She was having nightmares again.

Those pictures are still about Li Jingyan and about the children.

At first, it was fine. In the dream, she was smiling sincerely, and the scenes that appeared were all the stories that Li Jingyan once told her, when she was Shi Huan and he was Lu Ye.

When she and him met for the first time, they seemed to be incompatible. He teased her, and she became his defeat time and time again.

Later, it was she who quietly fell in love with him, but was rejected by him, and after an accident, he confessed his love, and they spent many happy days together...

All the pictures seemed to be exactly what Li Jingyan described, and they completely reappeared in her dreams, as if they were also her memory revived.

However, happy days are always short.

Especially those happiness is actually a dream with its own concealment.

Happiness disappeared, and darkness replaced it. Even the air in the dream seemed to be stained with a faint smell of blood, filling Mu Shihuan's ears and nose, and surrounded her tightly until she was completely submerged.

She seemed to be drowning, trying to struggle, but the picture changed again, becoming the picture that first appeared in her dream——

She confronted Li Jingyan with a gun, there was the sound of a baby crying, and there was a strong smell of blood.

If so, she could tell herself that it was just a dream, but unexpectedly, the second the gunshot rang, Li Jingyan fell in front of her, and the one who shot him in the heart was not herself, but someone else.

She was tied up and her head was held in the water, unable to save him.

Then, she cried.

Eyes burst.

Mu Shihuan knew that this was a dream, she wanted to wake up, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't wake up.

Instead, it got deeper and deeper.

She even saw the picture of him being sent to the hospital, and saw that the lights in the operating room were on all night, but they never went out.

She was still crying, and in the end there were no more tears to shed.

And then……

is a child.

The child was crying and annoyed, unable to speak, but still seemed to be questioning why she couldn't protect her, why she had to be separated, why she had to suffer...

She wanted to explain, wanted to hold the child.

Waiting to hug her, only to find that the person in her arms has turned into a little star, and the little star can talk, grabbing her and kept saying, she is her child, why don't you want her.

She tried hard to speak, but no sound came out.

Until, another gunshot sounded.


Mo Shihuan suddenly opened his eyes.

She was panting heavily, her chest heaving violently.

It took her a long time to convince herself that it was really just a dream.

Look, the ceiling is above the head, the rest is a soft bed, and there is a faint fragrance in the air, not the smell of blood.

is a dream.

She told herself over and over again that it was a dream, don't think about it and don't be afraid.


Cheeks are moist.

She touched the tears, and the tears were all over her face, and she couldn't stop it.

Just for a moment, her eyes blurred as if she could no longer see, and her breathing became difficult.

She couldn't control the sadness at all.

Tears fell drop by drop.

"Miss Mu!" Gao Jia wanted to come in to check on her situation, but unexpectedly heard the sound of crying, she was startled immediately, and hurried to the bedside, "Miss Mu?"

She carefully lifted her up.

Mu Shihuan was still crying.

Seeing this, Gao Jia hurriedly went to the bathroom to wipe her tears gently with a wet towel.

"Did you have a nightmare?" She was very worried, "Is there something wrong? Miss Mu, if you have anything, you must tell me, okay?"

With tears in his eyes, Mo Shihuan looked at Gao Jia in despair, unable to speak.

Gao Jia had no choice but to coax her with the child: "Miss Mu, the doctor said, you should keep your body and mind happy. Your emotions can affect the baby. If you are sad, the baby will also be sad."


Mo Shihuan's eyelashes trembled.

By the way, her child, she will keep this child.

The trembling hand subconsciously touched the lower abdomen, trying to feel the existence of the child, and she tried even harder to stop crying and control that emotion.

Maybe it was the child who gave her strength, or maybe it was the traces left by the nightmare that were slowly disappearing, and gradually, the tears stopped falling.

Gao Jia paid attention to her situation and breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought for a while and said, "Miss Mu, you broke your knee and had a high fever that night, do you remember?"

Mu Shihuan looked at her in a daze.

Gao Jia hesitated to speak, but finally seemed to have made up her mind, and said cautiously: "At that time, the family doctor said that your condition was not very good, and that you had heart knots, Miss Mu, is your nightmare related to heart knots?" ?”


Mo Shihuan pursed her lips tightly, breathing heavily.

Gao Jia is worried.

"I'm sorry Miss Mu, I don't want to know your privacy," she explained, "I'm just worried about you."

She is in a hurry.

Seeing it in his eyes, Mu Shihuan said slowly and hoarsely: "...I know, thank you."

Gao Jia was silent.

Well, she thought, now that it's over, it doesn't matter if there's more to it.

She said again: "Miss Mu, although I have only been with you for a short time and I don't know how you used to be, but in my feeling, you are very unhappy, you have something hidden in your heart, and you don't seem to be able to vent it."

