The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 117 Competition

When we arrived, it was a very luxurious garden with pavilions and pavilions.

The guard asked Tian Xiaoxiao for an invitation letter, Tian Xiaoxiao gave the invitation letter and entered successfully.

Everyone looked at him appreciatively, which made Tian Xiaoxiao feel a little uncomfortable.

After Tian Xiaoxiao entered, someone took the initiative to say hello. Unexpectedly, it was the girl with double ponytails that he met before.

"Hello, little brother, I didn't expect you to be here. I said, why are you not interested in me? It turns out that you are only interested in that kind of ugly woman." very unhappy.

"What? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand? What's the purpose of this dinner?" Tian Xiaoxiao was stunned by what the girl with two ponytails said.

"The people here are either commercial marriages or grassroots men who want to fly on the branches and become phoenixes. You don't know what this is for? Then I told you, little brother, that the dinner you are here now is not ordinary. The dinner is to recruit a son-in-law." The girl with two ponytails boasted, but she had nothing to fear, but Tian Xiaoxiao was frightened, Tian Xiaoxiao had no interest in marrying a girl.

"Little brother, do you know how to be afraid now? It's time for you to leave me alone. Let me tell you. I heard that the lady who recruited her husband is extremely ugly and short-lived. I don't know which one is unlucky." I met her." The twin-tailed girl moved her body closer to Tian Xiaoxiao, and directly hugged Tian Xiaoxiao's arm.

"Then you can take me away. If you can take me away, maybe our story will happen soon." Tian Xiaoxiao blinked her innocent eyes and looked at the girl with two ponytails. She knew that the girl with two ponytails had a crush on her. , I will definitely not watch her Tian Xiaoxiao become someone else's husband-in-law with my own eyes.

"Hey, I can't take you away. People who come here must get this job. Don't be sad after the recruitment is over. You see, there are more than 1 people here. Do you think you will be so unlucky?" The ponytail girl was also helpless, she patted Tian Xiaoxiao on the shoulder and comforted her.

"Then what will you do later?" Tian Xiaoxiao asked the girl with two ponytails as she circled around.

"Eat, after eating, you will have the interest and strength to compete for a son-in-law." The girl with two ponytails took Tian Xiaoxiao's hand to a dining table.

"Eat more, little brother and we are really destined, come and eat quickly." The girl with two ponytails kept picking vegetables for Tian Xiaoxiao, and gave Tian Xiaoxiao all the meat and vegetables.

"Well, thank you. By the way, why are you able to come here? You are not here to recruit a son-in-law. What is a girl doing here?" Tian Xiaoxiao asked while eating. In fact, she had an answer in her heart. Some of these people are relatives of so-and-so.

"I am a relative of the organizer. My family is no worse than the one those people want to snatch. Brother, do you want to consider me?" The girl with double ponytails is so cute, but unfortunately she fell in love with Tian Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao is not a man and the type she likes is a big beauty like Bai He.

"Don't be kidding, you can eat too." Tian Xiaoxiao also served food for the girl with double ponytails, hoping that the delicious food could shut her mouth.

After eating, the girl with double ponytails pushed Tian Xiaoxiao to the competition field.

"All the men present must join. Although I don't want you to go, you still have to work hard." The girl with two ponytails finally knew what it means to reluctantly give up and push the person she likes to the other side.

The first round of competition is painting.

The examiner was an uncle in a suit and leather shoes. He said to all the people present who came to recruit a son-in-law, "This man must be proficient in all aspects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so that he can satisfy his wife."

"What the hell is the Qing Dynasty dead? It's already 2020, why are you still restricting others with these rules?" Tian Xiaoxiao complained.

I don't know why Tian Xiaoxiao only feels that his whole world view has collapsed. Isn't it said that men and women are equal now?
Women don't need to be proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and neither does this man!
But except for Tian Xiaoxiao's criticism, all the men present readily accepted it? Could it be that in front of money, everyone is smiling? Even if they allow themselves to be objectified by others?
"You guys may be elites from all walks of life or ordinary people. You come here for the supreme wealth, so you will have to submit to the rules. Outside, men are number one, and now women are number one." the examiner He continued to talk, but at this moment his eyes turned to Tian Xiaoxiao, "This little brother, do you have any objections to what I said?"

All the tens of thousands of people present looked at Tian Xiaoxiao, but Tian Xiaoxiao could only obediently confess, "I have no objection, I have no objection, you continue to talk."

"It seems that you are also a young master from a rich family," the examiner looked Tian Xiaoxiao from top to bottom with his eyes like a scanner, "But you are the same as everyone here, don't think that you any different than them."

Tian Xiaoxiao nodded her head like a pounding garlic, and she admitted defeat.

"Now, please all the candidates present, write down your date of birth, so that our fortune teller can see if the horoscope is compatible with our eldest lady." The examiner ordered, and he did not know when he lit a cigar.

Tian Xiaoxiao wrote down a long list of numbers casually. Anyway, she just felt that the dross made her sick, and she couldn't leave now, so she could just stay here obediently and wait for some unlucky ghost to become the husband-in-law of that eldest lady.

The examiner came to Tian Xiaoxiao's side and saw the number on the note. His brows frowned and his eyes seemed to be moved a little, but it also flashed by and quickly returned to calm.

Tian Xiaoxiao didn't notice that look in her eyes, she sat idle and hoped that it would end soon.

The examiner smoked a cigar and said, "Everyone here can start drawing first." Then he turned and left.

