But after all, they are not very familiar with Song Yan. Song Yan didn't even open her mouth, and if she rashly offered to help, it might give people a feeling of deliberate flattery, and it would be self-defeating...

So at this moment, no one dared to act rashly.No one wants to be the first bird in the eyes of others.

Song Yan lowered her head and adjusted her skirt. Just about to take a step, she heard a timid voice behind her: "That... Yan, sister Yan..."

The voice was a little familiar.

Song Yan was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to see that she was still the girl who was dressed as a palace maid, with an apple face and a very pleasing appearance. She had greeted her before, but her attitude was extremely nervous, as if she was very scared, and she didn't say anything. Said a few words and ran away.

Why are you here again now?Isn't she very afraid of her?
Song Yan was a little curious, so she asked, "Are you okay?"

The girl shook her head nervously, pursed her lips, and plucked up her courage to ask, "Sister Yan, do you need help? I see that it seems inconvenient for you to hold your skirt..."

Song Yan was slightly stunned, and raised her eyebrows.

It's true that she's inconvenient, but this girl... doesn't seem like such a passionate and proactive person.

Could it be that he heard what the staff said and wanted to find an excuse to follow her to the director's side?

Song Yan thought about it, and it seemed that there was only this reason.

This girl looks very young, she doesn't look like a professional extra who often rolls around in the film and television city, maybe it's her first time filming.If you are self-motivated enough, when you hear the staff say that the director is going to talk about the play, you may indeed want to find an excuse to follow.

This kind of behavior may not be pleasing to some artists, and it's a bit like hugging their thighs to take advantage of it, but Song Yan doesn't hate it. She remembered that she had done similar things before.

At that time, she had just signed a contract with Meng Yang, and she didn't know anything about the rules in the entertainment industry, and she didn't know how to act at all.

When Meng Yang first paid attention to her, he also arranged for her some training courses on acting skills, and asked her to attend classes with other newcomers in the company.

After she listened to a few classes, she just understood some basic knowledge, before she had time to learn more, Song Xuewei fell into the company from the sky, and soon got in touch with Meng Yang.

Since then, Song Yan has become a little transparent who no one cares about, never attended any training courses of the company, and was completely put aside.

What's even more deceitful is that it didn't take long for Meng Yang to start acting for her. Although they were all small roles such as cannon fodder, which didn't require high acting skills, he knew little about it at that time and had never really practiced acting. For Song Yan, it was a disaster.

She doesn't even know how to move the most basic camera positions. When she was on stage for the first time, she either blocked the camera, stepped on the red line, or accidentally squeezed into other group performers. She was almost regarded as maliciously stealing the scene and was scolded by the director. His head was bloody, he scolded all kinds of ugly words, and he didn't save any face.

In the end, she was kicked out of the crew without even finishing a complete shot.

How depressed Song Yan was at that time...

When someone pointed her nose at her in public and called her stupid as a pig, other people around her looked at her with strange eyes, contempt, contempt, disgust, repulsion, gloating...everything but no kindness of.

Song Yan was disheartened, and she couldn't even explain, so she was kicked out of the set impatiently by the staff, angry and wronged.

This kind of thing happened more than once, and every time, it was a huge blow to self-confidence and self-esteem.

For a while, Song Yan was so scolded that she was almost depressed. She didn't want to say anything, and she didn't even dare to enter the crew again. She was afraid when she stood in front of the camera, conditioned to be afraid of being scolded...

If this situation continues, sooner or later, she will be shocked and completely lose her confidence, and maybe even lose her courage, and she will no longer be able to stand calmly under any camera.

By that time, she will almost be useless, and she doesn't even need Song Xuewei to take action. She has no way to survive in the entertainment industry, and can only be a complete loser, hiding in a corner desperately, The future life and future are all gloomy visible to the naked eye.

You know, at Meng Yang's request, Song Yan signed a ten-year contract with Huaxing Company.

If she can't adapt well to the environment of the entertainment industry, or even survive in this circle, the consequences will be very tragic.

Either find a way to terminate the contract with the company, or waste ten years.

If she wanted to terminate the contract, she would first have to pay a huge liquidated damages.That amount of money may not be a big deal to a big star, but to ordinary people, it is likely to be an amount that they will never earn in a lifetime.

Song Yan was outside alone, with no one to rely on, and no education or background. If she couldn't make a movie and become an artist, where would she make such a large sum of money?
And if she couldn't pay the liquidated damages, she would have to stay in the company for another ten years, unable to find another job, and had no way to get out.

The company's signed artists have financial requirements, and it is impossible to support her for ten years in vain. At that time, she will even have problems eating, and cannot bring any benefits to the company. She can only become a pawn at the mercy of the company, or even an abandoned pawn.

You know, she also has an overly beautiful face.

If you don't have the strength to rely on your skills, you can rely on your face and your body.It's not like there are no such people in the entertainment industry.

At that time, if the company threatens her with a contract to force her to go out to drink with her, or do other more disgusting things, she won't even have the confidence to refuse...

Failure to agree to the company's requirements and failing to fulfill the work obligations stipulated in the contract is tantamount to a breach of contract.

The only way is to terminate the contract and pay compensation.

And she couldn't afford liquidated damages.Huaxing Company has every reason to take her to court and send her to jail.

No matter which way it goes, the ending will not be too good.

What's more, in the face of the huge pressure of survival, the bottom line and dignity of a person can be obliterated, and no one can guarantee that they can keep their original intentions unchanged.

So does Song Yan herself...

It was only later that she figured it out.

At that time, Song Xuewei deliberately asked Meng Yang not to give her the opportunity to participate in training and growth, and at the same time gave her so many jobs, one after another, all of them were inconspicuous cannon fodder characters, and it was even so coincidental, always It can make her meet a director with a bad temper and questionable character, so that every time she shoots a scene, she will be beaten and humiliated...

Perhaps, Song Xuewei's purpose from the beginning was to make her gradually lose confidence in this kind of blow and humiliation, and thus walk on the path she expected.

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