At that time, if he asked Song Xuewei to talk to her directly, wouldn't it be more convenient than talking on the phone?
He didn't believe that Song Yan still had the guts to refuse!

When Song Liguo thought about it, he immediately made up his mind, and then told Song Xuewei about his plan, and asked her to use whatever method, persuasion, coaxing, even threats and coercion, to make an appointment with Song Yan. Meet him!He has something important to talk to Song Yan face to face!
Song Xuewei's expression twisted after hearing that.

Of course she knew what Song Liguo wanted to talk to Song Yan about.It was just the relationship between Song Yan and Lu Yanchen at the opening banquet.

Song Liguo wanted to find Song Yan to help him get to know Lu Yanchen so that he could benefit from it.

Of course, this interest does not refer to calculating Lu Yanchen.The heirs of the Lu family are not so easy to calculate. No matter how courageous Song Liguo is, he would not dare to use such crooked brains on Tai Sui.

What he thought was actually quite simple.

The Lu family is an unstoppable golden signboard in the shopping mall, and it is also a shining cash cow.

But by such a coincidence, Song Yan and Lu Yanchen were somehow related.So many people at the kick-off banquet witnessed that Song Yan entered Lu Yanchen's lounge, and the two of them stayed there for four to five hours!

Four or five hours...

For such a long time, I have done everything I wanted to do.

All the people present were adults, although they knew that Song Yan and Lu Yanchen were not the only ones in the lounge, but Lu Yanchen's personal secretary was also there.But this does not prevent everyone from having some associations, and even thinking more and more crookedly.

Song Liguo himself was one of those who had a wrong idea.

Although I always feel a little unbelievable in my heart-Song Yan, a down and out girl who was kicked out of the house, how can she have the luck to climb up to Lu Yanchen's level?

Even if it's a pie in the sky... this pie is too big to be scary...

However, doubts remain suspicions, but Song Liguo's mercenary nature has not changed at all, and he immediately thought of taking advantage of this specious relationship to gain as many benefits as he could.

Don't let go even a little bit.

With the weight of the Lu family's gold-lettered signboard, even if it's just side by side, getting a little bit of benefits is enough to benefit Song Liguo a lot.

How could he miss it?
If you want to get some benefits from Lu Yanchen, you have to use Song Yan's matchmaking.

Otherwise, no matter how many calculations are made, it will be useless.

That's why Song Liguo was so anxious to get angry, and tried every means to contact Song Yan and ask her out to meet.

He himself still knows what to do.Song Yan doesn't even have a good impression of him now.

It can even be said that he is not regarded as his father...

And what Song Liguo wanted to talk to her about was this kind of profit-calculating matter.

If we sit down and talk face to face, maybe there is still a little hope of success.

But if it's just talking on the phone, then there's probably nothing to say, Song Yan won't listen to him at all.

This point can only be seen when Song Liguo calls her and she hangs up as soon as she hears it.

She will not save face for Song Liguo.Anyway, through the phone, even if Song Liguo was so angry that he jumped and scolded his mother, she couldn't hear him.

What's more, the things Song Liguo wanted to talk about also needed to be kept secret. After all, it was not safe to talk on the phone. If someone overheard, who knew if it would cause trouble.

Song Liguo was still very cautious. He was in a hurry to call Song Yan before, but he just wanted to urge her to come out and meet.The so-called business is not mentioned a word.

It's a pity that Song Yan refused to answer the phone, and even blocked Song Xuewei's number.

While Song Liguo was furious, after much deliberation, it would be safer for Song Xuewei to go find her in person, without worrying about anything going wrong.

But this is just Song Liguo's own idea.

Song Xuewei didn't want to take this line at all.

She knew that Song Liguo wanted to cling to Lu Yanchen through Song Yan, but because she knew that, she was even more reluctant to meet Song Yan for Song Liguo.

In case she really asks Song Yan out, Song Yan also agrees to Song Liguo's request to match him with Lu Yanchen...

Song Liguo is satisfied, so... what about Song Yan?

Song Yan's role in it cannot be replaced.As long as she knows Lu Yanchen, only she can lead this thread to build this bridge, whether she likes it or not depends entirely on her mood.

Song Liguo was anxious to establish a relationship with Lu Yanchen. With his character, he might even establish a good relationship with Song Yan for this matter, and even go out of his way to curry favor with her...

If so—

Song Xuewei's face was contorted, and a trace of hostility flashed in her eyes.

— If so, what is she?
Could it be that she, like Song Liguo, bowed her head and apologized to that bitch Song Yan in order to take some advantage of the Lu family? !
No.Don't even kill her.

When Song Yan was in the Song family, she had already lost enough to smile.

She spent so much time and effort to get to where she is today. She can step on Song Yan's head unscrupulously. Why in the end, she has to step on Song Yan because of a sudden appearance of the heir of the Lu family who has already been stepped on by her? Song Yan who went down to flatter and apologize? !
The more Song Xuewei thought about it, she couldn't be reconciled, her originally beautiful and pure facial features became ferocious, and there was a fierce gleam in her clear eyes.

But she quickly restrained her emotions again.

Just listening to Song Liguo's commanding tone, he knew that he would not allow rejection, and he had to agree if he didn't agree.

Of course Song Xuewei would not be so stupid as to contradict him face to face, no matter what she thought in her heart, at least on the surface she obediently agreed, and she even said a few nice words, which made Song Liguo's livid face soften a bit .

That seemed to be the deal.

Song Xuewei agreed readily, but she knew what she actually thought in her heart...

On the first day the crew started, Song Liguo urged her to go and talk to Song Yan.

But unfortunately, Song Xuewei had other announcements to make that day, so she procrastinated intentionally or unintentionally. By the time she arrived at the crew to report, it was already five or six o'clock in the afternoon.

At that time, even the artists who were forced to stay by the assistant director to work overtime and take pictures all returned home, not to mention that Song Yan received a call from Lu Yanchen and learned that Xiaotuanzi had a fever, so she was so anxious that she didn't even put on makeup Before it was too late, he hurriedly left the crew.

As soon as she left, Song Xuewei came back.Just missed the time.

Although Song Liguo was a little dissatisfied, he didn't say anything because it was only the first day. After all, the days to come were still long.

No matter how impatient he was, he wouldn't even have the patience to wait a day or two longer.

However, it is obviously not acceptable to delay for too long. Song Liguo is not a fool to be fooled. If he finds out that he is deliberately delaying time, Song Xuewei will be unlucky...

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