The photos were burned, the luggage was also burned, and all Xia Nuanxin's things were destroyed in the rented house.

This is actually a very headache. Not only does she have no money, no clothes, no textbooks, she even has no basic daily necessities.

This is already the fourth day of being squeezed in the dormitory with Lin Lin.

Xia Nuanxin hugged a teddy bear doll, and felt that this could not go on.

Qiao Yu and Lin Lin are very generous to her, which doesn't mean that Xia Nuanxin has the face to accept their care forever.She gritted her teeth, got up, put on her clothes and went to the Academic Affairs Office.

Under the surprised gaze of the dean of the academic affairs, she went through the formalities of suspending school again.

She left a note for Lin Lin, and then packed her only small handbag, which contained a little cash, an ID card, a few bank cards with little money, and a few keys.

The key to the rental house was useless, and she threw it into the trash can without hesitation. Xia Nuanxin looked at the remaining one... After hesitating for a while, she still held it in her palm.

She didn't call a car, and wandered slowly along the street to the urban area. Because it was a working day, there were very few pedestrians on the street, and most of them were rich kids wandering around doing nothing, or confused people like her who wandered aimlessly and didn't know where to go.

It was noon in a flash, and Xia Nuanxin felt a little hungry. She found a small restaurant, ate something to fill her stomach, and wandered around slowly.Until I saw a library.

She spent the whole afternoon there.I was so fascinated by a martial arts novel, and when I looked up again, it was already evening.

Xia Nuanxin sighed, feeling that it would be great if real life could be as free and easy as in martial arts novels.In that way, they don't have to worry about the cost of food and clothing, or where they will settle down every day. They can walk around the world with a long sword, and use the sky as a cover and the ground as a furnace.

Xia Nuanxin had a hero addiction in her heart, then packed her things and left the library.

She seemed to be wandering aimlessly, but every step she took brought her closer to where she wanted to go.When she was really standing in front of the shadow garden, Xia Nuanxin spurned herself in her heart, and rang the doorbell.

She pressed several times, but no one answered the door.

Although the whole villa was quiet, from Xia Nuanxin's perspective, one could still see the faint light coming from the hall.

Xia Nuanxin was a little puzzled, even if Huo Beixiao and Murong An were not there, Aunt Lin should be at home.Why no one came to answer the door.

After waiting for a while, making sure no one would open the door for her, Xia Nuanxin took out the key from her bag and opened the door.

She didn't sneak in on purpose...she knocked on the door...but no one she had to come in by herself...because she had to get her barbie back today, no matter what.

The photo is gone, this is the only pass she can see Qiu Yating.

The cinema is still as magnificent as before.The cycads in the yard grew more luxuriantly, and the hard work and hard work of the gardeners can be seen from the lush lawn.

Strangely, there was really no one in the yard.This is usually very unbelievable.

When she was still living in the Shadow Garden, Huo Beixiao sent more than a dozen bodyguards to guard the gate every day... But in just a few months, Huo Beixiao changed his sex?

Xia Nuanxin was puzzled, but kept on stepping.She opened the door familiarly and entered the entrance.

She didn't go directly into the hall, but poked her head out to have a look.

A small wall lamp is lit in the hall, and the warm yellow light keeps the entire space from being invisible.On the silver coffee table, there was an empty wine bottle and a goblet half full of wine.

Xia Nuanxin's heart rose, and she suddenly felt like retreating... Is Huo Beixiao at home?

She tiptoed across the hall and up the stairs as nimbly as a cat, all the way in fear.

But after she went up to the second floor, she still didn't see a single person, and Xia Nuanxin's heart gradually eased.

At the reception a few days ago, I heard that Huo Shi is very busy recently.It seems that Huo Beixiao and Murong An must have stayed in the company to work overtime.Maybe it was too busy, even Mrs. Lin and the others were called out to help, that's why the room was empty.

Xia Nuan convinced herself seriously, and then boldly came to the door of the room where she used to live.

To her surprise...

The door of the room was not closed... And from the room, there was a faint glimmer of light.

Xia Nuanxin was startled, and the finger that was about to touch the doorknob suddenly retracted!

Who will be inside?
The shadow of being kidnapped just now made her back burst into cold sweat quickly.

She turned around and looked around, the entire corridor was empty, and the hall below was faintly glowing with yellow light... In the silence, the sound of strong and weak breathing came slowly...

Xia Nuanxin's entire scalp exploded!

Every cell in her body was clamoring for her to get away, and she quickly followed her instincts.

