This is also Song Xuewei's usual habit of speaking, especially in front of Song Liguo and Su Muchen.

Thanks to her mother Li Huilan, she learned how to figure out a man's mind when she was very young. After so many years, she has already figured out the personalities and preferences of Song Liguo and Su Muchen, and she can pretend to be in front of them without any pressure. The look they like, and they can even switch at any time.

For example, Song Liguo.

He is a typical male chauvinist, just for his own use, arrogant and selfish, and has a strong desire to control.The daughter he likes is well-behaved and sensible, preferably weak and useless, who can be completely controlled by him, does not resist, does not make trouble, grows up beautifully, and then is married off by him as a tool for marriage. good.

This is the appearance of the most ideal daughter in Song Liguo's mind.

That's why he hates Song Yan so much.

Because Song Yan is stubborn and strong, and refuses to be disciplined.There are too many ego ideas, and many of them are against him.

What Song Liguo hates the most in his life is when someone resists his decision, and what he hates most is when someone sweeps his face.However, Song Yan resisted his control more than once, and caused the scandal of being pregnant out of marriage, which made him lose face and embarrass himself so that everyone in the wealthy circle knew about it...

How could Song Liguo not hate Song Yan?

He wished he had never given birth to this daughter.

Kicking Song Yan out of the house, severing ties, secretly supporting Li Huilan's mother and daughter to suppress her into the police station, and carrying the stigma of trouble and theft, Song Liguo didn't even hesitate or waver.

Because to him, a daughter who is rebellious and cannot be firmly controlled by him has no value at all.

It's better to just give it up, so as not to waste his time and lose his face.

If it was a son, Song Liguo might discipline him well because of the issue of inheriting the family business until the son is obedient.But the daughter is different.

A daughter is not as important as a son. The only value is that she will marry the Song family after she grows up.

Song Liguo never thought of leaving his hard-earned family business to a daughter.

Even Song Xuewei, whom he loves a lot on the surface, is no exception.

When Song Yan's biological mother was still alive, her health was not good. After giving birth to Song Yan, she hurt her body again. The doctor made it clear that she would never be able to conceive again.

It was because Song Liguo was unwilling to have a son in the future that he cheated on Li Huilan and had an affair with her for many years.

In the end, I don't know whether it was his bad luck or Li Huilan's health. After giving birth to the illegitimate daughter Song Xuewei, she never got pregnant again.

But Li Huilan is also smart, after all, she is a mistress for others, and there are still many ways to please men. After serving Song Liguo comfortably, after more than ten years, she can be regarded as having some affection.

So later, after Song Yan's biological mother died of illness, even though Li Huilan also did not give birth to a son, Song Liguo took her and Song Xuewei into the gate of the Song family for the sake of the previous affection, which can be regarded as giving them titles.

However, it's just a title.

It is normal for a man who has cheated once to cheat a second time or a third time....

What's more, Song Liguo never gave up the idea of ​​having a son.

If he could not have a son of his own blood to inherit the Song Group, which he had worked so hard to establish by stepping on the bones of his ex-wife, with a huge fortune of hundreds of millions, how could Song Liguo be reconciled?

So even after Li Huilan's mother and daughter came into the house, Song Liguo did not take care of other women and mistresses outside, and the number was even more than when Song Yan's mother was alive before, and they would have to change a group every five days...

no way.Who made Song Liguo look younger and younger now?

If it were more than ten years ago, he was young and vigorous, and he was not in a hurry about his son. Of course, he could only take care of Li Huilan, a mistress, and talk about love.

But it is different now, he is already in his 40s, and will soon approach the 50-year-old mark, and some of his peers have even become grandpas and grandpas!

His physical fitness has been declining year by year, and every year is no different. If he is not in a hurry to give birth to a son, he will probably have no son to die in this life, and the life of his children and grandchildren will be cut off.

Don't look at Song Liguo's serious and upright face on the surface, but in fact, he is as anxious as his butt on fire.

If it wasn't for his unbearable physical fitness, he would have wished to be a bridegroom every night and be so flirtatious to this extent... But it was not for the enjoyment of falling in love with those young and beautiful women, but because he was so eager to get them to give him Give birth to a son.

If this one doesn’t work, replace it with another one, if this batch doesn’t work, then replace it with another batch...

The purpose is very strong.

Especially after Song Yan was kicked out of the house, no one in the Song family dared to defy him.Li Huilan and Song Xuewei's mother and daughter also had ulterior motives, and naturally they would not easily offend him. Song Liguo's various behaviors of finding women outside to have a son became more and more unscrupulous, and many times he even did not hide it at all.

If it were an ordinary woman, she would probably explode with anger when she met a husband like scumbag.

But Li Huilan didn't.Not only was she not angry, but she was very calm.

Even Song Xuewei knew Song Liguo's plan to have a son to inherit the family business, and Li Huilan, as Song Liguo's bedside person, was even more aware of this.

However, the mother and daughter did not say a word about it.No noise or trouble, just as if you don't know what to do.

This is not because they are weak and dare not argue with Song Liguo.It wasn't because they valued Song Liguo so much that they couldn't bear to quarrel with him.

It took Li Huilan so much time and effort to finally become Mrs. Song from a mistress. Of course, it was not because of her status as a wife, nor because of Song Liguo's self-righteous feelings, but because of the property of the Song family.

Only formal couples recognized by the law are eligible to share each other's property, and what mistresses and mistresses can always get is a small amount.Li Huilan knew this very well.

She took great pains to grab the position of Mrs. Song, so naturally she couldn't tolerate being caught up from behind.In addition, she is a mistress herself, so she has long since given up hope for men's loyalty, and her tolerance is higher than that of ordinary women. As long as her wife's status and bottom line are not endangered, she can tolerate anything, and Can bear it.

Li Huilan was well aware of Song Liguo's prostitution and finding a woman to have a son outside, but she just watched and did not intervene.Because until now, none of the women Song Liguo had found could conceive a child.

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