Lu Yanchen looked at her in a hurry, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "What are you in a hurry for?"

Song Yan was busy arranging the folds of the dress on her body, and she replied without thinking, "Of course I'm in a hurry, it's not because I missed the time for the banquet..."

"The banquet is over." Lu Yanchen interrupted her, "There's no need to worry."


Song Yan was dumbfounded for a moment, and stopped the busy movements of her hands. She raised her head and looked at him with an incredulous expression, "Then the director and the others..."

Lu Yanchen said, "It's already gone."

The corner of Song Yan's mouth twitched, and she was immediately discouraged. She sat down on the sofa and scratched her hair, "It's over, it's over..."

Lu Yanchen looked amused at her tangled, mournful expression, knowing what she was worried about, so he said calmly, "Don't be nervous, I asked the secretary to ask for leave for you, and the crew won't say anything. "

Song Yan froze for a moment, her eyes lit up with joy, "Really?"

It would be better if I had been on vacation, but it’s not about leaving without saying goodbye.

Lu Yan nodded deeply, "Yes."

Song Yanchang breathed a sigh of relief, and patted her chest. Just after relaxing for a while, she suddenly remembered a question.

She looked at Lu Yanchen with some confusion, "Can you tell me... what reason did you use to ask me for leave?"

With Lu Yan's straight-forward personality, she was afraid that he would ask his secretary to go straight to tell the director that she fell asleep in the reception room, and if she didn't like it, she would attend the banquet...

That would be embarrassing.

Fortunately, Lu Yanchen's EQ is not so low. He can do whatever he wants in his own affairs, and he can be self-willed. That's because he knows that he has this status, and he doesn't need to care too much about others' opinions.

However, Song Yan was different from him. In the entertainment industry, she didn't have the confidence to act willfully and recklessly, so she naturally had to be more tactful in her behavior so as not to offend people too much.

So Lu Yanchen asked the secretary to find an excuse, only saying that Song Yan felt a little unwell temporarily, so she went back to rest first, and would not participate in the next banquet.

Although this reason is a bit perfunctory, at least it makes sense on the surface.And it was Lu Yanchen who personally sent someone to come forward. Even if the people on the production team, including Xie Yihe, knew that the reason was false, they would never expose it rashly.

It's almost enough to open and close your eyes, who hasn't seen it yet?

Song Yan touched her forehead after listening.

Well, perfunctory is perfunctory...

At any rate, there is a cover on the surface to block it, so it doesn't make things too ugly.

While thinking about comforting herself, she was a little depressed at the same time. She couldn't hold back and asked Lu Yanchen: "You have been by the side all the time. Seeing that I overslept, why didn't you call me?"

Song Yan didn't want to complain, but was simply puzzled and puzzled.

She remembered that when she woke up for the first time, Lu Yanchen was still sitting in the same position and did not move. The headlights in the reception room were turned off, leaving only a circle of warm light, which became more prominent. The computer screen in front of him was blindingly bright.

Song Yan could almost see the dense forms and lines on the screen reflected in his dark pupils, which looked extremely cold and complicated.

From this, it can be seen that during the few hours when she accidentally overslept, Lu Yanchen had been working conscientiously on her work, not even changing her sitting or typing posture.

He was clearly by the side, he was also sober, and he knew the progress of the banquet that was separated by a wall outside, but he acted as if he didn't know what to do, and let her oversleep, but he didn't remind her at all.

If he could remind her a little bit, maybe Song Yan wouldn't sleep so deeply, and she wouldn't miss the dinner no matter what.

Could it be because Lu Yanchen was too serious in his work and accidentally ignored the time, that's why he didn't have time to wake her up?

Song Yan thought so, but felt something was wrong.

Because when she just woke up and her consciousness was still hazy, Lu Yanchen discovered it immediately. How did she seem to be concentrating on her work and not caring about foreign affairs?
What's more, even if Lu Yanchen forgot, the secretary would remember, right?

I never reminded her...

Song Yan thought in bewilderment, then looked at Lu Yanchen with puzzled eyes.

Lu Yanchen asked back as a matter of course: "Don't you want to go back to the banquet?"

Then there is no need to go back.

If you have this time, you might as well take a nap, so you don't need to remind me.

"I don't want to go back, but..." Song Yan was dumbfounded for a moment, understanding what Lu Yanchen meant, she couldn't help but roll her eyes secretly.

Forget it.

Anyway, she had already asked for leave and missed the time, so she didn't bother to explain.

So be it!

Song Yan thought to herself a little broken, and waved her hands weakly, "Forget it, everyone is gone, have you finished your work?"

Lu Yan cherished the words like gold and said "um" without saying anything else.

Song Yan took it for granted, and asked him again: "Then I'm going to go back, are you going back to the apartment with me, or do you have other plans?"

She was just asking casually, after all, it was so late, and it was almost time for dinner.

Recently, Lu Yanchen has somehow developed the habit of going to the apartment for dinner, and it is unshakeable. It is like this every day. The more times Song Yan sees her, she gradually gets used to it, and even develops a habit of eating at the apartment for a fixed time. , then subconsciously waited for Lu Yanshen to come back to eat together.

What's even more frightening is that she herself doesn't feel that there is anything wrong...

When the habit was first formed, Song Yan also felt a little uncomfortable. After all, she has been living alone for so many years, and she seldom or even never has the habit of waiting for others to eat together.

But the number of overlaps increased day by day, and the subtle uncomfortable feeling gradually faded a lot.

In addition, there is another small dumpling in it as a buffer, which greatly dilutes the embarrassing feeling. Song Yan intentionally or unintentionally hypnotizes herself not to think too much. After the initial awkward period, her state of mind unexpectedly Weirdly calmed down, from unaccustomed to habit, and then from habit to nature, the whole process didn't take much time.

But now, Song Yan was able to ask Lu Yanchen this question calmly, without any embarrassment or unnaturalness on her face, as if it was just an ordinary greeting.

The same was true for Lu Yanshen, who didn't feel at all that Song Yan was not qualified to handle too many suspicions when she asked this question.

He shook his head slightly, but just said: "There is no rush for this."

Song Yan was taken aback, "Do you want anything else?"

Lu Yan Shen Wenyan looked at her, his eyes were deep and he didn't show any emotion, and his tone was also light, with no clue: "It's not me, it's your business."

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