Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 376 Chapter 376 Two small groups compete (2)

But for Ning Ning.

He didn't care if Cheng Cheng could catch up with his own problems, because he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

After all, in his opinion, he is one year older than Cheng Cheng.

If he is in good health, according to the normal situation, he should be enlightened a year earlier than Cheng Cheng, and it will not be delayed until now.

However, such things as illness are never decided by personal will, not to mention that he suffers from a congenital disease, not to mention himself, even the most professional doctor can't help.

No one wants to be born sick and weak.

But since things have already happened, it doesn't make any sense to keep entangled.

Maybe it's because Ningning has been here since she was a child, and she has never experienced what it is like to be healthy, and there is not much psychological gap. Therefore, when Ningning accepted the fact that she was born sick, her mentality was still very stable.Although occasionally, he would also envy those children who are in good health, envy their exuberant vitality, and also envy them that they can do whatever they want without restraint, instead of being confined in the ward from birth like him , can't do anything...

However, even such emotions full of envy and longing, in Ning Ning's heart, they just flashed by and never stayed for too long.

Because he knows better than anyone else, whether he is envious or yearning.

——No objection.

All people are not created equal.

Some are healthy, some are sick, some are poor, and some are rich.

Many people's eyes often only see that they are not as good as others, so they feel self-pity and self-love, and live every minute and every second full of misery, but they just turn a blind eye to what they have.

Ning Ning is unwilling to be such a person.

So he has been working silently to prevent himself from becoming such a person.

He didn't have a healthy body, but at least he saved his life and struggled to survive.

Compared with those children who also suffered from congenital diseases, but died early due to the serious condition and ineffective rescue, or because of poor family conditions and inability to treat them——

He has been lucky enough.

He was born without a father, and his mother...and for various reasons, never loved him purely.

He lacks the two most important feelings of ordinary children's vitality, and no one can make up for it, and no one will restore it.

But he has other relatives, grandparents who love him regardless of the consequences, second uncle who regards him as his own flesh and blood and tries to save him in every possible way, and even a cute little cousin who has an awkward personality. His boring recuperation life has added a lot of happiness that others don't have.

Compared with those children who were born without father and mother, had no relatives to rely on, and were even abandoned in the orphanage early, and fell into a miserable situation with no power to resist, his situation was much better, and he was also lucky. Too much too much.

To put it more vulgarly, even if he has nothing, no health, no parents, and no complete family.

But he still has money.

He has enough personal assets, even if he lays down and does nothing all his life, it is enough for him to live comfortably until he dies.

The money was not given to him by Mr. Lu or Lu Yanchen.

It was the huge inheritance left by his biological father, Lu Junshen, after his death.

Because Lu Junshen did not formally marry Xiang Yiqing before his death, Xiang Yiqing was not eligible to inherit his estate as his wife in law.

As Lu Junshen's parents, Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu can obtain his inheritance to a certain extent, but the vast majority of it will belong to Ning Ning alone, because he is Lu Junshen's only son and also The legally recognized number one heir is even higher than Mr. Lu and his wife.

Just relying on this large amount of inheritance, Ningning is already luckier than 90.00% of the people in this world.

He was born weak, but he can spend a lot of money to keep himself alive. Even if he lives in a sterile ward of a high-end hospital all his life, living a life with clothes to eat and mouth to eat, he can afford it enough.

The only regret is that there is no freedom.

But if you put it together with your own life, whether freedom is really that important varies from person to person.

Compared with those children who are born healthy but poor, they may not even be able to fill their stomachs when they are young, and have no money to see a doctor when they get sick and catch a cold. Come down and continue to live a life of poverty...

People like Ningning are already so lucky that they couldn't be more lucky!

As the saying goes, people must know how to be content in order to be happy.

This is a simple truth that many adults understand, but in daily life, few adults can really do it.

Because they will always pursue the advantages of others intentionally or unintentionally, and then compare their own shortcomings, which will breed endless ambitions and desires. The more they can't be satisfied, the less they can truly feel happy.

And Ning Ning is still young, and no one has ever taught him the principle of contentment.

However, in his short and weak life experience, relying on his inherent optimism, he personally understood this truth.

Therefore, he never becomes negative and pessimistic because of his own illness, nor is he resentful because of his embarrassing background and the absence of his parents. Instead, he sees more beautiful things in life with his eyes, so he does not feel sad in his heart. There will be too many negative emotions left, but simple and straightforward, try my best to live every day of my life.

He likes reading and learning. When it comes to certain things he is interested in, he will change from being quiet and obedient, and become very proactive and even a little lively.

In addition, deep in his heart, he also has a childish and self-willed side, as well as the inherent self-esteem of a little boy who cares about face.

It's like talking about secretly competing with Cheng Cheng in studies.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it was just the self-esteem of the two children that caused the trouble.

Chengcheng has a very strong personality in some aspects, and he doesn't like to fall behind others—whether it's falling behind others or falling behind to his former self, he doesn't like it very much.

Therefore, after Ning Ning's study progress was dropped by a large amount, the little guy's self-esteem was a little frustrated, so he suffocated all his energy and insisted on catching up.

Although Ning Ning's thinking is different from his, but from a certain point of view, it almost has the same effect.

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