Qiao Yuqi panicked completely because of Xiao Yu's words that he wanted to stay.

She returned to the room and kept complaining to Mu Anan: "Do you think Xiao Yu is sick? What is he doing in such a small town? Those buildings, besides the Vanves Avenue where we filmed, there are so many Some historical charm, or modern refurbishment, others, even more imitation, what research value? This town is just a name, he Xiao Yu has never seen anything in the world, why do he have to stay here ?”

With a yogurt straw in her mouth, Mu Anan couldn't help laughing: "Yu Qi, tell the truth, did you do something to offend Xiao Yu?"

"Where do I have it? How dare I?"

Qiao Yuqi pleaded guilty.

Mu Anan smiled and said, "Since there is no one, what do you care about him staying? What does it have to do with you?"

Qiao Yuqi suddenly realized: "Yes, what does it have to do with me? Why am I nervous?"

Mu An'an giggled, this foolishness, she has no ghosts in her heart.

Qiao Yuqi decided to let herself treat Xiao Yu as air, so that she would not be exposed.Besides, since she is the only one who doesn't vomit, who can tell that she is pregnant?
Three months later, the filming of the movie was over, so she used the vacation as an excuse to find a place to give birth to the child by herself.

Anyway, she is now the second largest shareholder of Chestnut Tree. She is also a rich person, and she will not starve to death if she does not film for half a year!
She arranged her own way, and she relaxed a lot.

But at 06:30 the next morning, she and Mu Anan went to the hotel restaurant for dinner, and when she saw Xiao Yu was already sitting at the dining table, her mind, which had been building up all night, was in a mess again.

What's worse is that Xiao Yu didn't seem to see her, he specifically greeted Mu An'an, and asked her about the filming of the crew.

Mu Anan had an inexplicable expression on his face, but he matched with Xiao Yu, answering every question.

During the ten minutes after breakfast, Xiao Yu and Mu An'an chatted lively, but didn't say a word to Qiao Yuqi.

Qiao Yuqi ate her breakfast in silence, her eyes couldn't help showing resentment, like a wronged daughter-in-law.

She didn't feel it herself, but Xiao Yu and Mu Anan saw it.

So, at the set, when she was doing makeup and changing clothes, Mu Anan looked at Qiao Yuqi and couldn't straighten up laughing.

Qiao Yuqi was angry: "Forget it!"

Mu Anan smiled: "Forget it, you're stupid!"

The two went to the set to film.

Today, Qiao Yuqi didn't have many roles, but Mu Anan had a lot of roles, and even hooked Wia.

Qiao Yuqi felt a little dizzy looking at Mu An'an in mid-air, so she asked her assistant to bring some snacks.

Bai Yunqing played a villain in this movie, and she didn't have many roles.She leaned over to have a snack with Qiao Yuqi.

The two chatted while eating.

It was after eleven o'clock that Mu Anan's scene ended.

She went back to the resting place with some exhaustion, and said to Qiao Yuqi, "I've hanged enough wires for my whole life today! Fortunately, I'm on it. If it were you, would you vomit all over the floor?"

Qiao Yuqi patted her: "Don't talk nonsense, my stomach is much better."

"Really?" Mu Anan expressed doubts, "In the afternoon, you get on your Wia by yourself. I wanted to do it for you."

Only then did Qiao Yuqi remember that she had to hang on to Wia for her role in the afternoon's scene, and her heart couldn't help but lift up.

At this moment, Ning Yuanchen's voice was suddenly heard: "Everyone rest for a few minutes, Young Master Xiao brought drinks for everyone."

Both of them were startled, they looked over there, and saw Xiao Yu came at some time, he brought another person with him, and the two of them held hot drinks in their hands.

Qiao Yuqi's heart skipped a beat, what is he doing here?Are you visiting?Visit her class?
Her heart constricted instantly, her hands and feet were so tense that she didn't know where to put them.

Seeing Ning Yuanchen walking over with Xiao Yu, he laughed and said, "Young Master Xiao, I still remember that last year, in City H, you visited Luo Qingqing's class. I don't know who you are visiting this time class?"

Xiao Yu looked at the rest area and said with a smile: "Of course it's the two artists under my company, especially Mu An'an, we are old friends."

Ning Yuanchen suddenly realized: "Oh, that's how it is!"

He shouted to Mu Anan: "Mu Anan, Young Master Xiao is here, I'll give you 10 minutes."

Mu An'an looked bewildered, and Qiao Yuqi looked ashamed!
Mu Anan glanced at Qiao Yuqi, couldn't help laughing, and said to Xiao Yu with a smile, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Yu said solemnly: "I came to G City to do some business, and I stopped by to see you. How is it? Are you still used to it here?"

Mu An'an really wanted to give Xiao Yu a big roll of his eyes. This topic was already discussed during breakfast, okay?

However, she still cooperated with Xiao Yu and said, "It's not bad, it's pretty good."

