Ning Yuanchen shouted: "Everyone take their places, and do it all over again."

So, Mu An'an, Qiao Yuqi, and Bai Lu stood up again, and took another shot before counting.

Then, Mu An'an made peace with Bai Lu and agreed to take him to see the elder sister, and Bai Lu let Qiao Yuqi go.

Qiao Yuqi was hugged by Bai Lu, swaying from side to side, feeling the past in her stomach.

She squatted to the side, wanting to vomit but unable to vomit.

Her assistant quickly brought over a piece of honey cake for her to eat, and she drank some water to suppress the nausea.

Bai Lu walked towards her and said, "Your stomach problem is too serious, have you taken your medicine?"

Qiao Yuqi was a little embarrassed, and said, "I was driven into car sickness by you just now!"

Bai Lu was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "Next time I will slow down!"

Qiao Yuqi smiled and said, "There will be no next time!"

The two went to the rest area to rest, and the scene manager led people to clean up the scene, and everyone wanted to switch to another scene to shoot.

The cordon was removed, and the onlookers dispersed.Therefore, the following scenes will be filmed in a studio that has already been built, and the onlookers will not be able to see it.

Xiao Yu didn't leave, he kept looking at Qiao Yuqi from a distance, watched her eat another piece of chocolate cake, and then went to the studio with Bai Lu.

He looked at the two distant figures, feeling depressed again.

He thought for a moment and followed.

He has been watching Qiao Yuqi filming for an entire afternoon.

In fact, she only had a few shots this afternoon. When she was filming, she was very involved, while when others were filming, she was very involved.

She is always in a state of work, although she has to eat some sweets from time to time to prevent herself from vomiting, but she is still very dedicated, Xiao Yu saw the light of confidence and determination from her face for the first time.

At six o'clock in the evening, after Qiao Yuqi finished filming her last scene of the day, she could call it a day and go back to the hotel, and Mu An'an had a night scene.

Therefore, Qiao Yuqi changed back into her clothes, bid farewell to everyone, and took her assistant back to the hotel by car.

Qiao Yuqi brought two assistants, a young girl named Wu Shuang, and an older assistant and driver named Zheng Ze.

As soon as Qiao Yuqi got into the car, she felt a little stuffy in the car, and there was a bit of gasoline smell. Her stomach was churning, she quickly got out of the car, ran to a trash can, and vomited.

Assistant Wu Shuang quickly got warm water and ran out of the car, but a tall man stopped her: "Give me the water glass."

Wu Shuang looked at Xiao Yu wearing sunglasses in astonishment: "Who are you?"

Xiao Yu didn't answer her, and walked towards Qiao Yuqi.

Qiao Yuqi had already vomited to the point of collapse.

Although sweets can temporarily suppress nausea, she couldn't digest it if she ate too much, so she vomited it all out, and she was so uncomfortable that her nose and tears flowed together.

She stood up holding on to the trash can, just as she was about to take paper from her bag, an open pack of tissues was handed to her.

She didn't even look up, thinking it was her assistant, she quickly took out a tissue, wiped her mouth, blew her nose, threw the tissue into the trash can, and let out a long breath this time.

Immediately afterwards, a water glass was handed to her.She took it, rinsed her mouth, and took another sip of water, only to feel a little better in her stomach.

She handed the water glass to her side and said, "Go back, remember not to tell anyone!"

"You are not stomach trouble, but pregnant?"

If Xiao Yu was a little afraid to guess before, then now he is somewhat sure.

Qiao Yuqi almost jumped up when she heard a familiar voice.

She raised her head and saw Xiao Yu's handsome face.

Although he was wearing sunglasses, she also knew that it was him.

How did he find here?

"What nonsense are you talking about? Pregnancy? Don't talk nonsense!"

Qiao Yuqi's face turned pale in panic.

But Xiao Yu stared at her: "Am I talking nonsense, you and I go to the hospital for an examination and you will know."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to grab Qiao Yuqi's arm.

Qiao Yuqi hurriedly avoided: "I'm not going! Why should I go!"

She said, and ran to the car, wishing to leave Xiao Yu far away.

Xiao Yu watched her run like the wind, and raised his heart: "You run slowly!"

He strode after him, but Qiao Yuqi ran even faster as soon as he chased him.

She almost jumped into the car and said to Zheng Ze: "Hurry up, go back to the hotel!"

Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, Xiao Yu jumped into the car.

Qiao Yuqi huddled herself on the seat, and asked him with a pale face, "What are you doing up here? Get down quickly. Wu Shuang, pull him down quickly!"

Wu Shuang was still under the car, but was blocked by Xiao Yu at the door.

She looked at Qiao Yuqi helplessly, she had the heart, but she didn't have the guts!

"Yuqi, why don't you guys have a good talk?"

Qiao Yuqi said coldly: "What are you talking about with him? I have nothing to talk to him about!"

Xiao Yu looked at her coldly, feeling that the more she rejected him, the more likely she would be pregnant.

As long as he thought that she might be pregnant with their child without telling him, he would feel bad.

He knew that the more he pushed her, the more she would hide from him.

Therefore, he sat on the seat next to Qiao Yuqi and said calmly, "Go back to the hotel, I'll treat you to a meal."