She held her breath, turned around with both hands and feet, raised her steps almost without making any sound, and slowly left the spot step by step.

When she finally passed through the entire 20-meter aisle, she let out a deep breath.The short 20 meters is really more thrilling than escaping in that broken warehouse.

Forget it, let's come back another day when someone is around.

Xia Nuanxin shrugged, relaxed and prepared to go downstairs.

At this moment, the door behind him opened silently, and a heavy object fell towards Xia Nuanxin.

Xia Nuanxin's blood rushed to the top of her head with a bang, the hairs all over her body exploded, and a scream overflowed her lips unexpectedly.

She was smashed to the ground by that object, and her head hit the railing behind her with a crisp sound.

In an instant, the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Avalokitesvara, Bodhisattva, Jesus Christ, Tathagata, and Buddha passed through her heart. She closed her eyes and unconsciously pushed away the heavy objects on her body.

Until, she touched a warm face.

Xia Nuanxin paused, then quietly opened her eyes a crack while lying on her back.

A pair of dark eyes met hers.

Huo Beixiao lay on her body expressionlessly, his eyes were darker than usual, his nose was straight, his lips were clearly lined, and his fiery chest was pressed against Xia Nuanxin's abdomen.

Xia Nuanxin was taken aback, and her eyes widened in disbelief: "You...are you at home?"

Huo Beixiao didn't speak, but frowned suspiciously.

Xia Nuan felt guilty, and before he could speak, he clattered and explained why he came uninvited: "I didn't sneak in, I knocked on the door but no one answered, so I I could only come in by myself... I thought there was no one at home, and I had something very important to take away today, so I..."

She said a lot incoherently, but the person lying on top of her was still motionless, staring at her without blinking.

Xia Nuanxin felt that something was wrong, she stopped, frowned and looked at the person in front of her, and called softly: "Huo Beixiao?"

Huo Beixiao opened his mouth and let out a series of belches.

The strong smell of wine wafted out of Huo Beixiao's mouth, which almost made Xia Nuanxin stupefied.

"How much wine have you drank?" Xia Nuanxin frowned and pushed away the person on her body. She moved too much and touched the wine glass that had been broken into a pile of pieces by the side. The wet red wine wet her entire sleeve.

"Ah, this is my only piece of clothing!" Xia Nuan cried out in distress.

Huo Beixiao moved, and finally got off Xia Nuanxin's body. He stared at Xia Nuanxin's face with bare feet, as if he had just seen the person in front of him clearly: "Are you back?"

Xia Nuanxin was taken aback, and got up from the ground with the same hands and feet. What do you mean by "you are back"?
Who did he take her for?
Murong An?

Xia Nuanxin's face darkened.She looked up at Huo Beixiao's face, and found that his cheeks were flushed and his eyes were slack, as if he was really drunk.

She sighed helplessly, went to the corner of the stairs, took a broom, and cleaned up the pieces of the goblet on the ground first, so as not to prick Huo Beixiao's precious feet.

Then he took a rag from the locker and wiped off the remaining liquid on the ground.

When doing these things, Huo Beixiao has been following her every step of the way. When she takes a step, Huo Beixiao also takes a step, just like a big furry boy who just reunited with his master.

Xia Nuanxin felt that there was absolutely something wrong with Huo Beixiao tonight.

She stood in the corridor, stared at him silently for a while, and finally shrugged helplessly: "My clothes are wet, do you mind if I wash them and change into new ones?"

Xia Nuanxin dragged her ticking sleeves and looked at Huo Beixiao.

The other party said nothing.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Xia Nuanxin said happily.

Then she turned around sharply and walked towards her original bedroom.There are still a few clothes in the closet that Huo Beixiao gave her before, but she didn't take them with her when she left, and they just came in handy at this time.

Sure enough, as soon as she moved, Huo Beixiao followed her all the way to her room. She went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Xia Nuanxin took off her clothes, and when she was washing slowly, she suddenly felt that such Huo Beixiao was unspeakably cute.

Thinking of this, she was immediately taken aback by herself!

She patted herself on the head and speeded up her movements. If she didn't hurry up, it would be troublesome if other people came back!
At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the door.

Shocked, Xia Nuan opened the door and got out.

She didn't realize just now that the floor of her room was covered with large and small wine bottles.But now, Huo Beixiao was standing in the middle of these wine bottles, looking at Xia Nuanxin with burning eyes.

The door that was opened just now has been closed.

Xia Nuanxin was taken aback, and the clothes in her hand slipped to the ground unconsciously.

"Are you really drunk or fake drunk?"

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