The girl with double ponytails felt that the examiner's expression was a bit strange, so she followed curiously, and heard the examiner talking to the fortune teller.

"Is that really killing the fate of the wolf?" the examiner asked.

"It's not wrong, it is." The fortune teller replied.

"What is Shapolang? Who is it talking about? Could it be that the unlucky ghost has appeared?" Seeing the examiner approaching, the girl with double ponytails hurried away.

Tian Xiaoxiao didn't know how to draw very much. The title of this painting competition is: Beauty, and the time limit is one and a half hours.

Tian Xiaoxiao looked around and saw that everyone around her was faster than her, and the paintings were better than the other. There were Western oil paintings, ink paintings, and line drawings. Anyway, the paintings were as beautiful as they were fancy.

"I didn't expect these people to have a brush. The paintings are beautiful. Wouldn't it be nice to be a painter or an illustrator? Why do you like marrying into a rich family and becoming a phoenix man so much?" Tian Xiaoxiao said in the In the last 10 minutes, I drew a stick figure with a few strokes, with a circle on the top and a big character on the bottom. After all, she is a beauty, so Tian Xiaoxiao drew a heart on the stick figure.

The girl with double ponytails came over and said, "Little brother, your drawing is too funny, so I don't worry about it. Is it because of me that you didn't marry someone else?" The girl with double ponytails suddenly became narcissistic.

"Go ahead, I don't know how to draw. If I draw a painting, I will just draw a Qingming Riverside Picture and hand it in." After finishing speaking, Tian Xiaoxiao turned to hand in the test paper.

Hundreds of people out of the tens of thousands of people in this competition were rejected, but Tian Xiaoxiao actually passed? Can a stick figure pass? Tian Xiaoxiao doesn't even know what the examiner's aesthetics are, did he intend to harm her?

Painting is over, it's cooking.

Tian Xiaoxiao knows how to cook, but she insists on doing it well. She looked at the Buddha jumping over the wall next door, Manchurian Banquet, Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, and even western food with several Michelin stars.

And what about Tian Xiaoxiao?I took an egg without oil or salt, and boiled it in water to make a bowl of egg noodles.

Tian Xiaoxiao took a sip and vomited straight away. Isn't this stuff too unpalatable?

Tears welled up in the examiner's eyes after eating, "It's true that it's plain. This bowl of egg noodles tastes like my mother's."

Tian Xiaoxiao complained in his heart, that's it? The examiner just ate and cried? Tian Xiaoxiao himself disliked things, but this examiner has endured hardship. How bad is the food made by the examiner's mother?
The girl with two ponytails came up to taste the extra egg noodles in the pot, and she felt bitter face, "This must be the worst egg noodles I've ever eaten."

Tian Xiaoxiao also couldn't figure out why the painting was so ugly, could he pass it? Can he make it so ugly?
More than 1000 people were wiped out.

The examiner spoke again, "As a qualified husband, you have to go to the hall and go to the kitchen, now you guys introduce yourself and see if you have confidence in yourself, and a plastic surgeon will come to see which one of you has plastic surgery. "

Tian Xiaoxiao introduced himself to the examiner, "You can call me Tian if you like. I am a lazy man, a poor man, and ugly at 1.5 meters. Do you think I am miserable?"

Instead, the examiner patted Tian Xiaoxiao on the shoulder earnestly, "It doesn't matter, as long as you have money, you can change everything. If you are destined to marry our eldest lady, it is like this now, and your mother-in-law and father-in-law will teach you well in the future."

Tian Xiaoxiao has no interest in these things.

The plastic surgeon's eyes swiped and swiped in front of everyone, and a large number of people were swiped away.

Because Tian Xiaoxiao is good-looking, he can be said to be one of the best among the participants, so he will naturally stay.

Next round: chess.

Contestants choose chess types at will, such as Go, Chess, and Chess.

In the end, Tian Xiaoxiao chose backgammon alone?
"I'm a person, I don't know a lot of cultural characters, can I play backgammon? I can't do anything else." Tian Xiaoxiao is still confident. Anyway, she can't play those chess well without education, and she can play backgammon.

A man thought backgammon was easy, so he came to He Tian Xiaoxiao to play chess, but Tian Xiaoxiao had a heart attack and fainted within a minute of playing chess with him.

"Brother, are you okay? Brother, why are you dizzy?" Tian Xiaoxiao shook his opponent to wake him up.

"Forget it, you just win, just the two of you chose backgammon." The examiner walked over, followed by a group of medical teams in white coats.

Tian Xiaoxiao was stunned, that's it? That's it? Did she win like this?

"Examiner, examiner, I think I'm not good at winning like this. How about I go to go?" Tian Xiaoxiao didn't want to stay here forever. Many of those who were eliminated went home directly, and she wanted to go home too.

"No, this is not fair to other contestants." The examiner directly refused, but there is something wrong with this remark. Is it fair for the examiner to make Tian Xiaoxiao, who has been perfunctory, smile?

Tian Xiaoxiao stood still, feeling depressed as if it had been raining heavily.

"Little brother, don't be afraid. I'm really worried about you looking like this. Don't worry, there are still many levels and competitions to come. Don't be afraid that that unlucky ghost can't be yours." The girl with double ponytails came to comfort Tian Xiaoxiao again .

"Okay, I'm fine, don't worry about me." Tian Xiaoxiao reached out and smoothed the hair of the girl with double ponytails.

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