With a question mark on Song Yan's head, she said in a daze, "What can I do? Isn't everything handled by the crew?"

The first thing she thought of was the crew, and she didn't think about other things at all.

Lu Yan's deep gaze fell deeply on her face, and it was natural to see that her doubts and bewilderments were from the bottom of her heart, without any adulteration.

So after a moment of silence, he said lightly, "It's not about the crew."

Song Yan became more and more puzzled, so she cast a questioning look at him.

Lu Yanchen said: "When you were asleep, someone knocked on the door and came to you, saying that they wanted to talk to you about something."

Of course, at that time, Song Yan was sleeping in the dark and didn't hear anything at all.Lu Yanchen was also preoccupied with his work documents, and didn't pay attention to such things.

So it was the secretary who opened the door in the past and let the other person in. After blocking the door and saying a few words, he drove the person away.

What Lu Yanchen knew was what the secretary reported to him...he himself didn't come forward at all.

Song Yan's face was full of question marks, "Who is it?"

"Song Liguo."

Lu Yan said the name indifferently, and looked at her with narrow, dark eyes that seemed somewhat unpredictable.

When Song Yan heard this, she frowned subconsciously, and the expression of doubt and confusion on her face faded instantly, revealing a bit of impatience and disgust, "So it's him."

A tone that doesn't want to say much.

Seeing this, Lu Yanshen asked, "Do you have a problem with him?"

Song Yan glanced at him in surprise, as if she didn't expect Lu Yanchen to ask such a question.

Because according to his personality, he shouldn't care about such matters that may involve other people's privacy...but now he asked directly.

Of course, Song Yan didn't feel that Lu Yanchen's question violated her privacy, she was just a little surprised.

Perhaps it was because Lu Yanchen's expression was too calm and calm, and Song Yan couldn't help but feel that "there is nothing to hide". After thinking about it, she simply explained: "Well, there have been some conflicts before. , it was quite unpleasant. He doesn't want to see me, and I don't want to talk to him, so let him go!"

If it was really as simple as enmity with each other, their relationship should be at a point of daggers, why would Song Liguo come to her on purpose?

And listening to the tone of the secretary's recitation, he was still so confident...

Lu Yan thought about it calmly, his eyes flicked across the impatient loathing in Song Yan's eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his mind, which was too fast for people to catch it.

Song Liguo...

He seemed to have heard of this name somewhere.But I can't remember it for a while.

The only thing that was certain was that he didn't just heard the name recently, it seemed that it was a long time ago, so long that his memory was blurred.

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were deeply drawn.


Song Yan obviously didn't want to say more about this matter, and after a simple explanation, she quickly changed the subject.

Sensing her thoughts, Lu Yanchen pondered slightly, but did not continue to ask.

The banquet for the opening ceremony is over, and the banquet has already ended.

Be it the directors and artists of the crew, or the investors with ulterior motives, they have all left at this moment, and they are all gone.

The huge banquet hall has changed from the original noise to a dead silence, leaving only the messy leftovers and cold wine on the wine table that has not been cleaned up in time, revealing a bit of loneliness for no reason.

Of course, Song Yan and Lu Yanchen wouldn't feel this way, instead they only felt pure.

Everyone was gone, and there was no need for them to stay in the reception room any longer. They quickly walked out together and left the hotel.

A good opening banquet ended in such a twists and turns, anticlimactic.

Song Yan felt somewhat unreal about this.

She was in Lu Yanchen's car when she came, and it was the same when she went back.

It's just that the driver became a secretary, and the car was changed to a more luxurious and business car. After Song Yan sat in the back seat, she thought that Lu Yanchen would sit in the front, but unexpectedly he also sat in. He sat next to her with a calm expression.

Song Yan felt a slight sense of unease for a moment.

But after thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing to care about...

Originally, it was Lu Yanchen's car, so he could sit wherever he wanted, didn't he just do whatever he wanted?

So I didn't think much about it.

It is not a short journey from Crown Hotel to Rongya Club.Because the two directions are one east and one north, they almost span half of the capital city. Even if the whole journey is elevated and smooth without traffic jams, it will take at least more than an hour to drive.

After Song Yan got into the car, she checked the time, and it was almost 07:30.

It is estimated that it will be around nine o'clock in the evening to drive back to the clubhouse apartment.

Cheng Cheng stayed at home alone today, only accompanied by servants and housekeepers. Although there was no need to worry about safety, he was still a bit lonely after all.

Especially in the recent period, the little guy has become used to having dinner with his father and "mother". Even if he doesn't speak at the table, the atmosphere is warm. It feels completely different from eating alone.

Cheng Cheng usually looks forward to the dinner session most during the day. Whenever he sees that the time is almost up, he will take the initiative to wait at the entrance of the entrance, with a look of eagerness, hoping that Lu Yanchen will come back early to have dinner together.

Perhaps it was also because of this that Lu Yanchen didn't want to disappoint his precious son, so he gradually developed the habit of returning to the clubhouse on time every night.

However, today, neither Song Yan nor Lu Yanshen was here due to work.

It's too late to rush back, the dinner time has long been missed, and I can't make up for it.

Around nine o'clock in the evening is Xiaotuanzi's fixed bedtime every day. His injuries have not fully recovered, and he needs to rest and replenish his energy. It is absolutely impossible to stay up late or skip meals.

Song Yan felt uneasy after thinking about it.

Neither she nor Lu Yanchen was here. With the character of the little guy, he might wait until they got home before eating or resting. Even the housekeeper who took care of him couldn't resist him.

This can't be done...

Song Yan called Cheng Cheng in the car, explained that she would not be back until very late, and then coaxed the little guy to eat first, sleep obediently after eating, and accompany him when she returned.

Xiaotuanzi was always obedient in front of Song Yan, even though he was a little reluctant, after being coaxed by Song Yan softly on the phone, he finally obediently agreed.

Although he was young, he never joked willfully, and he would definitely do what he promised.

Song Yan was relieved now, and chatted with him for a while while holding the phone, and hung up the phone after seeing that the time was almost up.

The vehicle slowly drove into the underground parking garage of the Rongya Club.

It is already 09:30 in the evening.

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