Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 505 He Can't Let Him Go

Xiao Yu's buddies immediately opened their gossip eyes.

"Hahaha, Xiao Yu, you have today too? Tell me quickly, how did that woman you dislike climb into your bed? Tell us quickly, so that we can be happy!"

"Hahaha, Xiao Yu, tell me, who is that woman? I want to give her one, she is so bold, she is definitely a hero among women!"

Xiao Yu blushed from being ridiculed by his buddies, he quickly defended: "I'm talking about a hypothesis, not me, what's wrong with your brains?"

"Haha, Old Xiao, what's the rush? I think you have something wrong with your brain! Do you think we are stupid? It's none of your business, you will tell your buddies? When did you, Young Master Xiao, become so carefree?"

"That's right, Lao Xiao, it seems that you have little experience, so you panicked? It's actually very simple, you don't like that woman, and the child stays, and the woman stays where she is cool!"

Xiao Yu was so blocked that he couldn't speak, and suddenly drank a glass of wine.He was out of his mind to ask such a question.

What good advice can this group of people give him?

He threw the wine glass on the table, stood up unsteadily, waved his hands, and said, "It's all gone!"

A buddy stretched out his hand to hold him, and said with a smile: "No such thing, you saved us here, you can't leave like this!"

The other also said: "Old Xiao, sit down, sit down, what's the big deal? Isn't it a woman? Isn't that simple? Beat the child, and it's all over!"

Xiao Yu stared: "That's Lao Tzu's own child!"

Although he hasn't received confirmation from Qiao Yuqi yet, and he hasn't felt the surprise of being a father, he has already subconsciously admitted that it is his child!

Yes, if he was ruthless enough to force Qiao Yuqi to kill the child, it would be over, but he couldn't do it!

The buddies laughed loudly: "Haha, Lao Xiao, admit it? Have you finally told the truth? Now we can say, what's going on?"

Xiao Yu sat down on the sofa dejectedly, a little regretful, why did he slip up?
He took a long breath, said with a cold face, "It's me, you don't need to know who that woman is, you just give me an idea, what should I do?"

A buddy said: "I'm going to ask you, do you want to have children?"

Xiao Yu was silent, he admitted the existence of the child, but he didn't think about whether to want him or not.

Annoyed, he poured himself another glass of wine and drank it down.

He felt that now he was in chaos and completely lost his decisiveness in killing and attacking in the past!
Last time, when Qi Liya had an accident in Jinse, although he felt guilty, he was calm and settled her matter quickly.

But now, he has no idea at all!

He couldn't lie to himself, he didn't want to marry Qiao Yuqi because of his child, but his sense of responsibility as a man was forcing him to do that.

In other words, he knew what he should do, but his heart always wanted to escape in the opposite direction!

At this time, he was somewhat grateful to Qiao Yuqi, thanked her for not putting any pressure on him, not restricting him, but he couldn't pass his own hurdle!
He never knew that there would be such a catastrophe in his life!
What a disaster!

The buddies put away their jokes and looked at him silently.

They grew up together with him, and they know where his heart is best, and they also know his entanglement at the moment.

A buddy patted him on the shoulder and said, "You should also let go of that person and start your life!"

Another buddy also said: "Yes, get married and have children. If you really don't like it, you can leave in the future. Give the children a home first!"

A buddy who had been silent all the time said: "Old Xiao, don't you think that you are in such pain now that it is not only because you can't let go of that person, but also because of the person who is pregnant with your child? You don't actually dislike her that much, you I just don't want to let myself go!"

Xiao Yu smiled wryly, he also understood that the only obstacle in his marriage was himself!
If he let go, can the sea and the sky be bright and the wind calm?

He left Jinse and drove out of the city by himself.

He opened the car windows and let the cool night wind blow against his cheeks.

He didn't know where he was going, and when he woke up, his car had already heard the sound outside the small courtyard where Luo Qingqing lived in the ancient city.At this time, the night is thick.

He looked at the closed courtyard door, his eyes were red.

He took out a pack of cigarettes and smoked them vigorously, replaying the details of him and Luo Qingqing from childhood to now in his mind over and over again.

If you don’t remember, you don’t know. When you recall, you are shocked.It turned out that the process of their growth was the process of him being enslaved by Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing was always very fierce to him, and she just ordered him to do this and that, but when she had something to do, he was the first thing she thought of, but she never gave him a trace of tenderness.

She misses him more than a buddy, or a brother.Because she once joked that the elder brother should be the slave of the younger sister!

However, everything is nothing more than his willingness!

He is willing to be enslaved and driven by her, and only in this way can he stay by her side forever!
However, now, she doesn't need him anymore!
He smoked silently, and the corners of his eyes were a little wet.

At this time, the courtyard door opened, and Xiao Xiaoju yawned and stood by the door.When she saw Xiao Yu, she was startled, and hurried over, and said, "Xiao Yu, why are you here? When did you come?"

