The phone rang for a long time, and when Gao Yi was worried, he got through there.

"Boss Li!" He couldn't wait to speak.

There was silence.

"It's me, Mo Yuan." The voice of Secretary Mo Yuan came.

Gao Yi frowned.

Mo Yuan was also silent.

half an hour.

"Boss Li..."

"Madam, she..."

The two spoke almost in unison, but fell silent after hearing each other's words.

Because they both know it, which means they can't say it, and they can't mention it.

Silence again.

After a while, Mo Yuan took the initiative to speak: "Is this something President Li doesn't want to know?"

What he didn't want to know was that Mu Shihuan had an accident and his life was in danger. Besides, he would not answer the call, and he would force himself not to know.

Unless, everything is over.

Gao Yi hesitated to speak, and finally sighed: "No."

His voice was hoarse.

Mo Yuan wanted to ask, but thought of Mr. Li...

"That's it." He offered to end the call.

However, neither of them cut off.

In the end, it was Gao Yi who took the initiative to ask: "When the day is resolved, Mr. Li will personally pick up his wife, right?"

President Li said this, but he still couldn't help but want to confirm.

Mo Yuan nodded, realizing that he couldn't see, so he said, "Yes."

The implication is that it has not been resolved now, and he cannot say what the current situation of the war with Yu Linshang is.

High school clear.

"Okay, I see," he said, "then I hang up."

Mo Yuan also sighed.

"High school."

"what's up?"

Mo Yuan looked not far away, lowered his voice: "Protect your wife."

"I will."

"Miss Li is safe and fine, don't worry my wife."

"it is good."

The two ended the call, and they both sighed again where no one saw them.

For the current situation, but also for the ups and downs of Mr. Li and his wife.

I don't know...

Gao Yisha shook his head, and violently shook off the thoughts that should not have been in his mind. After adjusting his mood, he went out and returned to the small living room.

The second year of high school saw him coming, and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "How is it?"

Gao Yi shook his head.

The sophomore in high school looked complicated, of course he understood what it meant.

The struggle is not over.

"We take good care of the wife," he said at last.

Nod high.

The night is long, and the sky outside seems to be extraordinarily dark.


The next day.

Mo Shihuan woke up very early, the moment she opened her eyes and woke up, her hand unconsciously touched her lower abdomen, as if she was deeply afraid that yesterday's pregnancy diagnosis was a dream.

She was in a daze.

Fortunately, it's not a dream, it's real.

She is pregnant and has a child in her belly.

She didn't know when she mentioned it, and finally returned to the original place. She quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat up slowly.

"Miss Mu, you're awake!" Gao Jia noticed her movements, approached her carefully and carefully helped her up, and thoughtfully put a pillow behind her.

"Thank you." Mu Shihuan tried to smile.

This was the first time Gao Jia saw her smile, even though the arc was not obvious, she saw it.

She blurted out: "Miss Mu, you look so pretty when you smile, you should smile more."

Mu Shihuan was taken aback.

Did she laugh?

Her hand unconsciously touched the corner of her mouth, and she was a little dazed when she felt the slight curvature.

"Hmm..." Her lips moved, and she responded.

Gao Jia smiled and asked again: "Miss Mu, do you want to wash up now, or sit down and rest?"

"I want to drink water."


Gao Jia quickly brought a glass of water with a suitable temperature, Mo Shihuan took it, and drank a lot in small sips.

After drinking, she said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"I'll help you." Gao Jia asked for help out of habit.

Mu Shihuan suddenly thought of something, and declined politely: "My knee... should be almost healed, isn't it?"

In fact, a month's rest should be good.

It's just that she doesn't know...

Thinking of this, she said, "I'll try it myself."

Gao Jia is delighted.

In fact, the doctor said that Miss Mu's knee is fine, and she can walk. It's just her own psychological problem. Now that Miss Mu is willing to try, she is of course relieved and happy for her.

"Okay." She nodded happily, and stayed by her side to protect her.

Mu Shihuan got out of bed and slowly stood up.

In fact, there was really no problem, so she walked slowly to the bathroom step by step.

Brushing teeth, washing face, skin care...

Although the movements are slow, she is serious.

Gao Jia stood by and felt that Ms. Mu's condition seemed to be better today, she was very happy.

After washing and changing clothes, Mu Shihuan walked upstairs slowly by himself.

Seeing her come down like this, the first and second graders were all relieved at the same time.

When we arrived at the restaurant, the chef had already prepared Mo Shihuan's favorite breakfast, including Chinese and Western styles, in order to appetize her and eat more.

Before today, Mu Shihuan actually couldn't eat much.

But today, a voice from the bottom of her heart told her to eat more, even if she didn't want to, the child in her belly needed nutrition, and she had to eat more for the sake of the child.

She picked a bowl of tofu flower.

The color, fragrance and taste are complete, and it looks very appetizing.

