Song Zhining was choked all of a sudden, she glared at Tang Chen: "You have a good chat, will you die?"

Tang Chen didn't bother to talk to her, and focused on the road ahead.

The car was too bumpy, but Tang Chen kept telling Xiang Rui to speed up and not to slow down. Therefore, he mercilessly moved Song Zhining and the female assistant in the car so that their heart, liver and lungs were out of place.

Song Zhining gritted her teeth and persisted, not letting herself admit defeat in front of Tang Chen, and the female assistant also gritted her teeth and persisted.She has to insist, she can't be ashamed of Song Zhining!

After walking for more than an hour, Song Zhining was overwhelmed and finally couldn't take it anymore, and shouted: "Tang Chen, stop, stop, stop, hurry up!"

Tang Chen told Xiang Rui to stop the car, and Song Zhining and the female assistant got out of the car and vomited on the side of the road.

Tang Chen hugged his shoulders and didn't even look at it.

Song Zhining looked at him, heartbroken.If Luo Qingqing vomited like this, Tang Chen might feel so distressed!
Sure enough, if you don't love, you can turn a blind eye, and it has nothing to do with your status!

Tang Chen's car stopped, and the cars behind him also stopped.

The people behind were also terribly shaken, and for a while, the sound of wow-wah vomit was endless.

At this time, Song Zhining's female assistant managed to hold back her vomiting, got back into the car and took off her bag, took out a tissue and water, asked Song Zhining to wipe her mouth, and then rinsed her mouth.

It took Song Zhining a long time to recover, stood up, and walked towards Tang Chen.

Tang Chen looked ahead and said, "We have only walked [-] kilometers, and there are still dozens of kilometers to go to the mountains. But dark clouds are coming up, and the rain will come down in three hours at the latest. If we go forward, we will It is very likely that we will be trapped in the mountains, and if we turn around, we can still rush back to the city before it rains!"

Song Zhining also felt that the sky was getting more and more gloomy, and felt very annoyed.It's so hard to have such a chance to be alone with Tang Chen, why is it so unbeautiful?

She was a little fed up with the bumpy road, but she didn't want to give up!

She gritted her teeth and said, "There are still dozens of kilometers to go, that is, more than an hour, to reach the construction site and see people in the mountains, right?"

Tang Chen nodded: "Yes."

"Then go! As I said, I won't turn around and run away!"

Tang Chen looked at her coldly, really didn't know that this woman was so stubborn.

He didn't bother to persuade him anymore, so he said, "Since it's your decision, then get in the car and keep going!"

Song Zhining said: "It's already noon, everyone take a break, eat something before leaving!"

Tang Chen said in a cold voice: "If you don't want to be trapped in the mountains, you should race against time!"

The female assistant said: "Mr. Tang, Miss's body is important. She vomited just now, and now she must supplement nutrition, otherwise it will affect her health. It will only delay a few minutes, not too long!"

Tang Chen said disdainfully: "Since you are so delicate, you might as well go back!"

Song Zhining was disgusted by Tang Chen, feeling very upset, and said, "Okay, after driving for such a long time, everyone is hungry, so just a few minutes of delay!"

She travels now, not only with bodyguards and work assistants, but also life assistants to take care of her daily necessities.

As soon as she spoke, several life assistants came over with big bags and small bags, and opened the bags, which turned out to be exquisite thermos buckets.

Open the thermos, and the steaming food is presented in front of everyone.

Although the food was delicious, Song Zhining just vomited and didn't have much appetite.

She used a small bowl to hold some rice, a fried chicken leg, and some other dishes, and brought them to Tang Chen herself, and said, "Tang Chen, I'll give you this bowl of rice."

Tang Chen didn't even look at it, and said, "I'm not hungry, you can eat by yourself!"

He walked back to the car, with the windows open, lit a cigarette, and smoked slowly.His eyes stared into the distance, far away.

Song Zhining looked at him angrily, and inexplicably read a trace of sadness from his eyes, which made her heart ache.

She has loved this man for so many years, but it seems that she has never really understood him, she doesn't know what he thinks, she doesn't know what kind of ambition he has!
However, as long as he wants, she can give him everything he wants.

Looking at Tang Chen's sad look, she lost her appetite at all.She simply took two bites, drank some water, and walked up to Tang Chen, looking at the sky with the same vision as him.

The sky seemed to be getting darker, which made Song Zhining inexplicably depressed, and felt a little regretful in his heart.Maybe, she should listen to Tang Chen.

"Will it really rain?" She asked Tang Chen.

Tang Chen exhaled and said, "Ask God!"


Tang Chen just had the ability to pierce her somewhat soft heart with one sentence, so depressed that she wanted to explode!

"Tang Chen, we have been friends for many years anyway, can't you talk to me well?" Song Zhining was a little anxious and aggrieved.

Tang Chen exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "I'm afraid what you have done is a deep misunderstanding of the word "friend!"

