Song Zhining's heart throbbed, and she couldn't help it, and wrapped her arms around Tang Chen's neck.

He used the strength of his arms and legs to support the two of them, which was already very difficult, but now Song Zhining was still restless, which made him angry.

He sternly said: "Let go, or I will let go!"

Letting go meant throwing Song Zhining down the valley!

Song Zhining shuddered, but refused to let go. She blushed and defended herself, saying, "I'm so scared, I thought it would be safer!"

Tang Chen said coldly: "You will be safe if you don't do anything! Let go!"

Song Zhining's eyes were red, and she looked at the handsome face in front of her, thinking day and night, and said, "Tang Chen, why did you jump down? You still don't admit it, do you have me in your heart?"

Tang Chen was so angry that he really wanted to let go and throw her down: "Song Zhining, if it were someone else, I would jump off just as well, just because I am sure to save someone, and it doesn't matter who that person is!"

Song Zhining's face turned pale, thinking that he jumped just because of her!
"Tang Chen, are you going to be so unfeeling to me? If I really fell and died, would you cry for me?"

Tang Chen didn't look at her at all, but looked up and said, "No!"

His two words were like two knives piercing Song Zhining's heart.

He was so indifferent, what was the point of everything she did for him?
She bit down on his neck bitterly.

Tang Chen's body froze, his arms shook, and his strength loosened. Song Zhining's body fell down uncontrollably!
"Ah! Tang Chen, don't..." Song Zhining didn't expect Tang Chen to come for real. Was he really going to throw her to death?

Tang Chen said bitterly: "You are looking for death!"

Now, he can barely hug her armpits.

Her body was completely suspended in the air, and he couldn't hold it for a long time at all.And now his legs are a little numb, and he can't move yet.Once the balance is broken, both he and she have to fall!
He said to Song Zhining: "If you don't want to die, hug my leg!"

Song Zhining didn't want to die. She raised her arms and hugged Tang Chen's thigh.

Only then did she realize that Tang Chen's thighs were as hard as rocks.Every nerve, every muscle in his legs was tensed to the max.

Song Zhining inexplicably gained an indescribable sense of security. She felt that if she couldn't get up, just hugging him like this would be good forever!
However, Tang Chen didn't want to stay with her for a moment.

He jumped up and shouted: "People above, are you all dead?"

The people above were not dead, they were all frightened and stupid, and it took a long time to come back to their senses.

They were all nervously lying on the edge of the cliff, looking down, shouting: "Miss, are you okay? Mr. Tang, can you hear me?"

Tang Chen said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, and throw the rope down quickly."

The bodyguards also knew that they had to throw the rope, but how could they have a rope!
There are indeed on the construction site, but now I go back to get them, I'm afraid it will be too late, and Tang Chen may not be able to last for so long.

Li Gong was also frightened stupid by such a sudden change, and he was at a loss, but his brain was still the fastest.He quickly said: "Everyone took off their pants, tied them together, and pulled people up first."

This is a way.

So those bodyguards took off their outer pants one after another, leaving only boxer shorts on their bodies, and they didn't care about anything, so they tied five or six pairs of pants together, tied them firmly, and sent them down the cliff.

"Miss, grab it quickly, we will pull you up!"

The pants tied together just reached Song Zhining.

Tang Chen's arm was almost numb, and he said to Song Zhining, "Grasp the rope and pull you up first."

Song Zhining didn't dare to let go of Tang Chen's thigh. At this moment, she also felt that Tang Chen's thigh was trembling slightly, and he could hardly hold it anymore.If she doesn't let go, both of them will fall.

She hastily stretched out her hand and grabbed the trousers tightly, and said to Tang Chen, "I've got it, don't let go, I'm afraid!"

Tang Chen's trembling arm still lifted Song Zhining up and said, "Catch it well, otherwise you will fall and no one will be able to save you!"

Then he said to the people above: "Pull hard!"

The five or six bodyguards above worked hard together, and Tang Chen supported him with his hands below. Song Zhining was pulled up just like that.

Tang Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and shook his sore and limp arms.

After Song Zhining went up, he immediately asked the bodyguard to bring down the rope made of trousers: "Tang Chen, catch it quickly!"

Tang Chen grabbed the rope with one hand, and with the other hand, with the help of the pull of the branch, he jumped up the cliff with two or three jumps.

However, his legs were sore and weak, and he fell down on the narrow mountain road with a thud.

Song Zhining hurried over, helped him up, and asked nervously, "Tang Chen, how are you?"

Tang Chen pushed her away, rubbed his sore legs, and said, "It's okay. Come down the mountain quickly, it's getting dark!"

Although it wasn't raining, the sky was very cloudy. It was only after four o'clock, and it was getting dark.

"I'll rub it for you, I'll go down the mountain with you!"

At this time, Song Zhining didn't insist on going up the mountain anymore.

Her thin white fingers were just about to approach Tang Chen's legs, but his legs exerted force and stood up from the ground.

He flicked his feet and said, "Let's go, Zhanyan, don't fall down again! Don't play this kind of clumsy game in the future!"

Song Zhining: ...He thinks she fell down on purpose?

