However, before Song Liguo could be happy and excited, he heard a "click", and the phone that was connected just now was hung up.


The corners of Song Liguo's slightly raised lips froze immediately.

Song Xuewei stood there with her mobile phone, feeling a kind of embarrassment and embarrassment.

She secretly raised the corner of her eyes to glance at Song Liguo, only to see that his entire face had become extremely sinister, the corners of his mouth were stiffened, and even his eyes had become fierce, which made people shudder.

"Fight again!" Song Liguo gasped and gritted his teeth.

"..." Song Xuewei was taken aback, quickly pressed the number to replay, and continued to turn on the speakerphone.

Then, "Beep, beep—beep!"

The phone was hung up again, faster than before.

It was obvious that Song Yan didn't want to pick it up.

Song Xuewei frowned, feeling annoyed.

When had she been treated like this?Being hung up on the phone twice and three times?
Especially the object is Song Yan, whom she loathes and disdains.The feeling of annoyance deepened.

So why not Song Liguo?

I thought that Song Yan just refused to answer her call, but she didn't expect that she wouldn't even answer Song Xuewei's call.He couldn't even get in touch, so how could he ask her to come out to meet her?
Damn little bastard, she just wanted to make him unhappy!
Song Liguo thought bitterly, and ordered Song Xuewei: "Keep calling! Call until she answers the phone!"

I hung up on the phone once or twice, knowing that the other party didn't want to answer, but continued to call with the cheek.

Song Xuewei's face distorted slightly, then returned to a slightly stiff look in an instant, she nodded obediently, and continued to call Song Yan.

Once, twice, three times...five times...

All hang up without exception.

Hanging up again and again, Song Xuewei also called again and again.

Song Liguo's complexion became more and more ugly, and his whole face was full of the smell of the mountain and the rain.

Finally, when Song Xuewei made the eighth call, Song Yan on the other end of the communication seemed to finally feel impatient.

She didn't answer the phone, but directly dragged Song Xuewei's number into the blacklist, completely refusing to listen.

The long-lasting "beep" sound on the phone was finally replaced by a systematic human voice reminder.


Song Xuewei stood stiffly, and her scalp began to feel numb following the system prompts broadcast over and over again on her mobile phone.

The study room suddenly became strangely quiet, except for the reminder sound of the mobile phone, the sound of breathing and heartbeat could almost be heard.

Song Xuewei secretly glanced at Song Liguo's face at the desk.

The already gloomy old face was already ugly and couldn't be more ugly, the oily nostrils fluttered slightly, and the veins on the forehead stood out uncontrollably, jumping wildly.

His whole face was tense, like a rough mask carved from elm wood, the curve of the stiff mouth became slightly distorted, and there was a scalp-numbing cold light in his eyes, which was gloomy and terrifying.

Rao Song Xuewei thinks that she is not a coward, and she has seen Song Liguo get angry many times, but there has never been a time as terrifying as this one. When she glanced at it, the goosebumps on the back of her arms almost stood up. Standing up, subconsciously averted his eyes.

Song Yan even blocked her number, obviously she just didn't want to contact her.

Song Xuewei couldn't help it, she couldn't think of an idea for a while, so she just kept her head down and didn't speak, so as not to get burned.

Ever since Song Yan left the Song family, her home alone has been unstable.

Because it is a rented house, it will be replaced from time to time.

Be it Song Liguo or Song Xuewei, of course they didn't care so much about where she lived.I don't care for a while, and soon lost track of Song Yan.

As time passed, Song Liguo simply didn't care about it.

Anyway, he just needs to make sure that Song Yan is still alive under his nose, and that she didn't suddenly disappear without a trace.It doesn't matter to him whether she lives in a rented house or under a bridge hole.He also didn't want to waste his time.

In the first three years, Song Yan has been living in no fixed place, and it has almost become a habit to change.

Knowing that more than two years ago, after Song Yan signed a contract with Huaxing Entertainment Company, she moved into the single dormitory prepared by the company for newcomers, so she barely settled down.

At that time, Song Xuewei hadn't followed up with the company to sabotage, and Song Yan was still highly valued by her manager, Meng Yang.

In order to build a good relationship with the newcomer who just signed in, after learning that Song Yan did not have a stable residence, Meng Yang took the initiative to help her apply for a single dormitory from the company.

Although the area is a bit small, it is free and the conditions are good.

Song Yan lived in that small apartment for more than two years, and a lot of things happened during that period. Because of Song Xuewei's instigation, Meng Yang wanted to kick her out, but Song Yan took the company The terms were met in an orderly manner.Meng Yang probably felt that an old and dilapidated house was not worth fighting, so he didn't bother to worry about it.

Song Yan just stayed like this.

It would have been easier if she had been living in the dormitory arranged by the company.

Both Song Xuewei and Song Liguo couldn't get through to her phone number, so at worst, they could just send someone to the old apartment to find her.

But rather...

Song Xuewei just got the news from Meng Yang not long ago, saying that Song Yan suddenly moved out of the dormitory, and she didn't know where she lived, and she couldn't find out her new address.

Coupled with the fact that the film crew is about to start, Song Yan basically doesn't go to the company to report now, and she has no other work on her body, so she is as if she has evaporated from the world.

Apart from the phone, there was no other way of contacting him.

Not to mention finding her in person.

Song Xuewei was worried that Song Lihui would force her to find someone. After the call failed, she didn't dare to talk nonsense, so she just stood obediently with her head down.Song Liguo didn't speak, and she would never interrupt indiscriminately, so as not to cause trouble for the upper body.

However, Song Liguo was not as irrational as Song Xuewei thought.

After the opening banquet, he saw Song Yan and Lu Yanchen leave together.

Although it is not clear what the relationship between them is, Song Liguo has an inexplicable intuition that Song Yan's sudden move out of the staff dormitory may have something to do with Lu Yanchen...

If so, look no further.

How could it be so easy to find out the person Lu Yanchen personally took away?At best it was a waste of effort.

But Song Liguo is not stupid.

If this path doesn't work, there is naturally another path.

He quickly thought of the fact that Song Xuewei and Song Yan were filming in the same crew.

It doesn't matter if Song Yan doesn't answer the phone, and it doesn't matter if she disappears.

She will definitely come out when the crew officially starts the film.

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