She took a spoonful and brought it to her mouth, and opened her mouth, but for some reason, she felt extremely repelled in her heart, and she still didn't want to eat it as before.

But she forced herself to drink it anyway.

Spoon after spoon, she ate very slowly, without giving herself a chance to spit it out. She just drank half a bowl like this, and then she took another bowl of porridge and drank some.

Still forced himself to drink.

Although he didn't eat much for breakfast, it took him more than half an hour. When he finished eating, Mu Shihuan felt relieved.

She knew it shouldn't be like this, but she couldn't control it.

Fearing that she would really spit it out, she turned her head, and from a distance, she saw that the sun was shining outside just in time.

Perhaps, she should go out more, basking in the sun will probably not be like this.

"Go for a walk," she said softly.

Gao Jia was ecstatic: "Good!"

Mo Shihuan pursed her lips, and she walked out.

The sun outside was really good and warm, as if it had never been so warm. She walked slowly, consciously allowing herself to look at the surrounding scenery more.

Wait until you get to the street...

"Miss Mu, what's the matter?" Seeing her stop, Gao Jia asked nervously.

Mo Shihuan moved her lips and asked, "Where is there a maternity store here? I want to see it."

When Gao Jia heard this, her eyes brightened even more.

Doesn't this mean that Miss Mu will keep the child?
She subconsciously glanced at the first and second graders, and she was relieved that she fell into the first and second grades.

"I'll check!" Gao Jia immediately took out her mobile phone, and soon she replied with a smile, "There is a shop at the end of the walk from here, Miss Mu, do you want to go?"

Mu Shihuan subconsciously glanced in the direction she pointed: "Okay."

She nodded.

So a group of four walked towards the end of the alley without haste.

Step by step, finally, also arrived.

A store with local characteristics, the decoration style makes people feel warm.

Mo Shihuan took a deep breath, entered, and various products came into view.

She walked and watched slowly, and finally stopped at the baby clothes.

Stretching out her hand, she gently stroked the pajamas closest to her, and touched it. It was very comfortable, it was pink, and it looked like it was worn by a little girl.

In a daze, the face of Little Xingxing appeared in Mo Shihuan's mind. She looked at him pitifully and expectantly. The last time she sent her back to Hong Kong City, she almost cried...

Suddenly, she felt her heart was stabbed.

It hurts.

Her breathing was immediately suffocated.

"Miss Mu, what's the matter?" Gao Jia kept paying attention, seeing her frowning immediately asked.

Mu Shihuan gritted his teeth and slowed down.

"It's okay." She shook her head softly.

But she closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she was inexplicably afraid to look at the dress again.

She continued to walk forward, but she couldn't let go of that dress, as if no matter what she looked at, she would eventually become that dress, and at the same time... remembered Xiao Xingxing's face.

She hurried to other areas, trying to get rid of those scenes that shouldn't be there.

She looks up the crib.

I reached out and touched it, it seemed... very comfortable.

Moving her gaze up, she saw the hanging bamboo leaf bell, touched it lightly, and made a nice sound.

It seems... people's mood will also improve.

If children saw it, would they laugh?

Thinking of this, Mo Shihuan couldn't take his eyes off.

Seeing this, Gao Yi took the initiative to ask: "Miss Mu, if you like it, why don't you buy it?"

Mu Shihuan wanted to say that he would not use it for the time being, but the words were stuck in his throat but he couldn't say anything.

Finally, like a ghost, she nodded.

"it is good."

All three are very happy.

Gao Jia hit the iron while the iron was hot to make her happier, so she said excitedly: "Miss Mu, I just saw the bowls and chopsticks for children. They are very cute. Let's go and have a look, shall we?"

Mu Shihuan did not refuse.

"it is good."

Gao Jia was happier and took her to another direction.

Sure enough, the things used by children are very delicate and beautiful.

At first glance, Mu Shihuan felt dazzled, and the colors of the children's things were very gentle, which seemed to make people's hearts soften.

Gao Jia happily pointed out the ones she liked, and couldn't help asking her if they looked good, trying to think of something to talk to her, so that she could be happier.

She always felt that if Miss Mu kept silent and kept everything in her heart, something would happen one day.

Since she protects Miss Mu, she naturally hopes that everything will be fine for her.

Mu Shihuan looked at the things in front of her, unconsciously, her eyes were filled with tenderness, she couldn't help but imagine that if the child in her stomach was born, would she like these when she was a little older.

Will you be happy after seeing it?Will you laugh?

The more she thought about it, the more tenderness she saw in her eyes, and the expectation for this child in her heart became more and more clear.

She wants this child, looks forward to her birth, and to be by her side.

The tip of his heart became softer and softer, Mu Shihuan slowly picked and bought a lot.

And the more she bought, the happier the three people behind her were.

They walked around for a long time and bought a lot of things, and they didn't return to the villa until almost noon.

Trying hard to make myself eat more food, after eating and resting, Mu Shihuan went back to the bedroom to take a nap.


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