No one knows this better than Song Yan.

Song Xuewei is not considered the top entertainer in the entertainment circle, but she is one of the biggest and most flamboyant people in the entire circle with her pomp and style.

Even the international actress who has won three consecutive championships may not be as powerful as her.

There are bodyguards following the whole trip, the model of the nanny car is a fully customized well-known luxury car, there is its own dedicated styling team and queen make-up artist, and there are eight or nine assistants around.

What's even more exaggerated is that when she joined the filming set, she brought two private chefs with her, one specialized in Western food and the other in Chinese food. Fresh ingredients were delivered to the film crew every day, the reason being that she was a delicate young lady. It's expensive, and you can't eat food bought outside. It must be made by your own chef. She doesn't eat even the food that has been left for a while, because she thinks it is not fresh...

This kind of pretentiousness is very ostentatious, and there is really no second one in the entire entertainment circle.

Song Yan had never filmed in the same crew as Song Xuewei before. Although she knew she liked to play big names, she didn't expect her to exaggerate to such an extent...

Even the lounge that the crew arranged for her to rest temporarily, the furniture was sent by her specially. There are sofas, TVs, beds, and even the mattresses are custom-made by someone. The reason is that Song Xuewei said that she recognizes the bed. If you don't sleep well, you don't have the energy to film well, so you can only bring a mattress here...

They have reached this level. Song Xuewei usually doesn't live in the film crew, and the rest room is only used for temporary rest. She usually either goes home or lives in a star hotel next to the film and television city, which opens a presidential suite.

The workers in the crew often complained and complained about her ladylike style in private, but they still didn't dare to say anything on the surface.

The director Xie Yihe had just had an unpleasant fight with Song Xuewei over the issue of the second female lead role. She made such a fuss because she deliberately made the director unhappy.

Xie Yihe told her about her once, seeing her upright look, it was obvious that she refused to do it, so he didn't bother to talk about it anymore.

Whatever she does, as long as it doesn't delay the crew's filming, Xie Yihe doesn't really care.

It's just that the staff are unlucky, they have to be ordered around by this young lady from time to time, and there is no place to vent their pent-up grievances, so in the end they can only complain in private that Song Xuewei has so many assistants who are not enough to order them around, and she has to order them around , I am afraid that this is not a ninth-level disabled person, who has to be fed into his mouth when he eats, right?

After Song Yan learned about it, she was speechless. She couldn't believe that Song Xuewei could do such a weird thing.

She used to be a very smooth and sophisticated person, who knew how to figure out people's hearts.

Although Song Yan didn't like her, and even hated her, she had to admit that Song Xuewei was much smarter than her in winning people's hearts and being likable.

As long as she wants, she can even make everyone like her.

Even if you don't particularly like it, at least you don't dislike it.

Because she is very good at disguising, using a cute and harmless appearance to get close to the person she wants to get close to, and then watching the situation, little by little, she changes herself into an appearance that everyone is satisfied with.

Whether it's for Song Liguo or Su Muchen, she always does this.

Moreover, they all succeeded.

Song Liguo used to treat her only averagely, but he only loved her for the sake of her mother, but now he has become a real loving father, everyone before and after treats her extremely well, just like the apple of his eye. .

Su Muchen is even more so.

He was originally the young master of the Su family. He was born in the royal family, so he naturally disliked and disliked illegitimate children.

Because the Su family itself is not very peaceful.

His father, the Patriarch of the Su family, also had quite a few illegitimate children outside, and even brought home two of his favorite illegitimate children, raising them under the noses of Su Muchen and his mother, giving them to them from time to time. The mother and son are looking for some trouble.

Now that Su Muchen has grown up, the two illegitimate children have also grown up, and they have developed ambitions, wanting to snatch the inheritance right from him, which is very disgusting.

Fortunately, Patriarch Su is quite clear-headed. He knows that loving illegitimate children is one thing, but giving them the right to inherit is another. Su Muchen is his only legitimate child, and his skills are not bad. If it is necessary, he does not want to take it easy. Change heirs.

Therefore, in order to prevent family strife and disputes, Patriarch Su pampered his illegitimate children while suppressing their ambitions, not allowing them to fight without authorization, and if there were violations, he would be merciless in rectifying them...

It can be said to be quite scumbag.

He didn't see himself as a father at all.

But on the other hand, if it weren't for Patriarch Su's strength and scum, Su Muchen's position in the family and company would not be as stable as it is now.

Although his abilities and methods are not bad, they are only good, and there is still a long way to go before they are superior.

Not to mention compared with a natural business genius like Lu Yanshen, even compared with his father, Patriarch Su, or Song Liguo, he is not as good.

He was originally very similar to Song Yan.

Similar origins, similar families, similar experiences.

That's why the two people came together at the beginning. Although they like each other, they can understand each other more. After so many years as childhood sweethearts, becoming a couple and getting engaged is a matter of course.

But the difference is that Song Yan's biological mother passed away early, so she could not occupy the position of Mrs. Song to protect her all the time. Instead, she was caught up by the mistress.

But Su Muchen was luckier. His mother is still alive and well, and she is also very smart. Under the aggressiveness of the two illegitimate children and a large group of mistresses outside, she still firmly kept her son's inheritance rights. , not giving an inch.

It is precisely because of such a mother who shelters him from the wind and rain that Su Muchen can grow up contentedly since he was a child. At most, he will be sulked by some illegitimate children, but he will soon be won back by his mother, which means that he has not experienced any difficulties. , It's been smooth sailing.

He couldn't see any darkness and intrigue in his eyes, because his mother had done all the dark things for him.

He grew up like a real prince, elegant, handsome, perfect, and gentle.

Is it different from Song Yan, who grew up with a tougher and sharper personality...

Unlike Song Xuewei's mother and daughter, who Song Yan hated doves occupying the magpie's nest, although Su Muchen didn't like Song Xuewei's illegitimate daughter's background at first, after all, she didn't have such strong personal feelings as Song Yan, so she was easily shaken.

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