While her thoughts were chaotic, Song Xuewei unknowingly stopped and stood at the door of the studio, looking at the direction Song Yan was leaving with complicated eyes, without saying a word.

The assistant who was carefully supporting her by her side didn't know what she was thinking, looked at her cold side face with some doubts, and hesitated for a while, wondering if she should remind her.

It's getting late now, and I heard that the director and the others arrived early in the morning. Although Song Xuewei is the leading actress, her reputation is high enough, so it's okay to put on airs once in a while.But today is the first day of the official launch. As the leading actor, it is not good to be late for too long. At least on the surface, you have to put on a professional attitude to avoid being gossiped...

Although the assistant thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to speak rashly.

After all, Song Xuewei is not a good-tempered person in private.

In addition to being able to have a good face in front of fans and the media, the assistants who signed the non-disclosure agreement have always been domineering to them, and they are completely bossed around like their own servants.

Now, seeing that Song Xuewei's face was tense, and she was clearly in a bad mood, the assistant was trembling with fear, and was even more afraid that if he reminded her rashly, he would accidentally touch her, so he became more nervous and hesitated.

The more you do, the more mistakes you will make. If you don't do it, you may still be wrong.

With this in mind, the assistant lowered his head, looked at his nose, nose and heart, and honestly did not say a word.

Song Xuewei would not care what a small assistant beside her was thinking, her mind was still immersed in the urging call Song Liguo made to her last night, and her whole heart was impetuous.

Because she was unwilling to facilitate the meeting between Song Yan and Song Liguo in her heart, she didn't even go back to Song's house these few days, and lived in an apartment outside because of her busy work, and she even spent much less time meeting Su Muchen.

All this is to avoid meeting Song Yan, so that she has reason to delay Song Liguo.

But it can be delayed for a while, but it cannot be delayed for a lifetime.

The day when the production crew officially starts up has been set long ago.Although the focus of Song Liguo's career is not in the entertainment industry, he still holds the shares of Huaxing Company after all, and he is named as a major shareholder. If he really wants to know, he can't hide such things from him at all.

The reason why Song Liguo didn't hurry to urge her was because he was waiting for the day when it would start up.No matter how reluctant Song Xuewei was, she had no reason not to come, and meeting Song Yan was unavoidable.

Song Xuewei felt irritable when she thought of this, and when she thought about the costume of Song Yan she saw just now, that kind of beauty that seemed to sting people's eyes, even she subconsciously held her breath for a moment... the resentment and unwillingness in her heart It became more and more intense.

Song Yan... Song Yan... Song Yan!
This name is like two sharp knives, piercing back and forth in the heart, leaving a bloody mess; it is also like two hot coals, burning hard on the heart, with a sound of "Zi--", the flesh and blood are covered with blood. It was scorched and stinky.

bone-biting pain

Song Xuewei chewed the name fiercely, and her eyes were even more sinister and angry. After all, she lost all reason. She took a deep breath, pressed her emotions back to the bottom of her heart, and said coldly: "Let's go."

The assistant breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and hurriedly helped her into the studio, and the other people who followed behind with their skirts and bags followed quickly.


It's not that Song Yan didn't feel the maggot-like eyes behind her, piercing her back like poisonous thorns, making it hard for her to ignore it.

She also knew who this look came from——

Except for Song Xuewei who was full of hostility towards her, there probably would be no one else.

Song Yan snorted coldly in her heart, and went straight into the studio without turning her head to pay attention to her.

The studio is already buzzing with people.

The magnificent hall landscaping is built at the innermost end of the shed, and all kinds of decorations have been prepared. Even the copper crane-shaped lamp holders in the corner of the hall are placed with real candles, each with a small candle. The child's arm is thick, and there are hundreds of them densely packed. Although they have not been lit yet, just looking at the number, it is not difficult to imagine the scene of the hall being brightly lit after all the candles are lit.

[-]% restored real scene.

It really is... a big deal...

Although candles can be used for lighting, everyone knows that their lighting effects are not very good.

Especially in such a large and empty studio, let alone hundreds of candles, even if thousands of candles are lit together, I am afraid that there is no way to fully illuminate the shooting scene in the studio.

In addition, candles are consumables, and the loss is quite high if you use one batch to replace another batch. It is far less energy-saving and convenient than light bulbs, and it even poses a fire hazard... You know, the shooting scenes set up in the studio are very expensive. Some of them are built with cheap, light, flammable and inferior materials. Looking at the thick and solid walls, they may actually be a layer of foam wood and paint. If they are slightly scalded by the flames, they may directly ignite.

Therefore, when filming in a studio, few crews actually use lit candles, and most of them use simulated electric candles instead.Even if there is a close-up lens that must be used, there are at most a few or a dozen candles. It is too rare to use hundreds of candles together. It is not only a waste of money, but also highly dangerous.

In case any candle is not placed properly, or someone accidentally touches it, sparks are splashed out, and there are flammable and combustible materials everywhere in the studio, the safety hazard of personnel is no joke.

Song Yan glanced at the nicely arranged piles of candles, and then looked to the side, and saw a staff member standing with several people in fireproof suits, bowing their heads and saying this, in a corner not far from her feet There are also seven/eight brand new fire extinguishers, obviously prepared for fire prevention.

Every crew has such measures, but it's not as strict as the crew of "Imperial Power".

As Song Yan saw with a glance, there were security guards in fire-proof suits standing in the four corners of the studio, and there were staff around them explaining to them. Don't worry, if there are any hidden dangers, just take precautions in advance.

However, these are not things that Song Yan needs to worry about. She has no choice but to do her best and take filming seriously. Other things will naturally have professional people to worry about.

So Song Yan didn't look too much, she glanced at it casually and then looked away. Not far from the director's group, several lighting engineers were stepping on high scaffolding, looking at a few lights hanging on the ceiling. Make adjustments.

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