Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 721 Let's Get Down to Business

Yu Lina nodded and smiled. After watching the waiter leave, she adjusted her clothes, took out her mobile phone to touch up the makeup on her face, and swiped her card to enter the door after she felt that she was almost ready.

"Your time is becoming more and more punctual. Is it because I am too kind to you? It makes you not sure what your status is?" Wang Yu was sitting on the sofa holding a glass of red wine and did not turn his head to look at Yu Lina. , facing the floor-to-ceiling windows and said leisurely.

"I arrived at just the right time, so I'm not late, and you don't even look at what time it is now, it's not easy for me to get out of Su's house, you still have to reprimand me like this I, I'm going to be unhappy." Yu Lina walked to Wang Yu's sofa with a smile, and sat down by the handle of the sofa.

Wang Yu changed the red wine glass to the other hand, reached out and took Yu Lina into his arms, and let Yu Lina sit on his lap. "Am I reprimanding you? How can I be willing to reprimand you, I have to coax you to work harder tonight."

"What? That little fiancée of yours can't serve you? You have to ask me to do it?" Yu Lina raised her eyebrows, leaned down and bit Wang Yu's shaking red wine glass, raised her head slightly, and Wang Yu cooperated. He raised the red wine glass high, and the two of them just made Yu Lina drink the red wine in one gulp.

Yu Lina turned around, put her hands on Wang Yu's neck, lifted Wang Yu's chin, and gave Wang Yu the red wine hidden in her mouth. "Your red wine is delicious. It's quite enjoyable to drink red wine while looking at the beautiful scenery here. I don't want to be bound at home every day. Who doesn't want such a comfortable life."

"Of course my fiancée is not as capable as you. What you said is sour, why? Are you jealous of her? You take care of your current status, no one can surpass your status." Wang Yu said The red wine glass was placed on the small round table aside, and Yu Lina was pushed to let her lean on the handle of the sofa, and then put her hands on her shoulders.

"Of course I know my identity, but why do you, who is about to get married, have the idea to come out to me? Isn't your little fiancee jealous? They are married, right? If she is jealous, you Wouldn't it be very troublesome?" Yu Lina was Wang Yu's fiancée who never left her, so she couldn't let go of this matter.

Wang Yu twitched the corner of his mouth: "It's really interesting that you are jealous. My fiancee won't be jealous of you. She knows her identity very well."

Unconvinced, Yu Lina broke away from Wang Yu's hand hooking her chin, and turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window. "That's right, she won't take the jealousy of a little lover, and I'm the only one who will worry about you kicking me away at any time. She won't have such worries. That position is originally mine. .”

The timing of her petty temper was right, it wouldn't make Wang Yu feel that she was crossing the line again, and it gave Wang Yu a kind of coquettish taste.

"Okay, why are you still playing with me? She and I are just married. You should be very clear about the marriage. There is no relationship between us. It is just for such a marriage letter. After marriage, your status will not be any Even if she finds out about your existence, it won’t matter, your status is equal.”

Wang Yu had already given his own attitude, so Yu Lina naturally didn't want to delve into it. "That's about the same. I don't want to be bumped into by her anytime, and I have to bow my head and say I'm young."

"At such a moment in the spring night, don't talk about such meaningless things. The most important thing is for us to do something serious." Wang Yu turned Yu Lina's head back again, and the posture of the two of them was a bit twisted , After lifting Yu Lina's legs to the sofa, the whole body was pressed down.

Yu Lina laughed aloud when he couldn't wait, pushed his shoulder, took off her coat, revealing the sexy suspender skirt inside, let him sit up straight and leaned on his chest, The two of them faced Yucheng, which was still flashing with neon lights.

"Okay, okay, can't you do that kind of thing again later? I really have something serious to tell you. Didn't you let me watch Su Ruxin before? She saw something unusual, I have monitored her for so long, she did not have any unusual behavior, but today she is a little different."

Wang Yu raised his eyebrows, poured himself another glass of red wine, asked Yu Lina to take a sip, and said, "What's different about her?"

"When I was looking for her as usual today, she was abnormal and didn't refute me, but continued to follow my words, and she came back late at night, when the old lady said that she would find a marriage partner for her , she didn't object at all, and I happened to be caught by her when I went out at night, and she even negotiated with me, asking me to drag the old lady, and let the old lady slow down in finding a partner."

"If she really wants to reject the old lady, she can naturally have many excuses. Why is she asking me to drag the old lady instead of delaying time with the old lady? Isn't this a very contradictory point? I don't I think Su Ruxin will give up Li Jinyi, the piece of fat that once entered her mouth."

Yu Lina put out what she found strange today, and Wang Yu analyzed it by himself.

"According to what you said, there is indeed something wrong. It seems that Su Ruxin must have some plan that is going on quietly. After her plan is completed, she can let you or the old lady Su go. In my eyes, so I just let you drag the old lady instead of letting you push this matter away with the old lady, she probably wants to use this matter to keep the two of you from disturbing her and give her some space."

Wang Yu easily deduced Su Ruxin's inner thoughts without any deviation. If Su Ruxin heard Wang Yu's words, he would probably be surprised, but only through Yu Lina's two sentences, there would be no harm. It is enough to infer so many things, and it will definitely not be such a simple role as the son of a small family like the Wang family.

Yu Lina has also known for a long time that the background behind Wang Yu is not so simple, so she chooses to pester Wang Yu in everything she says. If she does not take advantage of this man who has not been discovered, she will firmly grasp him. Palm of the palm, who else can rely on? She boldly guessed that the people behind Wang Yu might not be much different from the Li family.

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