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Chapter 383 Chapter 383 Cord Blood (3)

Under such circumstances, how can they spend a lot of money to preserve the baby's so-called umbilical cord blood?
For them, this approach is pure waste.

It's better to save this money to buy more delicious food for mothers and babies, and spend the money where it can be seen.

Although it is a bit harsh to say this, it is the truth.

Not every parent of a newborn baby is a millionaire who has a lot of money and doesn’t care about wasting money. More parents are actually ordinary people with ordinary family background, ordinary income, and ordinary economic conditions, and cannot afford such waste.

Not to mention that some parents of babies are so poor that they can't even afford the medical expenses for giving birth, so they can only borrow from relatives and friends.

Asking them to waste money on preserving cord blood is worse than killing them.

Although some people in the medical field have been promoting the preciousness and rarity of umbilical cord blood, how many diseases it can treat people, and how much research value it has, and some people even fanatically declared that every pair of parents All should keep the child's umbilical cord blood, so as not to find hematopoietic stem cells that can be transplanted when the child develops a major disease in the future.

However, such a statement only sounds good, but it is difficult to get the approval of most ordinary people when it is actually implemented.

Because everyone thinks so—

Even if umbilical cord blood is really that useful, what if it can treat many incurable diseases?
There are so many newborn babies in the world every day, how many children suffer from congenital diseases?How many people suffer from terminal illness when they grow up?
This ratio is not too high when you think about it.

Are there more healthy children, or are there more children who are born with diseases?
The answer is also simple and clear at a glance.

If this is the case, why is it that my own child is sick when other people's children don't get sick?
There is no such reason!
No pair of parents feels that their child will grow up to be ill.

On the contrary, they only think that their children are the best and healthiest in the world, there will be no problems, and they will continue to be healthy like this.

What to say to save the umbilical cord blood to prevent your child from getting terminally ill in the future.

Doesn't such nonsense sound like a curse?

Many parents can't help avoiding such things, especially when their children are involved.

It doesn't matter whether they are acting on luck, feel bad luck and don't want to do it, or even simply feel that it is a waste of money and don't want to do it...

Anyway, for most parents of ordinary families, saving their children's cord blood is not a worthwhile thing to do.

Take another [-] steps back.

Even if they are really willing to spend money and save their children's umbilical cord blood, once their children grow up healthy and healthy, they won't need the blood at all.

Then, the umbilical cord blood that they worked so hard to save is either expired or can only be donated to others.Either way, it seems like a waste.

So much money and care wasted.

This kind of thing is actually like people buying insurance now.

In the eyes of people with insurance awareness, what they spend their money to buy is not a simple insurance policy, but an intangible guarantee.

If something happens accidentally, there is insurance to bear the economic loss, and you can feel at ease.

And if nothing happened to me, and it was just a sum of money, it would be considered as a purchase of peace and safety for the whole year, and naturally it would not be a loss.

But for those who care about every detail and have no sense of insurance, they will feel that they are particularly at a loss.

If something happens to you after buying the insurance, that's okay, at least you can get a insurance premium, and get back the insurance premium you paid.

But if there is no accident for a whole year after buying the insurance, and the insurance fee cannot be refunded, they will feel that they have lost a lot. If they knew that this year would be safe and sound, they should not waste this large sum of money buying some insurance. Enough……

Such two completely different ideas, in fact, can't say who is right and who is wrong, but different people think in different directions, and the results they get are naturally different.

People who like to calculate gains and losses tend to habitually infer from the results.

For example, after buying insurance, I found that the whole year was pretty normal, with no illnesses or accidents, so I felt that buying insurance was a waste of money.

But on the other hand, if he did not buy insurance, but found that he was suffering from serious illnesses and minor disasters throughout the year, and spent a lot of medical expenses, then his thoughts might change again and become—if he had known that I was so unlucky this year , then I'd better buy an insurance earlier!

People who habitually infer things from results, their views on anything will change with different results at any time.

To put it simply, it is an afterthought and a lack of foresight.

Of course, such a vision also needs to be supported by economic conditions. Sometimes, it is not that people have no vision, but that their conditions cannot support it.

For example, buying insurance.

For those who are not short of money, when they buy insurance, they buy a guarantee for their future life, and at the same time they buy peace of mind.

But for those whose economic conditions are difficult and they can't even maintain their basic life, this kind of future guarantee is actually a waste-they can't even live well in the present, so how can they have the energy to think about the future and the future? What about in the future?

Taking a step back, even if they also want to think about the future, their economic conditions do not allow it, and their living environment does not allow it. Therefore, they can only choose between the "later" and "now" options." Now."

Because there is no "now", naturally there will be no "later".

The same is true for cord blood preservation.

After excluding other less important reasons, the most important reason is actually the problem of economic conditions and concepts.

People who have no medical concept in this area may not know what umbilical cord blood is, and naturally they will not have the idea of ​​​​preserving it properly.

And a person without economic conditions, no matter whether he wants to save or not, or whether he is willing to save, he simply does not have the conditions to save, and even thinking about it is a waste of time.

Of course, if parents who have money and medical knowledge, and don't care about bad luck and waste, they may ask the hospital to keep their child's cord blood.

But how many such parents can there be?
According to the current medical regulations, unless the baby's parents actively request, otherwise, the hospital is not qualified to selfishly keep the baby's umbilical cord blood.

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