Qiao Yuqi looked at him and said, "I'm not hungry, I'm not..."

Xiao Yu suddenly laughed, "Qiao Yuqi, do you know the word "disguise?"

Qiao Yuqi was a little dumbfounded, for a moment, she didn't know how to answer this question.

Xiao Yu said to Zheng Ze: "Go to the best restaurant in town."

Zheng Ze glanced at Qiao Yuqi, saw her bow her head and said nothing, and started the car.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of Wudu Restaurant.

Zheng Ze turned his head and said to Xiao Yu: "This is the best restaurant in town."

Xiao Yu said: "You two go away, I will send Yu Qi back."

Zheng Ze looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Can you tell me who you are?"

It was impossible for them to hand Qiao Yuqi into the hands of a stranger in a daze.

Xiao Yu took off his sunglasses and said, "Xiao Yu!"

Both Zheng Ze and Wu Shuang couldn't help taking a breath, they didn't expect it to be Xiao Yu.

The two of them got out of the car decisively: "Young Master Xiao, we will leave Yu Qi to you. She eats lightly at night. Also, our hotel is in Wudu Hotel..."

They were equivalent to handing over Qiao Yuqi's details to Xiao Yu.

Qiao Yuqi was so angry that he couldn't help it: "You two have no conscience!"

Wu Shuang giggled under the car: "Yu Qi, we can rest assured that Young Master Xiao is here!"

Pooh!She's worried, okay?
Qiao Yuqi looked at Xiao Yu in a panic, and Xiao Yu was also looking at her.

"Let's go." Xiao Yu said, and got out of the car first.

Qiao Yuqi buckled the seat with her fingers, unwilling to get out of the car, her tone was pleading: "Young Master Xiao, can I not go? I'm very tired and want to go back to the hotel."

Xiao Yu stepped forward, with one foot on the car and one foot outside the car, staring at her with deep eyes: "You mean, let me carry you down?"

Qiao Yuqi choked, her heart beating even harder.How dare she expect Xiao Yu to hug her?
Since he couldn't hide, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and deal with him.Anyway, she wouldn't admit she was pregnant to him even if she was killed!

Therefore, Qiao Yuqi bent down and got out of the car, Xiao Yu was still beside the car, and helped her waist.

His big hands, with warm palms, pressed tightly against her waist, making her body go limp for a while.

However, she still forced herself to straighten up and quickly avoid his hand.

Xiao Yu looked at the empty hand, his eyes darkened, then he turned and walked towards the restaurant.

At this time, there were a lot of people dining in the restaurant. Fortunately, there was still a private room, so Xiao Yu decisively booked it.

When the waiter delivered the menu, Xiao Yu stepped back in front of Qiao Yuqi and said, "Order whatever you want."

Qiao Yuqi actually doesn't have any appetite right now, she just wants to go back, take a shower, and sleep comfortably.

However, since Xiao Yu already suspected her, she could only pretend to dispel his doubts.Therefore, she ordered three dishes, one with pine nuts and corn, one with garlic vermicelli and shrimp, and one with minced meat and mashed potatoes, and finally ordered a pumpkin soup.

These three dishes are relatively light, but there are also meat and vegetables, Xiao Yu should not be able to see anything.Mainly there are sweets, she can guarantee that she will not vomit.

She handed the menu to Xiao Yu and said, "I've ordered, you can order."

Xiao Yu added two more dishes, one steamed pork ribs, one garlic fried wheat, one meat and one vegetarian, and added two small bowls of rice.

The heart Qiao Yuqi was holding suddenly let go.Fortunately, Xiao Yu didn't order some particularly greasy and fishy dishes to prove that she was pregnant, making her sick.

He is actually quite a warm person, so it is also a very pleasant thing to have a meal with him alone.

Therefore, Qiao Yuqi slowly relaxed.

The waiter delivered a pot of chrysanthemum tea, Xiao Yu poured Qiao Yuqi a cup of tea himself, and asked lightly, "Are you still used to it in G City?"

Qiao Yuqi said: "It's good, because of Qingqing's relationship, Director Ning and Sister Bai took good care of me and An'an."

"Then your body?" He finally shifted the topic to her body.

"My health is fine, don't worry." Qiao Yuqi said quickly.

"Qiao Yuqi, do you hate me a little?"

Qiao Yuqi was a little stunned, and looked at him puzzled: "No, why do you think so?"

How could she hate him before she loved him?If it wasn't for the deep love and affection and not wanting to put any pressure on him, why is she working so hard now?
She is extra careful when filming every day.

"If you don't hate me, I will take you to see a doctor that day. Why do you react so violently?"


Qiao Yuqi was a little flustered, she couldn't explain her aggressive behavior that day.

"I was so nervous that day, I really didn't have time, and you insisted that I go. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have treated you like that that day. Oh, I should also thank you, I took the medicine you brought me, and I feel The effect is very good, and I don’t feel nauseous at all.”

She said nonsense seriously, she didn't take those medicines at all.

Xiao Yu stood up from his seat in shock, and asked in a panic: "Did you really take that medicine? The doctor said that pregnant women should not take it!"

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