When Ning Ning was just born, the umbilical cord blood was not well preserved, otherwise Mr. Lu wouldn't have had to go to such lengths to find someone to donate it to him.

However, it can't be blamed that the Lu family didn't care about it and ignored the usefulness of preserving cord blood.

The key is because Ning Ning was born prematurely.

When his mother, Xiang Yiqing, was less than two months pregnant, she was greatly stimulated mentally by the sudden death of her fiancé Lu Junshen, causing the fetus in her womb to almost abort, and she managed to save the child. Afterwards, Xiang Yiqing failed to take good care of her baby, instead she was blindly immersed in painful emotions, couldn't eat well, couldn't sleep well, and refused to rest in peace. When she was in the middle of her pregnancy, she was even in a trance because she was in a trance. He accidentally rolled down the stairs and saw blood on the spot.

After Xiang Yiqing was rushed to the hospital, she lay on the hospital bed for more than two months and received hundreds of abortion injections to save the baby in her stomach.


The long-term mental stress and poor diet during pregnancy, coupled with the severe impact later, have already caused various harms to the fetus.

Even though the Lu family invited the top obstetrics and gynecology experts in the country and used the best foreign anti-pregnancy drugs, the doctors racked their brains in every possible way, but they could not restore the damage caused to the fetus during pregnancy.

These injuries are also the main reason why Ning Ning was born with congenital immunodeficiency.

Xiang Yiqing had been in the hospital for two months on confinement, and finally the baby in her stomach had grown to more than eight months, but because she accidentally hit the hand wash with her high belly when she was going to the bathroom. On the sharp corner of the stage...

Although, in order to protect her fragile and sensitive pregnant woman, the Lu family arranged for her the best quality single ward, and any things in the room that may cause harm to the human body, such as the corners of tables and chairs, door frames and window frames, and corners of walls And so on, all wrapped in a soft sponge.

The floor was also covered with thick blankets.

Some utensils such as porcelain cups and glass bottles, which are easy to hurt people after being broken, can't even be seen.

It stands to reason that even if a person accidentally bumps into these things, it is basically unlikely to cause serious injury...

The Lu family has done their best.

During Xiang Yiqing's pregnancy, she almost had a miscarriage several times because of her own carelessness, causing the Lu family to be thrown into trouble, and finally even fell down the stairs while pregnant.

Mr. Lu was really frightened by her. He just looked at Xiang Yiqing, a pregnant woman, who looked haggard and ashamed all day long. Mr. Lu couldn't blame her too much, so he could only tell his subordinates to The servant had to take care of her carefully, almost wishing to treat her like a fragile glass doll, with all aspects properly arranged.

From a normal point of view, Xiang Yiqing's living environment has been arranged in such a comfortable and safe way that there is no possibility of any danger.

But some things are just such a coincidence.

I don't know whether to say that this fate is destined, or that Xiang Yiqing is too careless as a mother.

It was just to go to the toilet to wash her hands, but she accidentally slipped her foot in the originally very non-slip bathroom. What's more, the two maids who followed her closely to take care of and protect her, the key She was not by her side at all times, and instead let her, an eight-month pregnant woman, go to the bathroom by herself with her huge belly.

As a result, her foot slipped, and she couldn't stand the center of gravity of her body. For some reason, her towering belly slammed into the sharp corner of the sink...

Even though the sharp corners were wrapped with a thick anti-collision sponge, Xiang Yiqing's impact was unimaginably strong, even through the sponge, it could hurt the child in the abdomen and womb.

In addition, at that time, Ningning was already in a very fragile state in her stomach.

After receiving hundreds of miscarriage injections and being bedridden for more than two months, the fetus was barely preserved. The doctor warned Xiang Yiqing very early on that if she had any accidents or If you are not careful, the child will either be a miscarriage or be born prematurely.

Even under such a severe warning, Xiang Yiqing still had an accident.

With such a severe impact, even a pregnant woman with a healthy fetus might experience bleeding symptoms, let alone a precarious pregnant woman like Xiang Yiqing?

Therefore, the consequences are unthinkable.

The moment Xiang Yiqing hit her, she collapsed, her uterus ruptured and she was bleeding profusely.

If she hadn't been living in the hospital at that time, the doctors rushed to the scene in just a few minutes and gave her first aid to stop the bleeding, and immediately pushed her into the operating room, let alone Ningning who was in her stomach would not survive, Even she herself may find it difficult to save her life.

But even so, Ningning still had unavoidable premature birth.

Xiang Yiqing's congenital bone development was not very good, and her constitution was not suitable for natural delivery. In addition, during the few months of pregnancy, her condition was so bad that she had to use nutritional injections to maintain her life. Her body was almost hollowed out , but encountered this kind of accidental injury caused by heavy bleeding and premature delivery, it is conceivable that there is no possibility of natural delivery at all.

In order to save the life of the fetus, the attending specialist immediately performed a laparotomy on Xiang Yiqing after obtaining Mr. Lu's consent over the phone, almost at the critical point of life and death, and took it out of her abdomen and was about to suffocate Ning Ning died.

Ning Ning was on the verge of death when he was born. Even after checking his condition, many assistant doctors all felt that he would not survive in eight out of ten. The reason why he was willing to rescue him was that On the one hand, it is due to the professional ethics of doctors, and they will never give up until the last second. On the other hand, it is also the mentality of holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor. If you can save a second, it is a second, maybe there will be a miracle. ?

However, think so.

As the most professional scientific medical personnel, even they themselves never believe in so-called miracles.


Maybe it's because people's vitality is sometimes particularly tenacious, or maybe it's because Ning Ningtian's life shouldn't be cut off.

When the doctors insisted on rescuing until the last second, a miracle really happened.

When he was in the mother’s womb, he suffered fetal asphyxia due to uterine hemorrhage and severe hypoxia. When he was cut out, the little baby was in heat and purple all over. After a period of emergency rescue, it was like a miracle. The heartbeat was restored, and with the help of the baby ventilator, he struggled to survive...

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