On the same day, Xia Nuanxin was taken back to the police station by the police to make a record.During this period, Lin Yao was always by her side.By the time they finished taking notes, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Lin Yao insisted on sending Xia Nuanxin back to her residence.

Having just narrowly escaped death, Xia Nuanxin still had lingering fears about taking a taxi, so she didn't refuse, and got into Lin Yao's car silently.

The area where her face was slapped by the kidnappers was still red and swollen, and her neck was carefully wrapped in a snow-white bandage by the medical staff, and the ten fingers that grabbed the blade still hurt terribly.

The car window was wide open, and the whistling wind passed by Xia Nuanxin's ears, bringing her jet-black hair dancing wildly in the wind.

"Does it still hurt?" Lin Yao turned down the sound of the radio, scanned Xia Nuanxin's injuries from the corner of his eye, and turned on the turn signal to change lanes.

Xia Nuanxin leaned against the window, looking out of the window with absent-minded eyes, and didn't turn her head when she heard the words, but shook her head slightly, which was regarded as a response to Lin Yao.

In just two days, too many things happened, even she was still a little embarrassed at the moment.

Just a little bit... Just a little bit, she might really not be able to come back.

Thinking of it, Xia Nuan felt scared for a while.

Lin Yao thought about it, and felt that he should apologize solemnly, so he said cautiously: "I'm sorry... Warm heart... Can I do this, call you?"

Xia Nuanxin finally sat up straight, and turned her gaze to Lin Yao: "This is none of your business, Young Master Lin. I would be very happy if you brought someone to rescue me. If you hadn't arrived in time, I would You can’t just sit here and blow the air.”

Lin Yao shook his head, skillfully turned the steering wheel in a circular arc, and turned a big bend: "No matter what, I really owe you this matter. If there is any need for help in the future, I will help you anyway." Tell me."

Xia Nuanxin smiled, noncommittal.

She has long been used to talking about rich people. She used to watch his father write bad checks to others everywhere, and at the same time, he also received bad checks from others.

After following Mo Yixuan, some blind people thought she was really the young mistress of the Mo family, flattering and flattering her in all kinds of ways, but in the end, those people always changed their faces faster than turning the pages of a book.

Xia Nuanxin has gradually stopped believing this.She is no longer that innocent little girl who only believes in love.In just a few days, she understood a lot.

One of the most profound points is that people have classes.

Huo Beixiao, Lin Yao, Mo Yixuan, David Edmund...they belonged to the upper class.So they can make a promise to others at will.

Therefore, she couldn't even get an answer from the other party.

If she hadn't been a down-and-out daughter who was neither embarrassed nor embarrassed, if she hadn't been unable to drive a small car and had to take a taxi, today's incident would not have happened.

Of course, but there are always people who are in a lower class than her, like those taxi drivers, those kidnappers who do not hesitate to commit crimes to make a living...

All in all, if you want to live beautifully in this world, you can only keep climbing.Climb to positions that others cannot reach, to those positions that can only be looked up to.

Xia Nuanxin made up her mind that she must find her mother as soon as possible, and then reorganize the Xia family.

The car has already driven to the vicinity of F University, and after turning a corner in front, you can see the building that Xia Nuanxin rents.

For some reason, the streets today are much busier than usual.All kinds of noisy noises came one after another, endlessly.

Usually at this point, the streets should have been considered withered.But now, those aunts and sisters who should have gone home to rest are still standing on the main road in their pajamas; , I don’t know who is holding a megaphone and yelling something...

Xia Nuanxin felt that something was wrong, she got up slightly and poked her head out.

At this time, the car just passed the corner.

Three huge fire trucks came into Xia Nuanxin's eyes.

"What's going on? It's on fire?" Lin Yao's car couldn't drive in, and the fire brigade pulled up a cordon not far away. Groups of onlookers were stopped outside the cordon, looking up incessantly.

"You sit down first, I'll go out and have a look." Lin Yao pulled the car aside, opened the door and got out of the car.

Xia Nuanxin didn't do so, she followed Lin Yao out of the car.Because she was locked up in that dilapidated warehouse by the kidnappers for days, she didn't have time to change into her evening dress.At this time, he was only wearing Lin Yao's suit jacket.

Her eyes passed through the bustling crowd, and landed on the building not far away where the black smoke was billowing.

Lin Yao asked a few people, but they all said that it was on fire, and the specific situation was not clear.He was about to ask a few questions, when he saw Xia Nuanxin disregarding the firefighters' obstruction, opened the cordon and ran in!

"Heartwarming!" Lin Yao shouted.

"It's on fire in front, and no one who has nothing to do is not allowed to enter!" The firefighters were in a hurry to maintain order, and they were extremely impatient when they saw the disobedient people.

