Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 503 I Hope To Marry The Person Who Holds Me In His Palm

Qiao Yuqi looked up at Xiao Yu in astonishment, and Xiao Yu was also staring at her closely, as if time froze in this instant.

For a moment, Qiao Yuqi was so panicked that she couldn't hold herself back.She was frightened by her own lies!After a long time, she finally realized that Xiao Yu was digging a hole for her, trying to test her on purpose!

She said just now that after taking the medicine, if she was afraid, it would prove that she was pregnant.If she repents at this time and says that she didn't take the medicine, it just proves that she is pregnant.

Therefore, her panic just now has betrayed her.

However, she still pretended to be calm and said, "I'm not pregnant, so it doesn't matter if I take that medicine!"

But Xiao Yu was not so easily fooled, his eyes completely saw her flustered and pale just now.

"What were you afraid of just now?"

Qiao Yuqi covered her chest and said, "You were so startled just now, I was frightened by you!"

Xiao Yu suddenly smiled, sat back on the chair, and looked at her with evil eyes: "You want to give birth to my child so much?"

His determined tone made Qiao Yuqi feel that he had already seen through him.

She lowered her head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "I didn't! Besides, there was only one time. How could it be so accurate that she would be pregnant and have a baby?"

But her heart was crying, she was so lucky, and she had a baby just once!This baby is still an uneasy baby, tossing her to death!This baby must be her enemy in her previous life!

Although she lowered her voice, Xiao Yu still listened to her.

He smiled again, "What if it's so accurate? Qiao Yuqi, will you give birth to him?"

"Of course I... No, no, Xiao Yu, let's not joke about such unfounded things, shall we?"

Qiao Yuqi almost followed Xiao Yu's wishes and slipped his mouth, but luckily braked in time.

Xiao Yu became serious, "What if I allow you to give birth to him?"

Qiao Yuqi was stunned suddenly, her heart beating violently.

He allowed her to have his child. Does that mean that he doesn't hate her that much, and he doesn't hate their child?

Qiao Yuqi suddenly felt a ray of light appear in front of her eyes, which made her fascinated uncontrollably.

Do not!
Qiao Yuqi shook her head violently, the child was never the key, she knew very clearly that Xiao Yu didn't love her, even if he accepted their child against his will, his heart was not with her!This is not the result she wanted.

She wants him to love her, and wants him to be with her and feel happy, just like her cousin and Qingqing.

Only in this way, the child will be happy.Otherwise, she would rather stay away from him!
Qiao Yuqi's heart felt a burst of pain.She hated him a little bit, he didn't even think about himself, why did he come to disturb her life?

Her fingertips trembled slightly and felt cold.She held the teacup tightly, as if she wanted to absorb the warmth from the warm teacup.

Holding the teacup in both hands, she took a sip of the sweet tea, smiled slightly, and said, "Xiao Yu, are you hypothesizing? Then let's assume a big one! Suppose I'm pregnant with your child, what do you think?" How to do it? Marry me, marry me, give the child a home? Or, just want me to give birth to the child, the child belongs to you, and you compensate me for a sum of money, we should still be ourselves?"

Xiao Yu was stunned, looked at Qiao Yuqi, and didn't speak for a long time.

But her words echoed in his ears for a long time.

He admitted that he hadn't thought about it that much.

If Qiao Yuqi hadn't rejected him that day, and if he hadn't seen a female manager with morning sickness today, he would never have thought that Qiao Yuqi might be pregnant.

He hadn't struggled out of this matter, let alone thought that Qiao Yuqi really had his child, what should he do?
He was even calm all the time, and he didn't think what would happen to him if she had his child, not even a surprise!

However, he has always been aboveboard. He has had a relationship with Qiao Yuqi and has not been responsible to her, which has already made him very guilty. If she gave birth to him a child, he will certainly not evade the responsibility he should bear.

Therefore, he said to Qiao Yuqi seriously: "I will marry you!"

Qiao Yuqi laughed suddenly, but her nose was sore and she almost shed tears.

For him to say such a sentence, she thinks it's worth it!

She knew that she didn't love the wrong person, and that was enough!

But even so, she was unwilling to wrong him.

Therefore, she said: "I am very happy to have your words. But, I will not marry you!"

Xiao Yu stared at her, he underestimated her.Does she know how many people are rushing to marry him?She even said that she would not marry!
Qiao Yuqi looked at the handsome face he missed in his dream, and smiled softly: "Don't be surprised, it's not because I have high eyesight that I don't like you. It's because I know that you don't love me! Although I, Qiao Yuqi, am plain No surprises, but I also want to marry a man who can hold me in the palm of his hand, just like my cousin treats Qingqing! If that person is not like this, no matter how good he is, no matter what reason, I will not marry him! "

With tears in her eyes, she looked at Xiao Yu frankly.This is also the first time she has the courage to look him directly, not to be afraid and inferior in front of him!
She thought, people really need to grow up.She didn't know how long it would take before she was strong enough to look directly into his eyes like this forever, strong enough to say to him, I love you!
Xiao Yu was shocked by Qiao Yuqi's words.

