Not long after, Han Lin came.

"Where is Qingqing, where did she go, tell me!" Li Xiaohan roared angrily.

Han Lin frowned, he planned to talk about this matter slowly, but now it seems that Zhou Xiaoyou's gossip woman has already told the young master about it.

" missing, I have sent someone to look for it, but there is no news yet..." Han Lin replied truthfully.

"How long are you going to keep such an important matter from me!" Li Xiaohan roared, although his voice was weak, but his power remained undiminished, "How long has Qingqing been missing?"

"About five days..."

Han Lin bowed his head and said.

five days?

Li Xiaohan has a mania that wants to kill people.

It's been five days and no one has been found yet!

In five days, how many things will happen and how far she will go is unknown.

"Send someone to look for her right away. Be sure to find her for me. At any cost, I want to see her in the shortest possible time!" Li Xiaohan ordered.

"Yes!" Han Lin hurried out to make arrangements.

In fact, since the young master woke up, he has expanded the scope of his search. Now that he has the young master's words, he can go more boldly to search.

For a while, the whole city started a blanket search for Ning Qingqing, and for a while, everyone knew that Li Xiaohan's wife lost her memory and got lost, and now there is no one alive or dead!

At this time, Ning Qingqing, under the leadership of Lin Moshi, has reached the far side of the ocean and embarked on a journey to find Dr. Jason.

And it is conceivable that no matter how much Li Xiaohan increases his manpower, he will not be able to find her.

Hearing the news that Li Xiaohan didn't find Ning Qingqing, Zhou Xiaoyou breathed a sigh of relief.

She was very afraid that after Ning Qingqing was found, she would tell Li Xiaohan that he sent her away. No matter how well she behaved at that time, she would definitely be punished by Li Xiaohan.

As for Li Xiaohan's punishment, no one can accept it.

Zhou Xiaoyou also tried to call Lin Moshi, telling him to hide Ning Qingqing.

But when she found out that Lin Moshi's phone number could not be reached, Zhou Xiaoyou faintly felt that maybe Lin Moshi had already left with Ning Qingqing.

This is the picture she wants to see most now.

On the other side, Li Xiaohan didn't have any news about Ning Qingqing, his mood became very bad, his face was gloomy every day, and no one dared to be presumptuous in front of him.

The entire villa and the Li family were shrouded in shadows, everyone was cautious, walking on thin ice, worried that if they were not careful, they would step on Li Xiaohan's minefield.

After a few days like this, when Li Xiaohan's patience was about to reach its peak, someone came to report that he had seen Ning Qingqing.

The man was brought in immediately.

"You said you've seen the woman in the photo?" Li Xiaohan frowned and looked at the man in front of him.

This man seems to be honest, but there must be a brave man under such a heavy reward, maybe this man said he met Ning Qingqing just because of his poor life.

Li Xiaohan made such preparations in his heart.

"Yes, sir, I have met her, she is my savior!" The man said to Li Xiaohan gratefully.

Li Xiaohan immediately regained his spirits, "You mean she once saved you? About when?"

The man thought about it seriously, and told him the time and the detailed location.

The more Li Xiaohan listened, the more he became convinced that that woman was indeed Ning Qingqing.

When he heard that she bumped into a big tree in order to protect this man, Li Xiaohan's expression changed in worry, "How is she, is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay, it's okay, the man who took her away said she was just unconscious..." the man continued.

"A man?" These words made Li Xiaohan's brows frowned even tighter, "You mean, it was a man who took her away?"

"Yes, it was... a man with a good temperament took her away. By the way, according to that man, the convoy following them also belonged to that man. He also brought a lot of men, very dignified !"

Li Xiaohan thought for a while, his brows furrowed even tighter.

He picked up his mobile phone and fiddled with it a few times, then handed it to the man in front of him, "Look at this man, is that the man you're talking about?"

The man took his mobile phone and looked at it carefully for a while, then nodded, "Yes, it was him, that woman was taken away by her in the end!"

Sure enough it was him!

Lin Moshi!
It turned out that he took Qingqing away, he had known for a long time that Lin Moshi was a man who harbored ill intentions towards Qingqing, but he let him go so easily, he was too careless.

If he had known earlier, he should have made Lin Moshi never have the chance to compete with him in his life!

"You go down to receive the reward first!" Li Xiao said coldly, with a cold face.

The man gratefully followed his men and walked out.

"When I went to check all the news about Linmo, including whether he had any entry and exit records, where he had been, who he had contacted with, I want all the information!" Li Xiaohan said to his assistant, who nodded and hurried out to do it.

