The doctors could hardly believe it.

After receiving the notification from the hospital, Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu, who rushed to the hospital, wept with joy after despair.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Ning, who had just been rescued, was sent to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, with cables for various monitoring instruments attached to her body, and was carefully placed in an incubator for care and treatment.

On the other side, Xiang Yiqing's laparotomy is still in progress.

Although the fetus has been successfully taken out, she still needs surgical treatment due to the uterine damage caused by the impact, and there is no delay.

Children are very important and cannot be given up until death is confirmed.

But at the same time, the mother herself is also very important. After all, compared with a fetus that has not developed self-awareness, the living mother herself is a living life.

Those who give up their mothers in order to preserve their fetuses are either human scum or beasts.

Of course, it is impossible for a professional doctor who takes saving lives and healing the wounded as his own responsibility to do such a heartless thing.

Both children and adults are very important. When there is a choice, of course, we must do our best to keep both, and neither one should be lost.

But if the situation really does not allow, in the case that only one of them can be kept, the mother’s family members are not required to make a choice. According to legal regulations and medical standards, doctors must first keep the mother herself without hesitation. , and only in the feudal era when human life was worthless, the question of "keep the big or keep the small" would arise.

The more critical the time, the more straightforward and decisive the choice the doctors make. There is not so much wasted and entangled time. Even if it is necessary to kill the fetus to save the pregnant woman, the doctors can do it at a critical time come out.

Of course, such extreme situations are relatively rare. As long as there is still a slight possibility, even if you pin your hopes on illusory miracles, as a doctor, you will not give up any life easily.

Ning Ning's birth situation, although very chaotic and complicated, the premature birth and the uterine hemorrhage caused by the impact, the situation can be said to be so bad and critical that even the most procedurally regulated attending experts dare not delay a second At that time, before the Lu family had rushed to the hospital to sign, they took the risk and directly performed the operation.

But in any case, thanks to the decisive decision of the attending expert, who took the risk of violating medical regulations to make a decision on behalf of the family members of the parturient, it was possible to cut Ning Ning, who had already suffocated, through surgery at the last moment. .

If the attending specialist delays for some more time, even if it is only a few minutes, Ning Ning may have suffocated to death in her mother's stomach...

What's worse, if Ning Ning was stillborn, it meant that Xiang Yiqing's life might not be saved either!
At that time, her uterus ruptured and hemorrhaged due to the violent impact. If the eight-month-old fetus died in the womb, the doctor had to find a way to take the fetus out before giving Xiang Yiqing Suture the uterus to stop the bleeding, but once the fetus dies, a laparotomy will not work. The doctor can only use the method of induction of labor, slowly crushing the fetus in the uterus with iron forceps, then take out the body, and finally perform dilatation and curettage. Clean up before proceeding to the next step.

Such a whole set of abortion procedures is not only bloody, cruel and complicated, but also extremely damaging to the woman's uterus.

At that time, Xiang Yiqing's uterus was already in a state of injury and rupture. If she underwent another operation to induce labor, it would undoubtedly further aggravate the damage to her uterus. Will it cause other more serious injuries at that time, and Xiang Yiqing Can my physical fitness, which is almost empty, be able to withstand such a severe injury...

No one can guarantee.

Even the attending experts dare not guarantee that her life can be saved.

To put it bluntly, under such circumstances, Xiang Yiqing's life was closely linked to the child in her womb.

Although it is not an exaggeration of living and dying together, if the child's life cannot be saved, it will not be a good thing for Xiang Yiqing, and it is very likely to cause other more serious consequences.

The worst and most tragic consequence would be the death of both mother and child, one dead body and two lives...

At that time, when the attending doctor was carrying out the first aid for Ning Ning, Xiang Yiqing's own surgery was also going on at the same time, and the situation on both sides was extremely critical.

By the time Mr. Lu, Mrs. Lu, and Lu Yanchen arrived at the hospital, Ning Ning's heartbeat had recovered, but Xiang Yiqing's operation was not optimistic. The door of the operating room was closed, and there was no call information.

Although between Xiang Yiqing and Ning Ning, Mr. Lu and others are most concerned about the latter.

This may sound cruel, but it is also an undeniable fact.

After all, Ning Ning is also the blood of the Lu family, and the only posthumous child left by Lu Junshen. No matter in terms of blood status or meaning, she is undoubtedly more important than Xiang Yiqing, an outsider.

It's just human nature, everyone will subconsciously care more about those who are closer to them, and Mr. Lu and others are no exception.

But that doesn't mean they don't care about Xiang Yiqing's situation.

After all, she was Ning Ning's biological mother and Lu Junchen's fiancée, and she also left Lu Junchen a child.Although due to various reasons of her own, this child was not well-raised in the womb, but she has always left a trace of blood for Lu Junchen, and also for Mr. and Mrs. Lu, who sent the white-haired man to the black-haired man. There is a glimmer of hope, for the Lu family, kindness cannot be erased.

Therefore, in terms of affection and reason, Mr. Lu and the others also cared and maintained Xiang Yiqing very much, and even favored her in many ways. Even Lu Yanchen was about to back off when he learned that her surgery situation was not optimistic. The two elderly people were even more worried. For a while, they didn't even care about their grandson Ning Ning, who was in the same dangerous situation. He had just been rescued, and kept guarding Xiang Yiqing's operating room.

By the time Xiang Yiqing's operation was successfully completed, she narrowly saved her life, and was pushed out of the operating room by the doctor, it was already eight hours after Ningning was born.

Even though Xiang Yiqing completed the operation, she was still not out of danger, and was sent to the IUC intensive care unit for observation.Ning Ning was also observing in the neonatal intensive care unit. The situation on both sides was not very good. Mr. Lu and others were worried, and the doctors were busy formulating the next treatment plan.

Under such circumstances, the priority is naturally how to save the lives of the mother and child.

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