"I...Tang Chen, I didn't do anything to hurt you, did I? Yes, I targeted Luo Qingqing, but it was because I love you! If you leave Luo Qingqing and stay with me, I will Guaranteed, it will make you very happy, I will do better than Luo Qingqing..."

Song Zhining hadn't finished speaking when Tang Chen flicked his finger suddenly, and the cigarette butt, still flaming, flew towards the top of her head.

Song Zhining was a little scared, what is Tang Chen going to do?
A bodyguard beside her, with quick eyes and quick hands, pulled Song Zhining aside, avoiding the flaming cigarette butt.

He stepped forward quickly and punched Tang Chen on the head.

Sitting in the car, Tang Chen leaned back, avoiding the bodyguard's punch, suddenly reached out, grabbed the bodyguard's wrist, and slammed down on the car window.

The bodyguard screamed in pain, and most of his body threw himself on the car window. At the same time, he clenched his other hand into a fist and hit Tang Chen.

Tang Chen remained silent, grabbed his other arm again, and twisted it back forcefully.

The bodyguard was like this, lying on the car window, unable to move.

Song Zhining's other bodyguards rushed over when they saw it.

Song Zhining looked at the situation in front of her and quickly waved her hands, "Stop it all! Tang Chen, let Xiao Liu go!"

Tang Chen didn't want to make matters worse, so he let go, pushed the bodyguard out of the car window, and said coldly: "Song Zhining, since your people are so rude to me, why don't you take back the order and do what you want I'm going home!"

Song Zhining glared at Liu's bodyguard, and said, "Tang Chen, you're already here, so don't back down! When you come back, I will thank you very much!"

Tang Chen snorted coldly, expressing his disdain for her gratitude, and said, "Then get in the car quickly, let the supply car go first, our car is behind!"

The vehicles that pull supplies are all trucks. It is relatively faster to go this way.

Tang Chen arranged this way to let the supplies go first, and after arriving in the mountainous area, the relief supplies will be distributed first to save some time on the return journey.

Song Zhining had no objection, so she asked the bodyguard to notify her.

So, people got into the cars one after another, the two vans opened the way ahead, and Tang Chen and the bodyguard's car followed behind.

The second half of the road is even more difficult to walk, with steep slopes and sharp turns, one after another.If you have no experience, it is easy to overturn.

Song Zhining sat in the back, looking at Tang Chen in front, with a sullen face all the time, a little annoyed, and then inexplicably quieted down.

In any case, this difficult journey, with him by her side, will become an unforgettable memory in her life!
Now, Tang Chen's back was leaning against the seat, and she was right behind him. As long as she stretched out her hand, she could touch him, hug him, and even kiss him, which made her heart agitated.

However, her hand was tightly holding the handrail of the car, not daring to act rashly.

At this time, the car braked suddenly, and Song Zhining slammed onto the front seat, her forehead hit the pillow above the seat.

Her mind was dazed for a while, her hands moved forward subconsciously, trying to keep the seat and maintain her body balance, and then, she hugged Tang Chen's shoulders all at once.

"Let go!" Tang Chen shouted coldly.

Only then did Song Zhining realize that she hugged Tang Chen, and quickly let go, "I'm sorry, Tang Chen, I didn't mean it!"

Tang Chen snorted coldly, leaned forward, and let his shoulders leave the seat, making it impossible for Song Zhining to reach even if he straightened his arms.

The corner of Song Zhining's mouth twitched, but he was satisfied in his heart.She finally touched him and felt his warmth.

The temperature on his shoulders is much warmer than the temperature on his face!
This unexpected touch made Song Zhining happy for a long time, and she didn't feel that the road was difficult.

After another hour, the car finally arrived at the construction site.

And this construction site is at the foot of a big mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a small village with only a few dozen people, most of whom are old people and children.

The head of the construction team was a middle-aged engineer surnamed Li. He had already been notified by his superiors that Song Zhining was coming, so he had already notified the people in the village and waited by the side of the construction site.

Li Gong led the workers and technicians, and together with the dozens of villagers, lined up to welcome Song Zhining.

At this time, Song Zhining found her sense of belonging.

She got off the car, shook hands with Li Gong cordially, and said, "Thanks for your hard work!"

A simple and honest smile appeared on Li Gong's dark face.

He said: "It's not hard, this is what we should do!"

Song Zhining shook hands with some workers and technicians, expressed condolences one by one, and finally came among the villagers.

The clothes of these villagers are very shabby.Moreover, their bodies were all very thin, and their skin was as black as if they had been smeared with ashes.

There were also a few children with thin arms and legs, staring at Song Zhining with curious eyes.

Song Zhining asked them kindly: "Where are your parents? Have you gone to school?"

The children told her that their parents had gone to work in the city and hadn't come back for a long time.None of them went to school because there were no teachers in the school.

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