She wanted to find a man who could hold her in the palm of his hand, but he had a woman who he wanted to hold in the palm of his hand.Although that woman might not belong to him for the rest of his life, he also wanted to give her his palm empty!
He could give Qiao Yuqi a marriage because of the child, but he couldn't give him his heart or his palm!
Therefore, the result of his exploration this time is actually not that important!

However, this is a bit cruel!

For a moment, the air in the private room seemed to freeze.

Qiao Yuqi drank tea silently, she thought she should have convinced him that she would no longer seek the truth about whether she was pregnant or not.

But in her heart, there was a deep sadness.

If he doesn't care about the child anymore, then his and her lives should never intersect again!

The air in the private room also suddenly became sad.

Fortunately, the waiter came to serve the food soon.

The dishes they ordered were bright in color and attractive in aroma, and Qiao Yuqi felt a little hungry.

She put down the teacup, picked up the chopsticks, glanced at Xiao Yu faintly, and said with a slight smile, "Let's eat. If I remember correctly, this should be our first meal alone, right?"

Xiao Yu raised his eyes to look at her, and found that her smile was also bright and moving.Especially a pair of eyes, watery, as if covered with a layer of mist, with a hint of sadness in the purity, which makes people feel pity.

Xiao Yu's heart suddenly felt somewhat dull.

Qiao Yuqi was actually beating a drum in her heart when he watched him like that.However, she ate the food as if nothing had happened, and said happily: "Well, the taste is not bad, Xiao Yu, you can try it. It is much more delicious than the boxed lunch we ate in the crew. Tomorrow I will make a special, let Wu Shuang ordered meals from this restaurant for me."

She obviously had a joyful voice, and she called Xiao Yu's name so casually, as if the two were very close friends.

But in fact, even if the two of them had an intimate affair, they were not very familiar with each other!

Xiao Yu seemed to be infected by her, he looked away, picked up his chopsticks, and ate in silence.

Seeing that he was no longer staring at her, Qiao Yuqi breathed a sigh of relief.

Qiao Yuqi is not a talkative person, and Xiao Yu is not, so the two of them ate in silence.

The dishes they ordered were all to Qiao Yuqi's liking. She chewed slowly and ate a lot without feeling nauseated, which made her very happy.

After eating, Qiao Yuqi watched Xiao Yu pay the bill, and smiled with her lips curled up.

This is the first time for Xiao Yu to treat guests to dinner!
She felt that she was worthless, but she just felt very happy, even happier than Xiao Yu who said to marry her against his will.

Qiao Yuqi's nanny car was still parked at the door, Xiao Yu said, "Shall I take you home?"

Qiao Yuqi looked outside, it was already dark and the street lights were on.

The street lamps in the town are very beautiful in shape, adding a touch of magnificent style to the night of the town.

The night in March was breezy and refreshing.

Qiao Yuqi suddenly said to Xiao Yu: "Just now I was full and wanted to go for a walk, can you accompany me?"

She looked at him timidly, reluctant to part with him.

Xiao Yu glanced at her, locked the car again with the remote control, and said, "Let's go!"

The Wudu Hotel where they stayed was to the north of the hotel, but Qiao Yuqi walked south.

Xiao Yu glanced at her again, and followed her.

"Have you finished your work?" Qiao Yuqi asked him, looking for something to talk about.

Xiao Yu nodded: "It's over."

If he didn't want to confirm his conjecture, he would have arrived in Tang City now.

"Then are you going back to Tang City tomorrow?" Qiao Yuqi asked carelessly.

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but gave her a hand to avoid a tram coming from behind.

The tram, in fact, was far away from her, so it was unlikely to hit her.

But with such a pull, the distance between the two of them was shortened to zero.Qiao Yuqi suddenly felt her heart beat faster and her cheeks felt hot.

She clenched her hands tightly, not daring to look up at him.

"I will stay here for a few days before returning to Tangcheng." He said suddenly.

"Why?" Qiao Yuqi asked directly, almost without thinking.

Could it be that he hasn't dispelled his suspicion of her?

Although she was very happy to see him often, she was really afraid that she would reveal her secrets!
Xiao Yu looked down at her, looking at her beautiful eyes, full of astonishment and panic, but inexplicably felt happy as if a prank had succeeded.

He couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips, and said, "I found the buildings here are very distinctive, so I decided to stay and study them carefully. Why, you don't want me to stay?"

"not me……"

"So you want me to stay?"

Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Xiao Yu asked again.

Qiao Yuqi: ...without such a two-sided barrier!

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