"Excuse me, officer, my friend ran in, I have to go in and have a look!" After finishing speaking, Lin Yao rushed into the cordon regardless of the obstruction of the fire officers and soldiers.

She can't be wrong!It was the house where she lived that was on fire!

Xia Nuanxin was panting from running, Lin Yao's coat was lost by her at some point, and waves of heat rushed towards her face, as if to burn her skin.

The surrounding firefighters and residents were crowded together, some were crying loudly, some were hissing and howling... The soaring light of the fire made the night look like day.

The fire officers and soldiers held high/pressure/water/guns and poured water on their heads and faces.

There were medical staff coming and going around non-stop, white stretchers carrying residents who were burnt beyond recognition, and the sound of wailing was overwhelming.

Xia Nuanxin circled downstairs twice, trying to find a place without fire.The firefighters were so busy that no one had time to take care of her. Just as she was about to rush in, a big hand grabbed her arm.

"You don't want to die!" The visitor roared angrily.

Xia Nuanxin's face was blackened by the thick smoke, she looked back and was stunned: "Qiao Yu?"

Qiao Yu was about to pull Xia Nuanxin away with a dark face.

Xia Nuanxin struggled: "I still have something on it!"

"Don't be stupid!" Qiao Yu approached Xia Nuanxin and shouted in her ear, "Everyone's stuff is on it! But look, if you go in now, can you still come out!"

Xia Nuanxin raised her eyes to see the flames soaring into the sky, and was still struggling in her heart: "But..."

Qiao Yu's face darkened: "Fate is more important than things?!"

Xia Nuanxin was yelled at by Qiao Yu, and her dazed head suddenly woke up.

Just now she wanted to go in almost subconsciously, this is definitely not her under normal circumstances.With such a big fire, her things have long been burned to ashes.

I don't know if it's because she just escaped from the kidnappers, or because she hasn't had a good rest for two days, her head seems to be unable to function normally.

Qiao Yu pulled Xia Nuanxin, apologized non-stop to the roaring firefighters, and then nodded and bowed out of the cordon.

As soon as Xia Nuanxin stood up from the cat's waist, she was hugged into her arms with a cry of surprise.

Lin Lin shouted at the top of her voice: "Scared me to death, warm heart, we thought you were still up there!"

"Why are you here?" Xia Nuanxin's face was black, and the long skirt was burned by the flames when it just rushed into the fire, and now it is black.

With tears in the corners of Lin Lin's eyes, she kept beating Xia Nuanxin's shoulder: "What are you talking about! Where are you going to die these two days! You don't come to class, and you don't answer the phone! We can't find you! Go crazy!"

"I..." Xia Nuanxin was about to explain, but was interrupted by Lin Ling's crackling accusation.

"Qiao Yu and I were very worried about you, so we wanted to visit your residence. Unexpectedly, as soon as we arrived, we saw a loud bang from the building where you lived, and the flames shot into the sky! At that time, I was shocked. , I didn’t know what to do, I even forgot to call the police, and in the end it was Qiao Yu who called the police!”

Looking at Lin Lin's dark face, Xia Nuanxin was filled with emotion.

Qiao Yu's feelings were not as direct as Lin Lin's, but whether it was his darker face or the high-end suit with several holes burned by sparks, he clearly told Xia Nuanxin that this person was worried about him.

At this moment, Xia Nuanxin suddenly felt extremely soft inside.At this moment, she, who had been pretending to be strong for the past few days, couldn't bear it any longer. Tears wet her eyes.

She hugged the two in front of her tightly in her arms and cried out heartily.

There are still people who worry about her...at least, she is not alone...she has friends.

Huo Beixiao doesn't love her anymore...but she still has friends.

"By the way, what's going on, why are you coming back now? Where have you been these few days?"

After crying a lot, Lin Lin asked her in a thick nasal voice.

At this time, Xia Nuanxin suddenly remembered.

What about Lin Yao?
She turned around to look, but she couldn't find Lin Yao in all directions.Looking at the parking lot where Lin Yao parked, it was empty.

Lin Yao didn't know when he had already left quietly.

Xia Nuanxin sniffed and said, "A friend sent me back. It's hard to explain it in words. Let me tell you slowly."

Qiao Yu found a nearby hotel for Xia Nuanxin, and Lin Lin went back to the bedroom to get a set of her own clothes for Xia Nuanxin to change.

In the end, Xia Nuanxin briefly told the two of them what had happened in the past few days. After listening, both of them had lingering fears on their faces.

"Don't even mention it... This is really a blessing in disguise, how can you know it's not a blessing..." Lin Lin stared at her big eyes and said dumbfounded.

Qiao Yu gave her a hard look: "According to you, being kidnapped is a blessing?"

Xia Nuanxin smiled and watched the bickering between the two back and forth, it always felt like a lifetime away.In fact, she was only locked up for two days.

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