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Chapter 379 Chapter 379 Disease (2)

For Ning Ning, who is still young now, it is almost too early to mention various diseases caused by aging.

To put it bluntly, if his congenital immunodeficiency cannot be completely cured, then how long he can live in the future and whether he can live to the day of natural aging will be heavily questioned.

Even the most professional top doctors cannot answer this question.

What's more, for Ningning.

His illness cannot be cured for a day, which means that he has almost no "future" at all.

It is ridiculous to tell a child who is precarious and may lose his life at any time, what will happen in the future, the future, or even after aging.

It doesn't make any sense at all.

For him, the greatest effect of being surrounded by doctors is to constantly pay attention to his physical condition and prevent the occurrence of diseases. With the most effective treatment, the danger of the disease is killed at the earliest stage.

But this is also a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause, and there is no other way.

If the deficiency of Ningning's immune system cannot be completely cured, his body will be like a dam full of loopholes, which will continuously produce various loopholes under the impact of various bacteria.

And the only thing the doctor can do is to use various therapeutic drugs and methods, like lumps of cement, to fill the various holes in his body and prevent the precarious dam of his body from being completely disintegrated and washed away.

But such an approach is only an expedient measure and cannot last long at all.The doctors had no choice but to treat one disease in Ning Ning's body, and then the second, third, and even fourth and fifth other diseases would appear, which was almost impossible to prevent, just like that dam full of loopholes, Under the continuous scouring of the water, once a loophole is repaired, other loopholes will appear, which will continue to flow and cannot be blocked. People can only be exhausted for a moment, but there is no other way.

In fact, if we want to say that it is a radical cure, there are still some.

There are even two.

One of the ways to save a precarious and endangered dam is to intercept the water source, such as rebuilding a huge water blocking valve at the upstream of the dam, so as to block the continuously scouring water outside and prevent them from approaching and scouring The dam is already dangerous, so the dam is naturally safe. Since it is full of loopholes and crumbling, but if you are lucky enough to not encounter sudden dangers such as heavy rain, then maybe it will be strong for a dozen or 20 years. Year.

But the premise is that the water blocking valve specially built for it must be strong and effective enough to intercept the water flow for decades without any sudden danger, so as to ensure the safety of the dam below.Otherwise, once a crisis situation occurs, the consequences are almost unimaginable.

This is a conservative approach.

Another, more radical solution is more effective than this, and at the same time has more dangers and difficulties to face.

This method is to completely demolish the original precarious dam, and then rebuild a larger and more stable new dam in its original position, fundamentally eliminating the danger of being washed away by the current.

Both methods have their own advantages, but they also have the disadvantage of being difficult to implement.

Especially the latter, it is even more difficult for Ning Ning's physical condition.

He was confined in the sterile ward of the hospital since he was a child, and he was forbidden to contact the outside world. Even the people he could see, the food he could eat, and the things he could touch were all carefully disinfected. Try to avoid the possibility of him being exposed to bacteria.

This is actually the first method, which is a preventive treatment that treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

If his body is a dam full of holes, then the isolation method of the sterile ward is undoubtedly equivalent to the valve that intercepts the water flow, blocking the danger of flowing water formed by bacteria, so as to ensure his own safety. .

But the reason why this method is a temporary solution, not the root cause, is that it can only serve as isolation and defense, but it cannot help Ning Ning's own body in any way.

Flowing water cannot be stopped, as long as there is a slight gap, it can easily sneak in.

Just like the bacteria that are ubiquitous in the air, they cannot be completely isolated by manpower. No matter how tightly guarded the sterile ward is, or how carefully the sterilization process is, it is still impossible to guarantee safety.After all, it is human beings who have to do these things by hand, but human beings are not machines. There will always be careless omissions, even if it is only a slight mistake, it may bring serious consequences.

Besides, even if it is a machine, it will be damaged and malfunction after a long time of use, let alone human beings who are originally more fragile than machines?
It can be seen from this that no matter how meticulous the defense and protection are, they can only protect for a while, but not for a long life. What's more, such protection does not have much fundamental help for Ning Ning's own illness. In the final analysis, it is only a temporary solution, not the root cause.

The only and best way to truly solve Ningning's problems and achieve the goal of "curing the root cause" is actually to rebuild after the destruction.

Like that crumbling dam full of holes.

Since it is already full of problems, when it is useless to repair it, instead of wasting time and energy on repairing its problems, it is better to directly demolish and rebuild it, which can fundamentally solve various problems existing in it.

Ning Ning's physical problems are actually the same.

What's more, his problems are worse than that of the dam, because although the dam has many problems, it still has the most basic protection. Unlike his body, which is born without such an immune front, the whole person is completely It is conceivable how dangerous it is to be in an undefended state.

Therefore, for him, the best way is not to use various medical methods or special drugs to artificially build an immune defense line for him, because the human body itself is a complete structure, and the intervention of external forces can only affect this at most. This structure cannot be fundamentally broken and then reassembled.

This is like the fact that people nowadays can maintain the life of seriously ill patients by transplanting organs through medical means, prolong their lifespan and alleviate their illness, but they cannot allow patients to regrow a healthy new organ by themselves through the influence of drugs or technological means.

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