The news came soon, and it was as expected by Li Xiaohan, all the news about Lin Moshi found by his subordinates was very normal, and he had no record of entering or exiting the country.

But in the past week, no one has seen him.

He disappeared from this city as if he had evaporated from the world.

This was what Li Xiaohan was most worried about. Lin Moshi erased all traces of him, which meant that he was already ready to come here immediately.

And the one who left with him must be Ning Qingqing.

Ning Qingqing had forgotten all the previous things, which provided an opportunity for Lin Moshi. Lin Moshi was likely to use this to deceive Ning Qingqing, and let the pure and kind Ning Qingqing easily believe him.

Therefore, he must find Ning Qingqing as soon as possible.

"Send everyone out and use all your connections to find Qingqing. Since she is still alive, you must find her!" Li Xiaohan ordered, compared to the previous state where no one was alive or dead, this news is very important to him now. Said it is already very good news.

"Yes!" Han Lin immediately sent someone to do it.

However, there was a big search, all the possibilities were searched in all places, and even many places in the country were covered, but there was still no news of Ning Qingqing and Lin Moshi.

Li Xiaohan began to worry that Ning Qingqing had been taken abroad by Lin Moshi.

If that's the case, it will be even more troublesome to find it. The world is so big, how could he know where Lin Moshi took Qingqing to go.

Find out all the men who used to follow Lin Moshi and question them one by one. No matter what method is used, coercion is used, and sometimes even a guy is used, no one can tell where Lin Moshi has gone.

They all agreed that Lin Moshi had never contacted them at all, and never told them where he was going, but disappeared suddenly.

Li Xiaohan was a little desperate. Lin Moshi's subordinates are not hard-headed, some people can buy soft crabs with money, but now they all say they don't know where Lin Moshi is, which shows that Lin Moshi is really not. Intending to let them know his whereabouts.

This also shows that he has no intention of coming back after leaving.

So Qingqing, he also planned to take her away and never let her come back.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaohan was so angry that he wanted to kill someone!
"No matter what the price is, we must find Qingqing!" Li Xiaohan said to Han Lin, but Han Lin who was opposite him was embarrassed.

"Young Master, it's not that I stopped you from looking for your wife. I know your feelings for Madam, but you should also think about it for Li Shi. You have been looking for Madam all these days, and even sent Li Shi's employees out to look for her, but Putting the company in a state of shutdown, it's okay for a short period of time, Li can afford it, but if it takes a long time, it will affect Li's vitality!"

Han Lin said earnestly.

"What do you mean by that? What happened to the Li family?" Li Xiaohan narrowed his eyes.

During this period of time, he was really only busy looking for Qingqing, leaving Li Shi aside.

Li's was his painstaking effort, so he was naturally unwilling to let his efforts be ruined like this.

"Recently, Dacheng and Tianyuan's opponents who usually stare at Li Shi know that our Li Shi is looking for his wife these days, so they took advantage of this opportunity to do a lot of tricks behind our backs, and even wanted to hit our old partners. The idea of ​​prying into the corner of our Li family..."

The assistant Owen on the side hurriedly told Li Xiaohan about Li's recent situation.

Li Xiaohan smiled instead of anger, but that smile was so cold that it made people shudder.

"Okay, you dare to compete with our Li family at this time, I want to see what strength they have!" Li Yanhan said, "Get rid of them first!"

There was a firm light in his eyes.

Originally thought that this commercial competition would soon be settled, but unexpectedly, Dacheng and Tianyuan thought that Li's vitality had been seriously injured this time, and even joined hands with Li's to challenge Li's, and put all their eggs in one basket. Compete with Li Shi.

Perhaps it was because of their last stand that they spared no effort. Although Dacheng and Tianyuan were not to be feared, it took a long, long time to suppress these two groups. After a little bit of torture, the last two were uprooted.

After all this is over, it has been more than half a year.

During the period of fighting wits with Dacheng Tianyuan, Li Xiaohan did not give up looking for Ning Qingqing, but unfortunately there was no response.

Li Xiaohan also became more and more chilled, and began to drink heavily.

But at this time on the other side of the ocean, in order to prevent Li Xiaohan from finding him, Lin Moshi and Ning Qingqing kept changing places, wandering around various small remote countries under the banner of looking for Dr. Jason.

But every time they arrived at that place, Dr. Jason had already left.

Ning Qingqing was very upset, and always felt that Dr. Jason did this on purpose.

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