It was precisely because of this feeling that Song Yan didn't want to participate in such occasions unless it was absolutely necessary, and hid whenever she could.

Before that, Song Yan herself was just a little entertainer, and basically had no chance to participate in formal banquets. At most, it was some private banquets, like the one held by Liu Guangyi before, which made people feel even more uncomfortable.

Her reason was very reasonable, because Lu Yanchen himself felt so.

No matter how high-end and luxurious the banquet was, he could only sum it up in two words - trouble.

Trouble in every sense.

Therefore, he could fully understand Song Yan's reluctance to go back to the banquet, nodded slightly, and agreed, "Yes."

Song Yan was instantly satisfied, her peach blossom eyes narrowed into a smile, her face was full of joy.

Lu Yan took a deep look at her, with a calm expression, and quickly looked away, reaching out to turn on the computer again, as if preparing to continue with the work.

Song Yan wisely didn't bother him anymore, she just nestled into the sofa, feeling extremely comfortable, squinting her eyes, she became more and more satisfied.

Lu Yanchen glanced at her again, lowered her eyes, raised them again, then lowered her eyes...

This was repeated several times.

No matter how dull Song Yan was, she could feel something. She opened her eyes and looked at him in surprise, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Lu Yan replied calmly, and looked away again, focusing on the computer work in front of him.

Song Yan was confused, but she didn't think much about it, she continued to lie on the sofa and daze in a daze.

The reception room became completely silent. With good sound insulation, the bustle and bustle of the banquet hall outside could not be heard at all. It was like another world. You could only hear the subtle clicks of Lu Yanchen tapping the keyboard with his ten fingers when he was processing work documents. Da da sound.

The sound was continuous like drizzle, but it didn't appear to be noisy, on the contrary, it highlighted the quietness of the room.

After listening for a while, Song Yan couldn't help turning her head, and saw Lu Yanchen sitting upright on the sofa, eyes slightly lowered, staring intently at the computer screen, her slender and fair fingers resting on the computer keyboard, quickly Tapping gently, a simple silver ring on the ring finger of the left hand also glowed circles of lustrous luster under the light with the movement.

Song Yan was a little absent-minded, her eyes wandered for a while, and somehow she remembered a joke she had heard somewhere...

Serious men... best looking.

She never felt this way before, but when she saw Lu Yanchen at this moment, she suddenly thought of this sentence in her heart.

Immediately, he couldn't help laughing again, shaking his head secretly in his heart.

Probably crazy?

How can a man like Lu Yanchen be described as good looking?The flowers of Gaoling can't show his temperament.

Like a cold sword made of cold spring ice.

Song Yan was thinking wildly in her mind, listening to the delicate and continuous sound of the keyboard, unconsciously, a sense of drowsiness lingered in her mind.She couldn't help but yawned a little, sleepy water appeared from the corners of her eyes, the eyelashes drooped softly, lower and lower, and finally they were completely attached to the eyelids.

She leaned on the sofa like this, tilted her head slightly, and fell asleep...

Lu Yanshen stopped the work in his hands and looked at her sleeping face quietly, his face was calm and silent, and his eyes were deep.

The sound of light footsteps came suddenly, and Lu Yan came back to his senses, but saw his secretary coming out of the tea room on the side, holding a tray in his hand, and on the tray were a cup of coffee and a cup of fruit tea.

The coffee was a refill prepared for Lu Yanchen. It was strong and bitter, with a mellow and astringent aroma.

And the fruit tea with bright color and attractive sweet and sour aroma is undoubtedly prepared for Song Yan.

Too bad it's no longer available...

The secretary had just been in the tea room preparing drinks, but as soon as he came out, he received Lu Yan's silent eyes and stopped in his tracks.

Immediately after seeing Song Yan who was sleeping on the sofa, a flash of understanding flashed in the secretary's eyes, and he wisely did not approach to disturb, but returned to the tea room with the drink tray, but this time, he did not rush out again up.

The tea room is set up in the corner of the reception room, separated by a small door, which becomes an independent space after closing. It was originally prepared for serving distinguished guests, but it is convenient for the secretary at this moment.

In the huge reception room, only Song Yan and Lu Yanchen were left.

The atmosphere became more quiet and peaceful.

The subsequent sound of keyboard tapping, accompanied by the woman's shallow breaths, seemed exceptionally harmonious.


Song Yan didn't know how long she had slept for. She only knew that when she woke up, all the originally bright lights in the reception room were extinguished, leaving only a small light strip on the ceiling by the window still dimly lit.

The color of the light was extremely warm, originally it was just a decorative lantern, but in the dim environment, it spread out gently like the afterglow of the setting sun, illuminating the surrounding area, it was extremely soft, even if Song Yan just woke up from sleep Come, the vision is still blurred, and I don't feel the glare of the light at all.

She was a little sleepy, and sat up in a daze, only to find that she was lying on the sofa at some point, her body stretched out, and her body was covered with a soft blanket. The treatment was not too good.

Wrapped in a blanket, Song Yan yawned dizzily, her whole body was warm, she was so comfortable that she didn't want to move, she wished she could fall back and sleep again.

After finally resisting this thought, she patted her face and woke up a little, when she heard a man's familiar and cold voice not far from her side, "Have you had enough sleep?"

Song Yan was not frightened, she put down her hands, and looked up to see Lu Yanchen opposite, "Uh, what time is it now? How long have I been asleep?"

The curtains in the reception room were all drawn, blocking the outside light and making it impossible to see the exact time.

But Song Yan had a hunch that it should be late, she seemed to have slept for a long time, and it was almost the same as usual, and even slept more comfortably than usual.

What about... the banquet?

She wouldn't have slept through the whole banquet, would she?

Song Yan was sitting in a daze, her hair was a bit messy from sleeping, and strands were scattered on her shoulders, the skirt on her body was also crumpled, and the tulle at the end of the skirt was wrapped into a ball, so there was no such thing as the stunning beauty that bloomed before. ?
Lu Yanchen replied, "Seven ten in the evening, a few hours."

"..." Song Yan's mood collapsed a bit.

The banquet started at noon and lasted for several hours. It was estimated that it would be five or six o'clock when it ended.It was because the time was too long that she thought it would be okay to sleep for a while.

As a result, she slept through the whole afternoon and slept straight into the night.

At this point in time, the banquet is already over, okay?
"Why didn't you call me? After sleeping for so long, it's over..." Song Yan threw off the blanket in a panic and stood up.

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