Sighing insignificantly, she continued: "You don't speak, you are very silent, as if you have locked yourself in your own world, as if you are resisting everything, even if you had a high fever that time."

"Miss Mu," she knelt down by the bed, gently grabbed her hand, looked into her eyes and said, "Boss Li sent you here, he must be for your own good, don't blame him .”

"You need to get better, for yourself and for the baby in your womb."


In the evening, Mo Shihuan was sitting on the balcony reading a book, and Gao Jia's words of persuasion would pop up in her mind from time to time. Although she was reading, she hadn't turned that page for a long time.

There is a breeze blowing, bringing the faint fragrance of flowers in the distance.

She lowered her eyes and looked at her lower abdomen for a long time. It was still very flat, but there was already a child belonging to her inside.

She should get better, for the sake of the baby.

She can't live without this child, she needs this child.


Tears fell on the pages of the book, and soon she fainted, blurring a piece of handwriting.

Mu Shihuan raised her hand, tried to wipe away her tears, tried her best to restrain her emotions, she told herself over and over again, don't think about it, it's okay, she will get better.

She can.

She is patiently building herself mentally.

However, at night, it got out of control again.

She is having nightmares again.

This time, she unexpectedly dreamed of Yu Linshang.

Yu Linshang in the dream finally took off all his disguise in front of her, with his cool saber pressed against her face, he smiled warmly but also cruelly asked her to choose whether to choose the child or Li Jingyan.

He said that the child was not dead, but in his hands, and asked her if she wanted to know.

He also said that her nominal father, Mu Jingzhou, was indeed killed by someone. He described the scene in her ear, the ground was covered with blood, and Mu Jingzhou died to save her.

He also said, or she can choose again, choose Li Jingyan or her only best friend Li Yan.

He was just talking, he didn't give her a choice at all, because he put the knife in her hand and asked her to choose, reminding her badly that the life or death of other people was all in her mind.

However, she could only choose one to survive.

Li Jingyan, the child, Yanyan, and even... Chi Hua, and Little Xingxing.

Yu Linshang asked her to choose, forced her to choose.

She didn't want to, she tried to resist, but he still grabbed his hand and stabbed him into Li Jingyan's body, just like she lost control of her emotions and hurt Li Jingyan with her own hands before the divorce.

The picture is so familiar.

He was bleeding profusely, and he looked at himself...

Soon, the screen changed, and it turned into Yu Linshang forcing her to feed a cup of poisoned tea into Li Jingyan's mouth.

He fell, and finally the operating room lights stayed on all the time.

Mo Shihuan woke up, and woke up with tears on his face again, gasping for breath, holding his pajamas with his fingers, he couldn't stop the tears, only when he stroked his lower abdomen could he feel some comfort.

After a long time, she took a long time to stabilize her emotions.

This time, she didn't ask Gao Jia to come in. She didn't want Gao Jia to stay by her side day and night to sleep well and feel restless, so she lifted the quilt and slowly got out of bed, and walked slowly into the bathroom to wash her face.

The lights in the bedroom were all on, but she didn't dare to turn them off, and she didn't want to turn them off, she didn't want to be in the dark.

After washing his face, he wanted to turn around and go out, but he saw the jacuzzi out of the corner of his eye.

In an instant, Mo Shihuan's heart trembled violently, almost reflexively, the feeling of suffocation flooded into her chest, her face turned pale, she hurriedly left and lay back on the bed.

Leaning on the pillow behind her back, clutching the quilt tightly with her fingers, Mo Shihuan forced herself to forget those dreams and the feeling just now.

The bedroom was quiet except for the sound of her breathing.

It suddenly occurred to her that she was shopping for soothing incense today, so she got out of bed and found it again, turned on the aromatherapy machine, and after a while a faint fragrance filled the air.

As if it could really soothe the nerves, Mo Shihuan vaguely felt that his nerves were not so tense, and even the grip on the quilt was slowly relaxed.


When the tension is no longer there, other images become clear.

For example, Li Jingyan.

She found that she was thinking about Li Jingyan.

Every night when people are quiet, he will always appear in her mind, even in her heart, whether she admits it or not.

Li Jingyan...

Mu Shihuan was in a trance, and couldn't help thinking, what is he doing at this moment?

She longed for and needed this child in her heart, and Mo Shihuan worked hard to adjust herself. She worked hard to eat, take a walk, and blend into the excitement of the outside world.

It seems to be doing well.

However, at night, it is always difficult, it is always easy to have nightmares, it is always uncomfortable, and it is always... thinking of Li Jingyan, but it is a different scene during the day.

Day by day, so repeated.

Soon, another half a month passed.

One morning, Mu Shihuan started to have morning sickness, and the reaction was very strong. He threw up whatever he ate, and couldn't even smell much, and his face turned pale from vomiting.

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