Su Ruxin's non-resistance made Mrs. Su choke on what she wanted to say. She took a sip of the water handed over by Su's mother, and calmed down.

"Mom, Ruxin is not a child anymore. She still understands this kind of thing. She just doesn't have the time to deal with it. It's not because there are many rumors outside. She doesn't want her sister to have trouble because of this matter." What's the impact on the mood, and I don't want the two sisters to get into trouble because of such a trivial matter, so I stopped the things in the entertainment circle."

"When she went out today, she told me that she would go to Rumeng's place to have a heart-to-heart talk with Rumeng. When she comes back, she will tell you about this, and let you see if there is any suitable son. She is at this age Yes, I've been worrying about this too, Rumeng's child is already this old, and she doesn't even have a partner, and I've been urging her to find someone to settle the marriage as soon as possible."

Su's mother and Su Ruxin knew how to cooperate with Su Ruxin to say this with just one eye contact, but they didn't think so in their hearts, they just wanted to let Mrs. Su and Yu Lina stay together I didn't have the time to find trouble in a short period of time, so I made this bad plan.

The old lady Su saw that what Su Mu said was serious and sincere, and she was dubious in her heart, but what they said was originally following her own heart, even if there was something wrong with it, at least on the surface it was enough own face.

"Okay, I know that Ruxin is the most sensible of these children. Grandma will definitely find you a well-matched son and brother. When the time comes, arrange for the two of you to meet. If the children of our Su family get married, they will definitely not marry. Wronged."

Su Ruxin complied obediently, without any intention of refuting. "Just let grandma arrange everything. I'll just stay at home and wait for grandma's good news. I have to trouble grandma to deal with this matter. I feel a little unfilial, but grandma, cousin Lina was here just now. The door said that you haven't had dinner yet, at this point you can't even eat because you're worried about this matter, I'll ask the maid to heat up the food, let's eat first."

After pulling away from this topic, Yu Lina was naturally added to the topic without anyone noticing it.

"Eating and eating, I was also worried about the danger you would encounter outside alone. I kept thinking about waiting for you to come back. Who knew that you would not come back so late. Did you eat dinner at Rumeng's side?" The old lady Su stood up with the support of Su's mother, walked to Su Ruxin's side and patted Su Ruxin's shoulder in comfort.

"Sister Rumeng's dinner wasn't ready yet, I thought it would be better not to have dinner there, so I didn't wait and came back directly, but encountered some traffic accidents on the way, so Came back a little late."

Su Ruxin paused naturally, giving everyone a buffer time, and then continued.

"Oh, that's right. When Cousin Lina came back in the morning, did you see if there was a bunch of keys next to my car? The bunch of keys from our crew was gone, and they said they were left in my car, but I was in the car I searched for it for a long time but couldn’t find it, and when I came back, I searched for it in the parking space and didn’t find it.”

In a few words, the fact that Yu Lina came back in the morning was exposed. After speaking, she scratched her hair nervously, and looked at Yu Lina who was sitting next to Mrs. Su apologetically.

Yu Lina froze for a moment, looked at the unhappy face beside her, and immediately explained: "How could I see your key, I came back early last night, if I saw your key If it is, it must have been brought to you, so don't talk nonsense."

"Huh? But I just saw you coming back from the outside when I went out this morning. Did you go out to exercise? When did my cousin have this habit? Why didn't I know? This habit is very good, next time cousin If you want to exercise, why not take me with you? Anyway, I've been idle at home recently."

Su Ruxin twitched the corners of her lips. She is not ready to tear herself apart with Yu Lina yet, so naturally she won't expose Yu Lina when she comes back in the morning, and it's just a trivial matter. Even if Mrs. Su knows If this matter is mentioned, it is at most a lesson to Yu Lina, which is of no great use.

What she wanted was for Yu Lina to have no room to stand up again. This alone was not enough to vent her anger, so she just wanted to scare Yu Lina so that she would not make things go too far.

Seeing that Su Ruxin had changed her words, Yu Lina breathed a sigh of relief, and gave Su Ruxin a look, which meant that Su Ruxin knew her. "Yes, I have the habit of running in the morning recently. I have eaten too much at home these two days. My figure is out of shape. I still need to exercise. Besides, morning running is good for the skin. My cousin can do it anytime. Go for a run and exercise."

Seeing how the two of them were going back and forth, Mrs. Su said lovingly: "You cousins ​​are meant to be this close. Let's go for a morning jog together tomorrow. It's not a bad thing to exercise, and Lina, you know a lot of young masters, you can introduce a few to Ruxin, and it would be the best if Ruxin has someone she likes."

"I will definitely help my cousin to pay more attention. If there is a suitable one, let the cousin take a look. The cousin is so beautiful, and there are a lot of people for the cousin to choose from. Now let's eat first, otherwise the maid will just heat up the dishes. It's going to be cold." Yu Lina raised her eyebrows, and looked at Su Ruxin as if she was looking at a product.

After eating, they all kept their minds secret, and went back to their rooms. Yu Lina wanted to pretend to be filial to take care of Mrs. Su, but was rejected by Mrs. Su, so she obediently went back to her room. At this time a phone call came.

"One hour later, room 502 of Lishui Hotel." With a familiar voice and a simple address, before she could reply, the other party had already hung up the phone.

But Yu Lina didn't mean to be angry at all. On the contrary, she was very excited. Wang Yu hadn't found her for a long time. She had no chance to hug Wang Yu's thigh, so she could only watch Wang Yu couldn't do anything to prepare for his wedding, and he didn't want to do anything drastic, so Wang Yu just kicked himself.

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