her up at all.

Ning Qingqing looked at him, and what flickered in his eyes made her feel a little scared.

"I'll wash you a towel and wipe your face!" Ning Qingqing said hurriedly, wanting to leave this man who made her flustered.

But her body was pulled all of a sudden, and in the next second, she felt dizzy and dizzy, and she fell on the bed with a heavy weight on her body, and Lin Moshi was pressing on her body.

"Lin Moshi, you... let me go!" Ning Qingqing panicked and didn't know what to do, she hurriedly pushed the man on her body with her hands.

But the man didn't give her a chance to escape at all, "Qingqing, you are my girlfriend, shouldn't you do your duty as a girlfriend?"

Ning Qingqing looked at him. At this moment, Lin Moshi seemed to be very clear-headed. His lips were in front of her eyes. As soon as his words fell, they fell on her forehead, followed by eyelids. On, on the nose, there is even a tendency to spread downward...

The alarm bell in Ning Qingqing's mind rang loudly, a white light flashed in her mind, and the man on her body seemed to have changed into another face, Li Xiaohan!

At this time, she would think of Li Xiaohan!
At this moment, Lin Moshi's lips were about to fall on hers, and Ning Qingqing immediately turned her head to prevent him from kissing her.

"Don't do this!" She pushed hard, and Lin Moshi on her body was pushed away by her.

She hurriedly got up and sat down, wanting to rush out as fast as she could.

Although she has lost her previous memory, she is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything. If Lin Moshi is allowed to continue, she will know what will happen next, just think about it with her toes.

As for Lin Moshi's words, she also knew very well what it meant to let her fulfill her obligations as a girlfriend.

Therefore, it is very dangerous here, and she must leave quickly.

But before she could move, Lin Moshi tried to push her down on the bed again, and even started to tear her clothes.

Ning Qingqing tried desperately to protect herself, she was angry and frightened, she never thought that one day Lin Moshi would treat her like this.

This seemed to be a hand-to-hand combat, and Ning Qingqing's strength was obviously not Lin Moshi's opponent.

During the tearing, Ning Qingqing saw the red lip print on Lin Moshi's collar, which was clearly a woman's lip print.

It is so ambiguously printed on his collar, what Lin Moshi did just now is really clear at a glance.

Ning Qingqing was angry and angry, her mind was buzzing, and Lin Moshi in front of her eyes seemed to have become blurred.

She shook her head hard, this time is not when she is in a coma, Lin Moshi is plotting against her.

Can't faint, must not faint!

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