Xiao Yu handed her a cup of hot drink in his hand, and another cup of obviously different drink to Qiao Yuqi.

Mu Anan was given the same hot orange juice as everyone else, while Qiao Yuqi was given special milk tea.

However, Xiao Yu just glanced at Qiao Yuqi indifferently, and still didn't say a word to her.

Xiao Yu pulled up a chair and sat down with Mu Anan, and talked about the topics they talked about in the morning.

Mu An'an wanted to tell Xiao Yu that it was boring, but she held back after all.

After a few minutes, Xiao Yu left.

Mu Anan walked up to Qiao Yuqi, "What's in your cup? Why do I smell so sweet?"

Qiao Yuqi had been in a state of trance, and when she heard Mu Anan's words, she was taken aback and said, "I don't know, I haven't had a drink yet."

Mu Anan lifted the lid to look at it, and smiled: "Sister Yuqi, do you see the difference? Yours is milk tea, while mine is orange juice! You idiot, Xiao Yu must be interested in you! I dare to talk to you bet!"

"Don't talk nonsense, how is it possible?" Qiao Yuqi refuted Mu Anan, but she couldn't help but smile.

Haha, Xiao Yu was so naive at times.Just, what is he doing?
In the afternoon, Qiao Yuqi really wanted to tease Wia.She took a peppermint gum beforehand to keep herself refreshed and not spit it out.Moreover, she specially added a cushion to the lower abdomen to avoid squeezing the abdomen, and then she got on the wire.

The plot she is acting now is that she is kidnapped by her enemies and threatens her eldest sister to surrender and ask her to hand over the evidence she is investigating.

Qiao Yuqi wanted to perform in mid-air, with a frightened and stubborn expression.In this performance, she has no lines, only an unyielding and aggrieved expression.

Although Qiao Yuqi was already mentally prepared, her stomach began to churn when Wia was together.

Her face turned pale in an instant, she gritted her teeth and held back, not letting herself spit out.She recognized it too hard, the circles of her eyes were red, and she bit her lip tightly, insisting.

Ning Yuanchen gave her a long shot, and then called out.

When Wia came down, Qiao Yuqi was still in a daze. She hadn't performed yet, so she just passed it?
But, she didn't have time to ask.

As soon as Wia was released, she immediately ran to the trash can in the distance and vomited.

Her assistants Wu Shuang and Zheng Ze hurried over with water cups and tissues.

Not far away, Xiao Yu was wearing a mask, watching intently, seeing all the process of Qiao Yuqi going to Wia.

He looked at her squatting not far away, frowned deeply, then turned and left.

Last night, he thought a lot.He thought carefully about Qiao Yuqi's words, and he was even more sure that she was pushing him away rather than denying the pregnancy.

She said that if that person doesn't love her, no matter how good he is, she will not marry for any reason!
In other words, even if she is pregnant with his child, she will not marry him if he doesn't love her!

However, if she was pregnant with his child, what reason did she have to give birth to him?

She is a single woman and the cousin of the Tang family, how could she give birth to a man casually?

So, if she does have a baby, there's no reason to stay unless she loves him!
When he thought of this reason, he was taken aback by himself.

He had never paid attention to Qiao Yuqi before, and he knew nothing about her feelings.He didn't know how she felt about him.

That's why he felt like testing her.

He deliberately approached Mu Anan and ignored her, and he saw her small face full of disappointment and gloomy expression, and he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

He also saw the light in her eyes when she first saw him.That light, like fireworks rising in the night sky, was bright and dazzling, making him want to ignore it, but he couldn't do it.

So, she should like him very much!
But this conclusion made his heart feel heavier, and he understood more deeply why she wanted to hide him, because she knew better than himself that he didn't love her, and he couldn't give her what she wanted!
What a fool she is!Did she think she could hide it from him for the rest of her life?
She is so stupid!Why didn't she try and fight for herself?

He doesn't love her, but he doesn't hate her as much as she imagined.

Before, maybe because she had targeted Luo Qingqing, he hated her a little, but that happened many years ago, and he has long since ignored her.

Later, when he had a relationship with her and heard her crying and saying sorry and saying she didn't mean it, he couldn't even hate her!

Afterwards, she said, as if nothing had happened, he actually felt guilty towards her.

This is a very strange thing, and he can't explain why.He only knew that if someone else had happened with him that night, he would definitely make her disappear from this world!Qiao Yuxin is a good example!

But, for Qiao Yuqi, he was so strange!

But now, he knows that she likes him, and even if she is pregnant with his child, she doesn't want to embarrass him and force him to marry her. He really doesn't know what to do with this silly woman!

That night, he flew back to Tang City by plane.

He didn't go home either, and dated a bunch of buddies to drink in Jinse.

He was so drunk that he held up the wine bottle and asked his buddies: "If a woman you don't like is pregnant with your child, what would you do?"

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