Listening to these discussions, Song Yan couldn't help but bask in her heart and narrowed her eyes.

She also saw Song Xuewei's eyes just now, she didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, she seemed to look at her, that kind of eyes...

Song Yan squinted her eyes and thought for a while, but she didn't know how to describe it, so she simply gave up thinking about it.

Anyway, every time Song Xuewei appeared in front of her, she could always make some fools, she was almost used to it, and she had nothing to be afraid of.

As soon as Song Yan thought about it, she saw a staff member dressed as an assistant walking towards her in a hurry, and said, "Sister Yan, the director told you to go over and get ready to talk about the show."

Polite titles such as Miss and Mr. are generally not popular in the crew. For more famous and famous artists, most of the staff will politely call them Brother X and Sister X.

If the artist is relatively old and has deep qualifications, the titles of Brother X and Sister X are not applicable. Generally, they will be called Teacher X to express the status and strength of the other party.

However, Song Yan's situation is quite special.

She is neither a well-known entertainer with a coffee position, nor an actor with deep qualifications who can be called a teacher.Rumors about her deep background have been circulating in the production crew. The general staff don't know the truth and dare not offend her rashly.

So before this, Song Yan's name in the crew was unique. Even Xie Yihe would politely call her "Miss Song" when he saw her, and the others followed suit when they saw her, calling "Miss Song" every time. Be polite and polite.

But now, the production team has officially started, so calling it like that would be a bit alienating.

So, the crew didn't know who changed the name first, seeing that Song Yan didn't have any objections, the others followed suit and started calling her Sister Yan.

Of course, Song Yan has no objection to this, it's just a title, it's not what it's called.

It's not like she didn't tell others before that she doesn't have to be so polite, just call her by her name.But the others just smiled after listening to it, nodded happily, and turned their heads, how should they be called or what should they be called.

Song Yan said it once or twice, but if others don't listen, then she has nothing to do, so let's just call it that.

Who doesn't like to be respected and polite?
What's more, she doesn't suffer.

After hearing what the staff said, Song Yan nodded and stood up: "Thank you, I'll go right away."

"Sister Yan, you're being polite." The staff hurriedly said, and didn't dare to rush her, so they turned around and left first.

The costume Song Yan was wearing was thick and long. The skirt was more than two meters long and dragged meanderingly on the ground. The dark red skirt was embroidered with large golden phoenix patterns, which could be seen when stacked together. That kind of gorgeousness and dazzling, one can imagine how extravagant and extravagant the picture will be when the skirt is fully unfolded...

But before that, outside the camera, the long skirt caused Song Yan a lot of trouble.

She didn't want Song Xuewei to have several assistants waiting on her, wishing that someone would carefully hand her a drink to her mouth, and she was alone, with heavy, exaggerated hair and jewelry on her head. Even bending over is very difficult, and it is really a relatively difficult requirement to hold the hem of the skirt without falling to the ground.

There is a long red carpet on the shooting site, all of which are brand new, without any dust at all.It's okay for the skirt of the costume to drag on the ground.

But there are no such good conditions outside the venue.

The studio is full of crude concrete floors, not even a smoother floor. Not to mention the rough texture of the concrete, there are people coming and going all day long. I don’t know how many people have stepped on it. Dirty layer of dust.

It is conceivable that in such a ground condition, dragging the hem of the costume casually to the ground for a few steps, what a tragic appearance it would become...

It’s fine if it’s a one-off costume that can be thrown away once you wear it, but you don’t need to pay so much attention to it.

But the costumes on Song Yan, especially the formal suits for such a big scene, are all tailor-made. Although they are not expensive and good materials, the styles of the clothes are here, and the embroidery patterns on the materials are also unique. It's the real deal.A set of clothes can be as many as five or six pieces, or as few as two or three pieces, plus accessories such as belts, shawls, hand gauze, etc. The cost is definitely not cheap.

Costumes like this need to be shot many times, and the cost is not cheap. Even if the crew doesn't remind them, the actors will pay extra attention when using them.In case the scene is accidentally damaged or dirty before the filming is finished, not only will you have to bear the responsibility, but it will also delay the filming progress of the crew, which will cause dissatisfaction from the director and other actors.

Song Yan was also worried about this, so when she walked all the way to the studio, she carefully supported the skirt with her hands. After entering the studio, she didn't dare to walk around casually before the filming officially started. Cai simply found a place to sit down first, and the skirts were also stacked on his knees, not touching the ground at all.

Now that she was about to get up and go to the director's team, Song Yan supported the gold hairpin and golden crown on her head with one hand, lowered her head carefully and adjusted the hem of the skirt, still holding it in her arms, looking a little strenuous.

The other young actors around looked at her, and Song Yan didn't intend to ask for help. She secretly rejoiced that although this costume was a skirt, it was not hollow after all, and there were matching gauze trousers under the skirt. She lifted the hem of the skirt so that her bare legs would not be exposed.

Otherwise, one pair of legs is bare, but the socks and court shoes in ancient costumes are worn under the feet. They look neither fish nor fowl, ancient or modern. Just think about how intoxicating the picture is...

Although this kind of scene is not uncommon in the filming locations of the crew, especially when filming ancient costume dramas in summer, the stars wear complicated ancient costumes, but they lift up their sleeves and trouser legs carelessly, exposing their bare arms and legs to dissipate heat The appearance can be seen almost everywhere.

It's jittery, but it's the same when you get used to it. It's quite funny and fun.

After all, celebrities are human too, and they also feel human.

It's hard enough to film a film in the summer, you can't let others cool down outside of filming, right?

If you really want to be so hard, you won't be given any breathing room, and it's not something people do.

Song Yan is not hypocritical or anything, she simply thinks that kind of image is a bit embarrassing, it is of course best if it can be avoided, who doesn't want their external image to be better?

What's more, it's not summer now, and there is no external reason to do so.

So I'm more than happy.

Seeing that Song Yan was struggling to hold her skirt, the people next to her looked at me and I looked at you, and it was not that they were eager to help.

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