Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 720 Don't Ask Nonsense

Changing into feminine clothes, and wearing a windbreaker outside, he pulled down the doorknob with great interest, and let it go again. It's almost ten o'clock now. If Mrs. Su finds out when he goes out at this time, It is inevitable that she will be scolded and then unable to go out. She doesn't want to cause trouble.

But it was impossible for her not to see Wang Yu. It was thanks to Wang Yu that she was able to stand in this position. The only person she could rely on and trust was Wang Yu, and she didn't want to have any trouble with Wang Yu because of this matter.

He took off the high-heeled shoes on his face, held the doorknob carefully on tiptoe, and closed it quietly again. At this time, the servants of the Su family had already rested in the villa next door and would not be in the house. Walking around inside, so she just needs to keep her voice down a little, and she will be fine if she doesn't wake up Mrs. Su.

The cat walks down the stairs step by step with his waist bent, his feet stand firmly on the ground, and then he falls down. The movement of bare feet is indeed much smaller. After descending from the last staircase, there is no big movement , looked around for a while, and after seeing no one, he rushed towards the Xuanhuan place quickly on his feet.

"Where is my cousin going? You still have to go out at such a late night? Grandma will be angry if she finds out, right?" Su Ruxin stood behind Yu Lina with a smile on her face. I noticed it, but I didn't know what Yu Lina wanted to do, so I kept following behind Yu Lina softly.

Yu Lina was beaten to death by Su Ruxin who suddenly appeared, she almost screamed, she covered her mouth to suppress her nervousness, and after she calmed down a bit, she pointed at Su Ruxin and said, "You Why are you here, what are you doing behind me if you don't sleep at night?"

"Ah, ah, it's not right for my cousin to say that. How can I follow behind my cousin? I came down to pour my saliva and just happened to meet my cousin. She hasn't answered me yet. Where are I going? Ah, whoops, you are still dressed so beautifully, which family are you going to meet?" Su Ruxin raised the water glass in her hand and asked with a playful smile.

"Does it have anything to do with you where I'm going? If you come down to fetch water, you should fetch your water honestly. You'd better not ask about things you shouldn't ask. If you let me know that your mouth is not firm , see how I deal with you when I come back." Yu Lina sneered, threatening Su Ruxin with gritted teeth.

Seeing Yu Lina's arrogant appearance, Su Ruxin thought it was a bit ridiculous, but now that she had grasped the handle, what right did she have to yell at her, but she didn't intend to take this matter to the public, she just wanted to make peace That's all. "Cousin, don't worry, my mouth is the most secure, but now I need a little help to make this mouth stronger."

Yu Lina knew that Su Ruxin wanted to negotiate terms with her, and she would never bother with it normally, but now that time is running out, she doesn't want to waste any more time with Su Ruxin here: "Let's talk, What do you want me to do, let me think about it, maybe I will agree to you."

"This matter is also very simple. It's just a matter of little effort for you, cousin. Didn't grandma want to find me a suitable partner at night? I have to trouble my cousin to help me watch over this matter. If you can drag it Wait, as long as my cousin can agree to my small request, then I will pretend that I didn't see anything about tonight, this deal should be a good deal for my cousin, right?"

Su Ruxin turned the water glass in her hand, and didn't look up at Yu Lina's expression. She knew without her looking that Yu Lina had no choice but to agree to her small request, and she didn't want such an easy one. To perfect myself, I am in a difficult situation and want to promise myself and show myself some face.

The marriage was originally a whim on her mind, she wanted to find something for the old lady and Yu Lina, so as not to trouble her, but this quietness will not last long, and it will bring a series of troubles later Things, so before her plan is laid out, she has to let Yu Lina delay this matter for herself as long as possible. She hasn't found a way to let Yu Lina do things for herself. It's delivered to your door.

Su Ruxin guessed that there was nothing wrong in Yu Lina's heart, she just wanted to not lose her face and let Su Ruxin rot in her heart what happened tonight.

"Your request is indeed a trivial matter. Grandma and I can just say a few words and it will be resolved, but why should I help you? Grandma found out that I went out tonight, and at most it was just a few words. I don't It doesn't matter if you go out, but there is no one else who can help you with this matter except me, so it seems that this deal is not worth it."

Su Ruxin's eyes flickered, and she put the water glass on the nearby shoe cabinet. "Cousin, how can we both be cousins? Just now grandma said that cousins ​​should be closer. I also want to get close to my cousin. Cousin shouldn't only go out once. Next time, cousin When it's time to go out, maybe I can still help."

Yu Lina was silent for a while, the most important thing for her now is to catch Wang Yu's heart, so it is inevitable to go out to accompany Wang Yu, but if Wang Yu asks her to go out every time so late, she will really It may not be possible to go out smoothly every time. With someone covering up, things will become easier.

"That's right, where is the division between cousins ​​so clear? I'm your older sister. It doesn't matter if I take more care of you. Then we've made a deal. You can go get your water. I'm going out." , Give me a cover tomorrow morning."

Su Ruxin nodded obediently, took the water glass Yu Lina handed over to her, put it in Lina's door and went upstairs directly, the water glass was still empty, it was just used as an excuse Props only.

Yu Lina didn't relax her vigilance when she left the Su's house. She put on her shoes and walked outside in a soft voice. After walking a certain distance, she felt relieved, called a taxi with her mobile phone, and went straight to the hotel.

After arriving at the front desk and saying Wang Yu's name, there was no need to show anything else, the front desk directly asked someone to take me to the room that Wang Yu had reserved.

"If Miss Yu has any other orders, you can use the phone in the room to call the service directly. This is the room card, please keep it."

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