Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 377 Chapter 377 Two small groups compete (2)

He didn't care if his younger cousin's study progress could catch up with his own, but he felt that as an older brother, he definitely couldn't lose to his younger cousin, otherwise he would lose face?

Seeing that the little cousin is studying so hard, Ning Ning, as the elder brother, dare not relax even more. He is also holding back his energy in his heart, wishing that he can learn better so that he can be a good teacher for the little cousin. Good role model.

From time to time, he cares about Cheng Cheng's study progress. On the one hand, he is purely concerned, and on the other hand, he uses Cheng Cheng's progress to motivate himself.

In this way, the two children regard each other as goals and try their best to make progress. Over time, a virtuous circle is naturally formed.

The only person who could sense the secret rivalry between these two little guys was Lu Yanchen.

But he didn't say anything, and didn't intervene, but as if he didn't know anything, he let the two children handle it by themselves.

Until now, the special competitive relationship between Cheng Cheng and Ning Ning is still maintained, and it has spread from the simple enlightenment course to other aspects.

For example, the music class in the interest course.

Chengcheng was not interested in music and musical instruments at first, but after learning that Ningning chose violin for his interest class, he suddenly became interested again and took the piano course on his own initiative.

Ning Ning has learned three pieces of violin, and he has to learn three of them, and the difficulty of playing must be higher than Ning Ning's, otherwise he will not want to learn...

In addition, Ning Ning also learned sketching and oil painting in the interest courses.

Due to the drag and influence of the body, although Ning Ning likes many hobbies that require intense exercise, he can't learn at all.

The interest courses that he can choose are almost all static types.

Such as painting, calligraphy, violin and so on.

It doesn't take a lot of physical energy, just stay in the house and you can practice, and it's not very tiring.

It was just right for Ningning's situation.

In fact, when he chose his favorite interest courses, the first thing he wanted to learn was equestrianism, and the second was football.

Because he once saw an equestrian competition on TV by chance.

A handsome rider wearing professional protective gear leaned on the back of a tall horse, and was driven by it to gallop all the way on the racecourse track, with the crisp sound of horseshoes, flying horsetails, and the hoarse and fierce cheers of the audience on both sides...

This soul-stirring scene brought a huge visual impact to the young Ning Ning at the time, and it was also the first time he knew that there were such intense and passionate sports in this world, which made his face swell involuntarily. Red, blood surging.

Since then, Ning Ning has inexplicably fallen in love with all kinds of thrilling sports, not only equestrianism, but also rock climbing, diving, racing, skydiving, etc., which make him feel very thrilling and interesting.

However, Ning Ning's liking is not simply to pursue that dangerous and exciting feeling.

Perhaps it was because he was confined in a room since he was a child, and his physical frailty bound his pursuit and desire for freedom without limit, so psychologically and spiritually, Ningning was more likely to be surrounded by those free and dangerous people. attracted by things.

It's not that he wants to try it himself, but from those things, Ning Ning seems to be able to draw an invisible power - the power to strive and forge ahead with life and enthusiasm.

Such exuberant vitality, and the seemingly endless courage and enthusiasm that erupted in extreme sports.

For Ning Ning, who is physically weak, it is undoubtedly what he cannot have and what he desires the most.

In addition to these more dangerous extreme sports, Ning Ning's other hobby is football.

But this hobby is not what he saw on TV, but it seems to be born with him.

Before he went abroad, when he just turned one year old, the birthday gift Lu Yanchen gave him was a mini football, which was only the size of an adult's palm. The price was not expensive, and there was nothing special about it. The representative significance of this is just because Lu Yanchen was not yet a father at that time, so he didn't know what to prepare as a gift for children, so in the end he randomly picked a small children's soccer ball, which was barely considered a gift.

But unexpectedly, Ning Ning, who just turned one year old, loved this gift very much. As soon as she saw it, she tried her best to hold it in her arms, just like hugging a rare big baby. Happy.

At that time, Ning Ning was not very good at talking, and she babbled and spit out a few words occasionally all day long. Because of her poor health, her body bones also looked thin, her small face was yellow, and she was wearing a hat and a medical mask. He looked sickly, not at all as tender and pleasing as a healthy child.

For the sake of Mr. Lu, many people in the Lu family prepared rich gifts for his first birthday, including some expensive and expensive things, even cars studded with diamonds, but Ning Ning But I didn't like any of them, and I didn't like any of them...

Only the cheap and unremarkable little football that Lu Yanchen gave him caught his eyes somewhere, but he fell in love with it at the first sight, and he wished he could even sleep in his arms at night.

When Ning Ning was just one year old, she had already been in the hospital for a long time.

His immunodeficiency problem was born. Since he was born, he has been suffering from various diseases caused by insufficient immunity.

Although the doctors tried their best to treat him, and the Lu family provided the best medicine in the world, which could quickly cure all kinds of diseases on his body in the shortest time, but after all, the symptoms were not cured.

Because the immune system itself is an essential and important line of defense for the human body, once there is a problem, various disease germs can enter the human body without hindrance, thus causing various diseases.

What's even more frightening is that because Ning Ning is born without immunity, the white blood cell index in his body that can kill all kinds of bacteria is almost zero. Once the disease caused by germs breeds in his body, it means that he has no self. Resistance and recovery ability can only be treated by external medicine.

For example, if an ordinary person accidentally catches a cold, even if they don’t take injections and medicines, the body’s immune system will automatically resist and repair it. It will take no more than a week for the cold to heal without medicine.

But Ning Ning couldn't do it. His body has no resistance and self-healing functions at all. Once a cold occurs, he must be treated with medicine immediately. The longer the delay, the more serious and complicated the disease will become.

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