What's more, Su Muchen is still a man, a man who thinks he is gentle and refined.

This kind of man is actually the best to deal with.Because he is too easy to soften his heart, when others put on a show in front of him for a while, pretending to be pitiful and innocent, he can't be ruthless, and after a long time, he will naturally be shaken.

What's more, Song Xuewei is such a person who knows how to act. When she knew how to endure, she could even spend several years creating a false image.Although she couldn't fool Song Yan, who lived with her in the Song family, it couldn't be easier to fool Su Muchen, who had a soft heart.

So later, things went according to her expectations.

Song Yan fell into a trap and couldn't argue with her.

However, Su Muchen, under her disguise day after day, gradually leaned towards her, and even selectively forgot the reason why he hated illegitimate children in the first place. came together.

When Song Yan thought of these things, the sadness and pain she had had had gradually faded away, leaving only a cold disgust and rejection.

After getting rid of emotional prejudice, she can gradually judge those old things rationally.

Then, she finally understood.

In fact, there are not so many difficulties and excuses, nor are there so many misunderstandings and calculations.

Su Muchen would choose to betray their relationship when she was in trouble and stay with Song Xuewei, but in the final analysis, it was just because he had a change of heart.

It's such a simple reason, but Su Muchen refused to admit it from the very beginning.

And Song Yan herself...doesn't want to believe it either.

So they each looked for reasons, trying to use a good-looking excuse to cover up the ugly facts.

Su Muchen didn't want to admit his cowardice and change of heart, so he put the blame on Song Yan, accusing Song Yan of being sorry for him first, and using such an excuse to clean himself up, so that he could feel at ease.

Song Yan is not as despicable as him, but her actions are actually the same as his.

At the beginning, she was unwilling to believe that Su Muchen had changed his mind, and even rejected thinking about it.

However, she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, and she couldn't accept the excuses Su Muchen made to justify himself.

But things have happened, and everyone needs a reason to explain, to make themselves feel at ease.

Song Yan is no exception.

Just like those women who are unhappy in their marriages, when facing their cheating husbands, the first thing that comes to mind may not be how caring their husbands are, but they will resent the women outside very much, thinking that they are all seduced by vixen outside, and their husbands will betray themselves.

But to put it bluntly, this is actually a reason for self-deception.

Because those women do not want to admit that their husbands have changed their minds, they subconsciously shift their faults and responsibilities to the little/san and vixen outside, thus ignoring the problems of their husbands themselves.

It's certainly wrong for Xiao San to destroy other people's families, but as the saying goes, flies don't bite seamless eggs.

If their husbands are clean enough and don't give other women the chance to get close at all, then maybe even the reincarnation of a real thousand-year-old fairy won't be able to catch their hearts, right?

It's just one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer.

When women face major emotional trauma, because of emotional prejudice, they will always subconsciously protect their loved ones more.

The same cheating and betrayal, they would rather spend a lot of effort and energy to hit the mistress, but they are not willing to raise their hands and slap their husband or boyfriend hard.Because they have love in their hearts, they can't do it, and they are more subconsciously unwilling to admit it.

Even Song Yan... once fell into such a vicious circle.

Abandoned and betrayed by Su Muchen, she clearly realized in her heart that her fiancé had changed his mind.

But he didn't want to accept it right away,

She found many excuses and reasons for Su Muchen.

At first, he thought he was being deceived and misunderstood her innocence, so he did something impulsive in a fit of anger.

So Song Yan racked her brains to explain to him, hoping to resolve the misunderstanding between them and get back together.

But in the end, Su Muchen was unmoved, and instead she... willingly sent it up to humiliate others time and time again.After being so embarrassed, he finally realized that Su Muchen didn't need her explanation at all.

Her so-called "clearing the misunderstanding" was a trouble that he couldn't get rid of.Because he didn't care about the truth at all, so how could he care about her explanation?
From the beginning to the end, Su Muchen only believed in the facts he saw, not because he really believed in himself, but because he needed such "facts" to clear himself up and prove that he was not a man who would change his heart .

Soo-yeon was going in the wrong direction from the beginning, and the more she did, the more mistakes she made.She didn't even understand what Su Muchen was really thinking, so how could she "reconcile" with him.

It's ridiculous isn't it?
When she finally understood, she was already covered in bruises.

It was at this time that my heart started to become colder a little bit.

But she still didn't give up completely.

Ever since she was a child, Song Yan has always been a stubborn character. She doesn't know how to look back until she hits the south wall and bleeds.

This is the case with the issue of the stepmother and Xiaosan, so he did not hesitate to turn his face with Song Liguo;
The same is true when it comes to his own relationship issues, and it was only in the end that Song Xuewei stepped on her to take over.

Because of her character, Song Yan suffered a lot of losses, big and small, but she couldn't get rid of it.If she really changed her character and persistence, then maybe...she would no longer be herself.

After finally discovering the reason for Su Muchen's refusal to accept an explanation, Song Yan was still subconsciously unwilling to believe that he had changed his mind on his own initiative, so she stepped into the same vicious circle as those sad women who felt sorry for themselves, thinking it was a third party. Song Xuewei played tricks behind her back, which made Su Muchen leave her in the end.

It's not wrong for Song Xuewei to think so.Because of the things that Song Yan suspected, she had indeed done them secretly, even more than Song Yan imagined.

But this cannot conceal the fault of Su Muchen's derailment.

Neither of them are good things.

One is eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, and the other is taking pains to snatch other people's things. Both of them have problems, so it can be regarded as what kind of pot goes with what cover.

It's just that Song Yan in the past was influenced by her own prejudice, and attributed more faults to Song Xuewei, but intentionally or unintentionally ignored Su Muchen's role in it. Sometimes I can't help but want to fight against Song Xuewei.

And Song Xuewei herself never thought of simply letting her go...

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