Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 387 Chapter 387 Immunogen

Not to mention medical laymen like Mr. Lu and Lu Yanshen, even in the professional doctor team, no one has time to think about other issues.

Three days later, Xiang Yiqing, who had a successful operation, was out of danger, while Ningning, who was also placed in the intensive care unit, was found to have a congenital immune disease.

The doctor quickly thought of the treatment plan of transplanting hematopoietic stem cells, but at that time, the umbilical cord blood of Ning Ning was already discarded and could not be used because it could not be preserved in time.

In desperation, the doctor had no choice but to give Ning Ning a conservative treatment first, and at the same time told Mr. Lu and his sons about his condition in detail. This was how the Lu family searched for RH-negative umbilical cords across the country. blood thing.

As for the two male babies with the same blood type found by the Lu family, when their parents preserved the umbilical cord blood for their children, the purpose was to prevent the children from needing hematopoietic stem cells in the future, so they wanted to take precautions in advance. Ready to prepare, when the Lu family sent someone to the door, the parents of the two families found out about the situation.

Although they all expressed sympathy for Ning Ning's experience, and could understand the anxiety of the Lu family, but thinking that their own children might need this umbilical cord blood in the future, the parents of the two boys still refused without hesitation. The donation request of the Lu family was accepted.

The two families are not short of money, and they don't pay much attention to the donation and compensation proposed by the Lu family. They even flatly refused the Lu family's request for matching, and they don't want to be involved in such troublesome things.

after all……

If they agreed to match the two children, it would be fine if the points were not matched properly, and the Lu family would naturally give up if they didn't need to bother.

But if the matching index of the two children is just right, the Lu family may not give up so easily.

They had been looking for a whole year to finally find a glimmer of hope, and it was really hard for them to give up.

The parents of the two boys couldn't help worrying that if their child's cord blood matched Ningning's matching index, the Lu family would be too soft, and maybe they would directly take tough measures to force them to take the blood. The child's umbilical cord blood is handed over.

In addition, although the family backgrounds of the two parents are not short of money, but in terms of family power, they are far inferior to the wealth of the Lu family. , then they may not even have the most basic resistance...

Instead of waiting for things to develop to this point and then regretting it, it is better to nip the possibility of danger in the cradle from the beginning.

As long as they disagree with the matching comparison, the Lu family will naturally be unable to determine whether their child's umbilical cord blood matches Ning Ning's. In this way, the Lu family will obviously not be able to burn their boats and tear their faces for things that are still uncertain. reason.

Although this kind of thinking seems a bit over-prepared, as if they regard the Lu family as robbers who plunder, but as parents, when faced with things related to their children, it is inevitable that they will always think more. Even if one's own child judges the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, it is not a big deal.

Therefore, considering all the above considerations, the parents of the two baby boys refused the two requests made by the Lu family without any room for negotiation, and they were completely unwilling to talk about it.

The people sent by the Lu family were helpless against this situation, and they couldn't be too strong to offend the two parents who were dedicated to protecting the calf, so they had no choice but to report the situation to Lu Yanchen as it was.

In the end, it was Lu Yanshen who came forward and somehow persuaded the two parents to agree to the matching.

However, even though it was so difficult, the final matching result still disappointed the Lu family.

Among the umbilical cord blood of the two boys, one of them was found to have a recessive genetic disease, which did not meet the requirements for transplantation at all.

The other child also had to give up because the matching value did not meet the standard.

Going around and going around for a whole year wasted countless manpower and material resources, but the final result was still nothing, which has to be said to disappoint the Lu family.

When Ning Ning turned one year old, he left the sterile ward of the hospital for the first time, returned to Lu's house, and had Mr. Lu come forward to celebrate his first birthday.

For that rare opportunity to go out, the hospital prepared Ning Ning for more than a month, and injected him with expensive artificial immunosuppression, which can artificially temporarily improve his immunity, so that even if he is exposed to the outside world Under the air bacteria, it will not be infected immediately.

The effect of the immune factor is naturally very outstanding. After injecting it, Ningning can even temporarily move freely like a normal person, without wearing thick protective clothing, and without being particularly careful to avoid physical contact with others.

However, the stronger and more obvious the effect of the medicine, the more obvious the side effects on the human body will be.

For example, anti-cancer drugs with powerful effects can not only kill cancer cells in a targeted manner, but also seriously damage normal cells in the human body, causing severe stress reactions in patients, vomiting, hair loss, loss of appetite, and listlessness. In more serious cases, it may even lead to the failure of the patient's body organs, which is life-threatening.

The human immune hormone that Ning Ning injected is similar to anticancer drugs.

The side effects are very obvious.

The role of immunokinesin itself is to form an immune protection wall in the human body through the curative effect of artificially synthesized drugs, so as to resist external bacterial damage, and can instantly kill the germs that enter the human body, protecting the patient's body in all aspects.

However, it is also because the bactericidal properties it contains are too strong, and for fragile human organs, it is almost like poison.

If the intake of immune hormones in the human body is too high, various digestive and absorption organs in the human body will be unable to absorb its medicinal properties, resulting in organ damage or even failure, especially the liver, which is mainly responsible for the metabolism and absorption of the human body. Organs, the damage is the most serious and irreparable.

In addition, Ning Ning was too young at that time, and his body organs were not even fully developed. If he was seriously injured at this time, it would be a huge irreparable internal trauma to him, which would be dangerous. Almost no less than his own congenital disease.

Because of this, even though the doctor knew that there was such a strong immune drug, and the Lu family could not afford Ningning's expensive medical expenses, the attending doctor and others still dared not give Ningning the medicine at will.

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