She could not help frowning when she saw a layer of soot and cigarette butts beside the car.

It was only then that she noticed that Xiao Yu's beautiful peach eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes.

Xiao Yu didn't answer Xiao Xiaoju, opened the car door, got out of the car, and said: "You go and cook, I have breakfast with Qingqing."

Xiao Xiaoju was speechless: "You waited here all night just to have dinner with Qingqing? She hasn't woken up yet."

Xiao Yu paused, but still walked into the yard.

Tang Chen has already got up, he is wearing a set of sportswear, and is boxing in the yard.

He heard voices at the gate of the courtyard, so he walked towards the gate, and happened to meet Xiao Yu as he walked across.

"Why are you here?" Tang Chen couldn't help but frown.

Xiao Yu desperately wanted to see Luo Qingqing, but after seeing Tang Chen, he was still inexplicably timid.

"Passing by, let's take a look at Qingqing." He said.

Tang Chen sneered: "Where did you pass by?"

Xiao Yu looked at Tang Chen's attire, and suddenly grinned: "It's been a long time since I've fought with Brother Chen."

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows: "What, is it itchy?"

Xiao Yu smiled: "A little bit."

Tang Chen curled his lips and said, "Let the horse come here!"

As he spoke, he turned and walked into the yard.

Xiao Yu immediately started, took out the mobile phone, car keys, watch, and wallet, handed them to Xiao Xiaoju, and then moved his wrist.

Xiao Xiaoju chuckled: "Should I call Qingqing up and cheer you on?"

Tang Chen said, "No need, let her sleep more."

Although Xiao Yu wanted to see Luo Qingqing very much, but now that his genius was dim, he couldn't bear to wake her up.

She is also pregnant, so she must be very lethargic too, right?
Therefore, he waved to Tang Chen, "Come on!"

So, the two big men started fighting without any nonsense.

They have been fighting since they were young, and they have been strictly trained by the family since they were young. Therefore, when they do it, it is a killer move.

Two people come and go, and they fight in the yard.

The two fisted and kicked like the wind, but they didn't make a lot of noise, as if they were afraid of waking Luo Qingqing up.

Xiao Xiaoju watched from the side. At first, they could see every move clearly, and she was ready to applaud.Later, the two figures turned around, getting faster and faster, and Xiao Xiaoju was dazzled, as if she wanted to watch a fairy tale movie.

She couldn't help but secretly stunned, she must not easily provoke these two men in the future, otherwise, she would really be unable to withstand their punches and legs!

Xiao Xiaoju watched for half an hour, but the two big men were still inseparable.

She sighed and said, "Take it easy, I'll cook for you first."

She finished the meal, walked out of the kitchen, and saw two men still fighting.But after all, it has been a long time, and both of them have consumed a lot of physical strength. Therefore, their fists and feet have slowed down, but they are still vigorous.

Luo Qingqing didn't know when she woke up. She was wearing pajamas and a coat, squatting at the door to watch the battle.

Her sleepy little face was full of interest.

In fact, when she was a child, every time Tang Chen and Xiao Yu fought, she knew about it, and like now, she secretly hid from the sidelines to watch the fight, and never made a sound to obstruct it.

She thinks that the matter between men should be resolved by the men themselves, no matter whether they win or lose, they are the most important people in her life.

It's just that Xiao Yu came to the ancient city early in the morning, so he couldn't be looking for Tang Chen to fight, right?

She ran back to the house and took out her mobile phone. She checked the time and found that it was already 07:30, so she said, "I'll give you another 5 minutes to decide the winner, then wash your hands and eat!"

After the two big men heard this, their already exhausted bodies immediately revived with full blood, each move was quickened, and they all wanted to beat each other to the ground immediately.

Tang Chen said: "One minute, I win!"

Xiao Yu sneered: "Not necessarily!"

Luo Qingqing smiled and said, "Okay, one minute countdown! Sixty, 1..."

She had only reported two counts, Tang Chen feinted a fist, and then kicked out, kicking Xiao Yu's chest.

Xiao Yu couldn't hide, he backed up with a thud, and fell to the ground with a plop.

The ground in the yard is paved with blue bricks, which is very hard.

Luo Qingqing felt sorry for Xiao Yu.

She hurried over, helped Xiao Yu up, and asked, "Are you all right? Did you fall somewhere?"

Winning or losing was very important to Xiao Yu before, and he desperately wanted to show his pride in front of Tang Chen and gain Luo Qingqing's favor.

But now, nothing can compare to a concerned greeting from her.

He was lying on the ground with pain in his back and arms, but with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, he said, "Qingqing, long time no see!"

Luo Qingqing was startled, and said with a smile: "You don't have a fever, do you? Didn't we just meet a few days ago?"

Xiao Yu stared at her dissatisfied: "Don't you know there is a saying that if you don't see each other in a day, it will be like three autumns?"

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