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Chapter 378 Chapter 378 Disease (1)

But the doctor couldn't do anything about it.

The only thing that can be done is to continuously use various types of therapeutic medicines on him to treat various diseases in his body.With the help of drugs to kill bacteria, try to ensure that the condition will not worsen.

However, the human body is actually very fragile sometimes.

As long as you are exposed to the air and come into contact with every scene and object in nature, you may be infected with various bacteria.

If the average person is healthy, they can also have a certain resistance to these bacteria.And people have to constantly supplement nutrition and inject various vaccines into the body from an early age, just to enhance the body's ability to resist bacteria.

To use a vivid metaphor to describe, the resistance of human beings is like a wall, and bacteria are the enemies that constantly erode and break through the wall. Every resistance will wear down the firmness of the wall itself, causing it to continue to weaken and thin , and the various nutrients that the human body continuously ingests, and various types of defense vaccines supplemented by injections and drugs, are like cement generation after generation, constantly thickening and filling the thickness of the wall, so that it will not Wasted too much.

But whether it is supplementing nutrition or using vaccines, it must rely on the body's own immune system.

Without this layer of natural protective immune function, even if there is endless nutrient intake, and no matter how effective the vaccine is to supplement, it will be like falling rain, coming quickly and evaporating quickly, and it will not last long save.

What's more, in addition to the various bacteria brought by the outside world, the human body itself is actually continuously producing various bacteria.

The food that is eaten and the water that is drunk are exposed to the air. Even if it is food that has been sterilized in vacuum packaging, when people are ready to eat, it is inevitable to unpack the food to expose the food to natural air. .

Human eyes cannot see all kinds of tiny bacteria in the air, but everyone knows that they are everywhere.

Anything exposed to the air, whether it is food or water, will inevitably bring in some invisible bacteria after being eaten by the human body.

Even if not all of these bacteria are harmful to the human body, they live in the human body, accumulate in small numbers, and even cross-infect each other.Among the countless bacterial populations, as long as one or two of them mutate or infect, it may cause various diseases in the human body from the inside out.

And some of these diseases caused by bacteria will erupt immediately when they first appear, such as colds, fevers, inflammations and other diseases.

However, some serious or special diseases may lurk in the human body, and may not even be detected by humans or medical devices.Until the germs accumulate to a certain degree of thickness, they will burst out and cause great harm to the human body itself.

This disease is often the deadliest, and the incubation time varies. Some may be months, some may be years, and some may even be more than ten years, decades, and so on.

For example, tumors, cancers, organ lesions and the like.

For adults with healthy body functions, such serious diseases may be life-threatening at any time.

For young children like Ning Ning who are born with immunodeficiency, if such a disease cannot be detected in time when it first appears, and effective drug treatment is taken immediately, then when the disease develops to the middle and late stages, it will often be Medicine stone is invalid.The germs will spread wantonly in his defenseless body, until they also develop resistance to the drugs, and the treatment effect is gradually weakened. The only result in the end is that the patient dies after the treatment fails...

And even if Ningning is lucky enough to never suffer from such a fatal serious disease in his life, if his congenitally deficient immune disease cannot be completely cured, he will still live in danger anytime and anywhere.

This is not something he can avoid by living in a sterile ward all his life without contact with the outside world.

As long as he is alive, he will inevitably need to eat and drink, and the bacteria that are everywhere in the air will always find an opportunity to invade his body.

And even if all the food and water sources provided to him are disinfected in the strictest way, trying to prevent the production of bacteria, it still cannot completely guarantee safety.

Taking another step back, even if all the methods mentioned above are used, Ning Ning is completely isolated from all kinds of bacteria and viruses like a miracle, ensuring his safety to the greatest extent.

Then, when he grows older, his body functions gradually become mature and perfect, and he has never been sick again, but sooner or later, like many normal people, his body will turn from prosperity to decline, from young to old. As we enter aging, various organs in the body will gradually produce various problems due to aging.

Natural aging is something that cannot be prevented by modern medical technology. No matter how powerful the people are, no matter how good the doctors and medicines are, they cannot completely prevent the coming of aging. At most, they can only delay or maintain it.

With the advent of aging, the first thing to face is that unless the immunity is weakened and weakened, the resistance to bacteria and viruses is getting worse and worse. Even a small cool breeze or a slight sneeze can cause May contribute to the emergence of disease.And no matter how well protected it is, the decaying internal organs, as well as various bacteria and viruses lurking in the body when young, will show their ferocious fangs one by one, causing the body of the elderly to continue to have any problems.

Even the elderly who were in good health when they were young can luckily avoid various major diseases caused by those latent germs, but they can't stop the fact that the vitality of the organs decreases due to aging, and eventually they gradually become exhausted and withered.

old age, frailty.

These two words have long been linked together by people and have become a well-known fact.

This is why, even an old man who was in good health when he was young may not necessarily be able to live a long life without disease and pain.

In fact, not many elderly people actually die because of old age and organ failure. Most of the old people die because of diseases.

All kinds of natural diseases caused by different reasons have already become the main cause of modern people's death.

Be it old people, young people, or young children.

The death rate due to illness is always the highest, far exceeding the death rate caused by natural disasters, accidents, suicides and other causes.

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