This also leads to, if the baby's parents do not have enough knowledge about umbilical cord blood, or because of the impact of economic conditions and personal feelings, they do not make such a request to the hospital, then the remaining umbilical cord blood of their children after birth , it will be regarded as a discarded item by the hospital, and it will be disposed of quickly on the day the baby is born.

And no matter how powerful the Lu family is, it is impossible to monitor every hospital in the country, let alone observe every newborn baby.

By the time they finally found a suitable target from the newborn medical system and immediately sent someone to look for it, it would have been several days at least.

And within these few days, if the baby's parents did not ask the hospital to preserve the cord blood, then even if the Lu family managed to find it, the baby's cord blood would have been invalidated and could not be used at all.

The Lu family also made a trip for nothing, and they could only return in vain.

In today's peaceful age, newborns are born almost every moment.

Even the rare panda blood type, in the huge population base of the country, the number is still very considerable.

It's just that the source of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation that the Lu family is looking for is too harsh.

If it was the baby's umbilical cord blood with a common blood type, the Lu family would be able to send someone to find it immediately on the day the doctor proposed the treatment plan.

But what is needed is the umbilical cord blood of RH negative blood...

With this condition alone, the difficulty of finding it has not only increased several times, but it may even be dozens or hundreds of times.

Coupled with the influence of various external factors and conditions, the difficulty is even greater.

Even the Lu family, with its rich manpower and financial resources, managed to find a total of [-] newborn babies with RH negative blood type after a whole year of searching across the country.

Among them, there were only four babies whose umbilical cord blood was preserved, and the parents of the other thirteen babies were not prepared for this, which disappointed the Lu family.

Of the four babies whose cord blood was preserved, two were girls.

Although they had the same blood type as Ning Ning, the matching points of their preserved umbilical cord blood were unexpectedly low after purification and comparison, especially the number of HLA matching points, which did not meet the requirements for transplantation.

The HLA matching index is an important item that must be tested before the transplant operation. The purpose is to test whether the donor and the donor can meet the matching requirements. It is the same as the two indispensable cores of the reactive antibody test. project.

There are a total of six sites for HLA matching. Both the donor and the recipient need to draw blood for testing. After the accurate site data is obtained, the number of sites of the two people will be compared in a paired manner. Generally, it is normal. In other words, the more sites that can be matched, the higher the success rate of matching between two people, and the less rejection the donor will receive after the operation is completed.

Among the same blood types, it is reasonable to say that the number of matching points will be more than two points higher than that of different blood types, and there is basically no surprise.

However, when Ning Ning and the two girls with the same blood type were tested for HLA matching, the number of loci was unbelievably low. Even the doctor could not tell the specific reason for this. The matching between the two children failed, not to mention meeting the requirements for transplantation. The matching points between Ning Ning and these two girls of the same blood type were not even as good as those between him and Lu's relatives of different blood types. high.

Such a depressed locus value obviously cannot be used for transplantation.

If you have to do this, not to mention that the operation is difficult to succeed, even if it is a fluke, after Ning Ning transplanted the hematopoietic stem cells from the cord blood of the two girls, there is a high possibility of severe body exhaustion. Abnormal reaction, it is not just a matter of making the little guy suffer or not, if the rejection reaction is too strong, it will not only make the operation that was barely successful fail completely, even... it may even lead to the death of the patient!

Mr. Lu would not let Ningning take such a risk anyway, and of course Lu Yanchen would not agree.

Therefore, the source of the umbilical cord blood of the two girls was naturally given up by the Lu family.

The last two remaining boys, Mr. Lu placed great hopes on them at that time, but unfortunately the whole process was full of twists and turns, tossing and tossing, and finally did not bring any good news to Mr. Lu.

The two baby boys came from very good family backgrounds, and their parents were both quite wealthy and wealthy.

Although compared to the power of the family, the families of the parents of the two boys are naturally far inferior to the famous Lu family in Kyoto, but in their hometown, they can be regarded as the local rich and famous families, the standard local emperors. .

This kind of family is naturally not short of money, and even the child has been living in a private rich hospital for a long time. Because of this, although the parents of the two children do not know what cord blood is, they don't care about wasting it. The storage fee at 01:30 was conveniently saved for the child.

The preservation records of umbilical cord blood are also specially archived in the blood bank. The fresher the archive date, the shorter the birth time of the owner of the umbilical cord blood.

The Lu family searched for suitable blood donation sources through selective retrieval of such archives, and finally found these two little boys who were less than three days old.

But the parents of the two baby boys unanimously rejected the Lu family's donation request, and they were even unwilling to do the matching.

Because the two parents are not short of money, although they are also from a wealthy family, they are not direct descendants of the family, but relatively distant offshoots, so they do not have such a strong desire for family responsibilities, interests, etc., but more He tends to have a life attitude of being well-off when he is a little rich, and his mentality appears peaceful and comfortable in all aspects.

Such a person would be a very easy candidate to get along with if they were dealing with them on a daily basis, but it is also corresponding, because the parents of the two children have no career ambitions, so naturally they are not very interested in the donation compensation proposed by the Lu family.

The most fundamental reason why they save their children's umbilical cord blood at birth is to prepare their children for future illnesses.After all, everyone has the only chance to obtain their own umbilical cord blood at birth. If you donate it to someone else, in case the child grows up and suffers from any serious illness and needs to use hematopoietic stem cells, you can find someone to donate But it is difficult...

This point can be clearly seen only from the situation of the Lu family.

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