"Tang Chen, it was an accident just now, I didn't mean it!"

Tang Chen kept his mouth shut and stopped talking to her.

Song Zhining was very aggrieved, she kicked the stone under her feet angrily: "Tang Chen, trust me, I will not joke about my life with yours!"

The stone rolled down the valley with a grunt, and it took a long time to hear a faint sound of falling to the ground.

Song Zhining was stunned, how deep is this valley?
If it wasn't for Tang Chen just now, she would really die here!
In an instant, she was both grateful and admirable to Tang Chen.However, she didn't dare to say anything more, and went down the mountain under the careful protection of the bodyguards.

The sky below the mountain was brighter, and Song Zhining noticed that Tang Chen's right hand and arm were covered with blood.

"Tang Chen, are you injured?"

Tang Chen looked at his arm. He knew that it was him who jumped off the cliff and was scratched by a branch. There should be a big cut on his arm.

He wrapped his arms with his sleeves indifferently and said, "It's nothing, hurry back to the city."

He said, walking to his car.

Song Zhining grabbed him and said, "Let me see your wound, and I have a doctor with me, let them bandage you."

"No need!" Tang Chen shook off her, turned and left.

"Tang Chen, I'm doing it for your own good. You won't be afraid to go back. Will Luo Qingqing be sad when she sees this injury?"

Tang Chen paused.

Song Zhining knew that Luo Qingqing was more effective than her, and her heart was sore, but she still called the doctor over to hold on to Tang Chen's wound.

Rolling up Tang Chen's sleeves, everyone saw that the scratch on his arm was not a single cut, there were four or five cuts, and the deepest one was turned out, which was shocking.

Song Zhining was so distressed that tears came down, and she asked the doctor in a trembling voice, "What should I do? What should I do?"

The doctor said: "Miss, don't worry, we have brought enough medicine, as well as needles and threads, and it will be fine after suturing."

He disinfected Tang Chen professionally, and asked Tang Chen, "Do you want an anesthetic?"

Tang Chen said, "No, just sew!"

Song Zhining frowned: "That hurts so much, let's take anesthesia!"

Tang Chen gave her a cold look: "Don't waste that time!"

Song Zhining choked.

He was in a hurry to go back to see Luo Qingqing!
In the end, the doctor didn't give Tang Chen anesthesia, and directly sewed it up. There were more than a dozen stitches before he applied the medicine and bandaged it up.

He warned: "Mr. Tang, this wound is quite deep. To prevent infection, you still need to hang water."

Tang Chen got up and left: "No need!"

He got into his car and said to Xiang Rui: "Go back quickly. After you notice the edge of the city, separate from them!"

Xiang Rui nodded: "Understood!"

He was not waiting for Song Zhining's convoy either, so he kicked the accelerator and turned around to walk back.

Although it didn't rain in the mountain area, it rained on the way back to the city. The bumpy road when we came here is now full of water and mud, making it more difficult to walk than when we came here.

Tang Chen completely ignored Song Zhining, and only urged Xiang Rui to keep on cheering, leaving Song Zhining's team far behind.

Song Zhining sat in the bumpy car, looked at Tang Chen's car, disappeared from sight, and couldn't see any shadow at all, feeling desolate in his heart.

It was for him that she willfully walked this whole time with him, but in the end, she was ruthlessly thrown away by him!
But soon she was laughing again.

Well worth it today, no?

When Tang Chen returned to Tang's house, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

It also rained in Tangcheng, but the rain stopped and everything was wet.

Luo Qingqing was still awake, watching TV with Zhou Ruoyun in the living room.

She was a little absent-minded, looking up from time to time outside the villa, hoping to see the familiar headlights.

More than three hours ago, Tang Chen called her and told her that she would be home around nine o'clock.It's nine o'clock now!

Just when she looked out the window countless times, there was finally a ray of light that illuminated the night sky after the rain.

"Achen is back!"

Luo Qingqing jumped up from the sofa with a sigh of relief, trotted all the way, and ran out of the living room.

Zhou Ruoyun quickly said: "Oh, slow down, be careful, it just started raining outside, don't fall..."

But Luo Qingqing had already rushed out of the living room.

She knew the ground was slippery, so she didn't go down the steps, she just stood in front of the door, looking at the tall figure, got out of the car, and walked towards her step by step.

"A Chen!"

Luo Qingqing smiled and waved to him.

Tang Chen almost ran over when he saw the little woman he was thinking about.

As soon as he got to the bottom of the steps, Luo Qingqing suddenly jumped and flew towards him!

"Oh, my dear!"

Tang Chen was frightened and quickly caught her with both hands.

And Luo Qingqing had already wrapped her legs around his waist, wrapped her arms around his neck, and bowed her head to give him a big kiss!
Tang Chen raised his head to bear her enthusiasm, and kissed her back affectionately, completely ignoring Zhou Ruoyun standing at the door.

Zhou Ruoyun was a little embarrassed, and scolded with a smile: "Okay, come in first, it's cold outside, don't let Qingqing catch a cold! Really!
At the end of her speech, she actually smiled and was sincerely happy.

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