Apart from snatching Su Muchen away and driving Song Yan out of the Song family, what Song Xuewei wants more is to knock her down into the abyss and never get up again.

At this point, the existence of Su Muchen actually has little effect.

For Song Yan, once she gives up her mind, anyone or anything will become a thing of the past. Not only will it not cause her any mood swings, but it will only make her disgusted and impatient, and she doesn't even want to look at it.

This person Su Muchen is now in the past tense.

Her attitude has always been very obvious, and she hardly bothered to pretend. Su Muchen actually felt it, but for some reason, the more disgusted and impatient Song Yan became, the more her attitude became different...

But Song Xuewei still didn't give up, she always wanted to use Su Muchen's old stories to stimulate Song Yan, but she was often frightened by Su Muchen's reaction, which made Song Yan feel unhappy in the end, and she herself didn't seem to care much about it. Happy.

Normal people would not do the stupid thing of killing eight hundred enemies and harming one thousand.

But Song Xuewei is still enjoying it...

Even if Song Yan couldn't guess all of what was going on in her mind, she could probably guess seven or eight points.Just because she could guess, she found it ironic and ridiculous.

Song Xuewei is really disgusting and pathetic...

Surrounding me like a lingering fly, it can't be driven away or killed, and it will jump out from time to time to be disgusting, and it's so difficult to turn a blind eye.

Especially right now, they are going to be filming in the same crew, and the days of seeing each other without looking up are still long.

Song Yan glanced sideways at the scene where Song Xuewei was coming from afar, then turned her gaze away, and walked straight into the studio.

At this time, among the assistants beside Song Xuewei, someone had already seen her.

Song Xuewei was looking down at her phone and didn't notice the situation around her. The assistant who was carefully holding her arm suddenly called out in a low voice, "That person... seems to be Song Yan?"

Except in front of a few people who need to pretend, Song Xuewei has never concealed her dislike for Song Yan to other people around her.

She opened her own studio and became the boss. In order to please her boss, the people below naturally wanted to figure out what she wanted, so they also joined forces with the enemy. Some assistants even inquired about Song Yan's situation specifically, and they were familiar with her.

Although Song Yan is now dressed as a noble concubine in the script, with heavy makeup on her face, which is quite different from her usual plain-faced daily attire, but her appearance itself is very iconic, and there are few in the entire entertainment circle. A person as eye-catching as her stands out from the crowd, she is extremely beautiful and eye-catching.

Song Xuewei's assistant recognized her at a glance, but seemed a little unbelievable, and couldn't help muttering softly.

Song Xuewei heard her muttering, raised her head all of a sudden, frowned and looked at her coldly, "Who are you talking about?"

"Uh, I mean...Song Yan." The assistant was stunned by her cold eyes, stammered a few times, and hurriedly explained, "Just now I saw someone standing over there doing something. The woman in the shape looks a bit like Song Yan, but I can't be sure, so... I just muttered..."

It's not that I'm not sure, but I can't believe it.

The assistant had met Song Yan a few times before, but the impression of those few times was not very good.

Song Yan basically doesn't wear makeup when she's not filming, she likes to go out with a plain face, her hair is tied up casually, sometimes she wears glasses or a hat, and she also wears ordinary tops and jeans.

Such a fucking dress, even though she has a very beautiful face, has been weakened to only seven points.

Although she is still a beauty, she will occasionally be approached when walking on the street, but there is still a big gap between her dressed up and her eyes reddened... There is still a big gap.

It would be an exaggeration to say that both of them are the same...

There was even one time when the assistant followed Song Xuewei to the set and ran into Song Yan who had just finished filming a scene.

Her hair was disheveled and her face was disheveled. She was wearing a tattered gray dress, her face was bruised and purple, and her eyelids were still swollen. She looked as if she had been severely beaten.

Although it was due to the special effects makeup, but how shabby and shabby that look is, it can be described as horrible.

Compared with the goddess-like woman who was standing at the entrance of the studio just now, the assistant's eyes couldn't help twitching, and suddenly wondered if there was something wrong with her eyes, and she recognized the wrong person?

Song Xuewei did not ignore the lingering amazement in the assistant's eyes. She was in a gloomy and unhappy mood early in the morning, but now it was even worse.

Ever since Song Yan got the role of the second female lead in "Imperial Power", and appeared in a very expensive gown at the opening ceremony, her mood has been bad and gloomy, and she never got better.

After returning from the opening ceremony that day, Song Xuewei was so angry that she smashed a whole row of cosmetics. She finally calmed down a little, but was called into the study by Song Liguo.

She originally thought that her father had something important to discuss with her, and hurriedly cleaned up the mess, but who knew that after entering the study, Song Liguo didn't ask her a single word, and the first thing he said was Song Yan.

"Xuewei, call Song Yan for Dad, ask her out for dinner, and say that I have something important to talk to her face to face, the sooner the better!"

When Song Liguo said this, his face was very strange, a little embarrassed and embarrassing, his face was slightly flushed, his eyes were frighteningly bright, and there was a strange light, like a hungry wolf that smelled blood and couldn't wait. It's like wanting to drink blood like a hair.

And the tone of his speech was straightforward, and the words he used seemed gentle, but there was no room for people to refuse.

Song Xuewei thought to herself, when she heard this, her face must have been very ugly.

She couldn't even make a smirk, so she could only hold back the curvature of her mouth, trying to refuse with a stiff face.

Of course, she knew Song Liguo's character, and she never liked others to defy her, so she didn't refuse directly, but made an excuse tactfully, and put the reason on Song Yan.

Song Xuewei pretended to be helpless and said: "Father, you also know my sister's temperament. She has always disliked me and hated me for taking away Brother Muchen. Why would she still answer my phone? I don't even have her contact information. How do you call her?"

She said that she was helpless and careful, her tone was also soft, it sounded like she contained countless grievances, if it wasn't for the rigid expression on her face, she would have said it as if it was true.

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