Because of inconvenient transportation, backward information, and poor living conditions, young people in the mountains all go out to work, but leave the elderly and children in the mountains.

The elderly and children have become left-behind children and left-behind elderly.Most of them have no source of livelihood. They grow some food and vegetables in the palm-sized land on the mountain, barely survive and then rely on government relief.

Therefore, their life can be described as difficult, and some don't even have houses, and live in caves on the mountains.

In addition to these residents at the bottom of the mountain, there are dozens of people on the mountain.They don't go down the mountain for many years, and they are self-sufficient on the mountain, completely separated from the outside world.

Living conditions are worrying, and children's education is even more problematic.

Tang Chengcheng funded and built a school at the foot of the mountain, but it couldn't keep the teachers.

Firstly, because there are few children here and the cultural foundation is poor, and secondly, the living conditions are too difficult, so no one wants to come here.

There are also volunteers who come to support education, but they are all temporary and cannot solve long-term problems.

To fundamentally solve the poverty here, the most important thing is to build roads.After solving the traffic problem and connecting with the outside world, it will be much easier to talk about development.

This is only the starting point of the Goha Mountains, stretching hundreds of kilometers forward, and there are still thousands of households there, and they also look forward to this road being built as soon as possible.

Song Zhining already understood these basic situations.Therefore, she simply asked and expressed her sympathy and concern for them. After the reporter took videos and photos, she asked her staff to start distributing supplies.

The supplies she brought this time include grain, oil, rice noodles, some meat and vegetables, clothes, and school supplies and books for the children.

After Song Zhining finished her duties, she went to find Tang Chen, only to find that he and Li Gong were talking not far away.

She hurried over and asked, "What are you talking about? How is the progress of this road now?"

Li Gong quickly said: "Miss, we have completed one-third of this road, because the progress has slowed down at the foot of the mountain. Now I have a plan to build a road on the mountain."

Song Zhining asked in surprise, "Building roads on the mountain?"

Li Gong nodded: "Yes. There are dozens of households on this mountain. They have to go up and down the mountain through a mountain road on the cliff."

As he spoke, he pointed to the mountain not far away.

The sky at this time is not as dark as it was when we came here, and the dark clouds have dispersed a little, so the sight is better.

From where I stood, looking up, I could see a winding path halfway up the mountain.

That road is like a belt hanging on the mountainside, not to mention walking, it is a little frightening to look at.

Song Zhining was also shocked: "How dangerous it is to walk this way, if you are not careful, you will fall into the nearby valley."

Li Gong nodded: "Yes, so I want to open up a road for the villagers, so that it will be convenient to go up and down the mountain. But in this way, the construction period of the road will be delayed, and it will also exceed the budget. I was talking to Mr. Tang just now. Let's discuss this."

Song Zhining didn't really care about this issue, but she still looked at Tang Chen solemnly: "What do you think?"

Tang Chen said: "I think it is feasible. Although it will exceed the budget, it is a great thing that benefits the people."

Song Zhi stared at the big mountain: "But it's too difficult to build roads on the mountain?"

Tang Chen said: "This can't be difficult for Li Gong. He will build a convenient road according to the terrain."

Song Zhining said: "Is it possible to let the people on the mountain move down the mountain? After all, everything is convenient down the mountain."

Li Gong said: "People here are very obsessed. They have feelings for the mountains and they don't want to go down the mountains. We have persuaded them many times!"

"What's so good about the mountain that makes them so reluctant to leave? I really want to see it! Tang Chen, can you accompany me to the mountain?" Song Zhining had a thought in his heart.

Tang Chen frowned, and said coldly: "There is no time, we must go back to the city right now."

It's already three o'clock in the afternoon, even if it doesn't rain, it will take three or four hours to go back, and it will be dark in Tangcheng.

Song Zhining said: "I've been here, how can I just go back like this? I'll just go to the mountainside to have a look, if I don't go up, it won't take long!"

Tang Chen said coldly: "Song Zhining, don't be willful! So many people follow you, not to play with you!"

His willfulness made Song Zhining's heart pierce, ha, she just wants to be willful, she has been willful all the time!

She has been willful just for the man in front of her!
In fact, she has always been a very self-disciplined and self-improving girl. Her mother has always taught her that her life has been different since birth. She must work harder than ordinary people to achieve her goal!
She can't change her original intention for anyone or anything!
She has always followed her mother's request, but for Tang Chen, she has made too many exceptions for him, but he still doesn't appreciate it!

Song Zhining said: "I have never seen such a primitive mountain, and I don't know how people live on the mountain. You can go and see it with me."

Tang Chen refused: "You have so many bodyguards accompanying you, that's enough!"

Song Zhining was disappointed and annoyed: "Tang Chen, don't you just want to go back early and accompany your Luo Qingqing? If you don't accompany me up the mountain today, I will be living at the construction site today!"

Tang Chen glared at Song Zhining, "Childish! That's your business. I've completed the task by accompanying you here. It's your private business if you want to go up the mountain. Please forgive me for not accompanying you!"

He turned away.

Song Zhining became anxious: "Tang Chen, stop! I order you to accompany me up the mountain!"

Tang Chen still walked in the direction of the car without looking back.

Song Zhining waved his hand in anger, and his bodyguards blocked Tang Chen's way.

Tang Chen watched without fear, these tall bodyguards did not change their expressions.

Li Gong was terrified watching from the side. He knew that his arms couldn't twist his thighs, and Tang Chen would suffer if he went down with Song Zhining like this.

Therefore, he hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over and said, "Mr. Tang, how about we go up the mountain together, so we can actually inspect the mountain road and give me some advice on my design plan!"

As he spoke, he stepped forward and grabbed Tang Chen's arm, and at the same time asked his assistant to bring over the design sketch he had drawn.

While showing Tang Chen the design sketch, Li Gong explained and winked at him at the same time.

Tang Chen looked at the design drawing and said: "Your design is not good. If there is a heavy rain on the mountain, the road will be washed away. You can build a flood discharge ditch beside the road. In this way, no matter how heavy the rain is, the flood will be destroyed." It all flows down the mountain along the flood discharge ditch, and the mountain road can still pass safely!"

Li Gong patted his thigh and gave Tang Chen a thumbs up: "Mr. Tang is really tall. Now, we will go up the mountain immediately, and you can help me guide it."

Tang Chen didn't refuse this time, so he went up the mountain with Li Gong and a few engineers and technicians.

Seeing this, Song Zhining quickly called several bodyguards to accompany her and followed her.

Tang Chen was anxious and walked like the wind.Li Gong and several technicians walked and ran to keep up with Tang Chen's footsteps.

Song Zhining and her bodyguard were trotting all the way.

The road up the mountain is very narrow, only enough for two people to walk side by side.

Song Zhining squeezed behind Tang Chen and Li Gong in a daze.

Li Gong was winking, and asked Song Zhining and Tang Chen to go side by side, and he was behind them, so it would not prevent him from talking with Tang Chen.

The mountain road is very steep, and there is a hurdle in a few steps.

Tang Chen and Li Gong discussed the design and construction of this mountain road, and he really gave many constructive suggestions.

Song Zhining listened panting, admiring Tang Chen.

She never knew that Tang Chen also knew about architecture and road repair.

She was a little obsessed for a while, and didn't pay attention to her feet.

She was walking on Tang Chen's right side, while Tang Chen was on the left side, close to the side of the cliff.

Here we come to a corner, the terrain is rather dangerous, and the road is very narrow.

Tang Chen stood down and talked to Li Gong about the difficulty of building the road here and the solution, and Song Zhining walked to the front first.

It's just that Tang Chen and Li Gong discussed a lot here and ignored Song Zhining for a while.

Song Zhining didn't want to go forward alone, so she had to wait by the side.

She saw a tree beside the cliff with red leaves and green fruits.She didn't know what kind of tree it was, but she thought the leaves were beautiful, so she reached out to touch the leaves.

But the tree was under the cliff, almost one meter away from the mountain road.

Song Zhining couldn't reach it standing on the road, so she leaned cautiously towards the edge of the cliff and reached out to reach for the leaves.

Her hand was about to reach the leaves, but a small stone under her feet slipped suddenly, and her whole body threw herself down the cliff.


She screamed in terror.

Tang Chen was the closest to her, his heart tightened, his figure flickered, and he reached her side, reaching out to grab her, but he was still a step too late, watching Song Zhining fall.

He yelled, "Hold the tree!"

At the same time, he floated and jumped off the cliff.

Of course he didn't jump directly to the valley, but to the tree.

With the help of the branches of that tree, he hugged Song Zhining by the waist.

But the branches are very brittle, unable to withstand the weight of the two people, and the two fell off the cliff.

Song Zhining was so frightened to death that she could only scream with her eyes closed.

However, she suddenly felt that her body stopped in mid-air.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that she had really stopped between the tree and the cliff.

Her only support was Tang Chen's powerful arm across her waist.

She looked at him in surprise, and saw that he was holding a branch with one hand, one leg was coiled around the trunk of the tree, and the other leg was kicking the cliff.

He kept the split like that, the balance between him and Song Zhining under the cliff.

But at this time, they were three or four meters away from the top, and there was a bottomless valley below their feet!
Song Zhining was stupid at that moment!
When she went up the mountain, it was as if she had made a small accident and asked Tang Chen to hug her.But this accident was not designed by her, but it turned out to be so unexpected!
It was Tang Chen who saved her!

It was she who jumped down recklessly the moment she fell off the cliff!
And at this moment, her body was clinging to his body, and she could deeply feel his heartbeat and breathing!
For the first time, she was so close to him!

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